#include "color.h"
#include "attr.h"
#include "run-command.h"
+#include "utf8.h"
static int diff_detect_rename_default;
static int diff_rename_limit_default = 100;
-static int diff_use_color_default;
+int diff_use_color_default = -1;
+static const char *external_diff_cmd_cfg;
int diff_auto_refresh_index = 1;
static char diff_colors[][COLOR_MAXLEN] = {
static struct ll_diff_driver {
const char *name;
struct ll_diff_driver *next;
- char *cmd;
+ const char *cmd;
} *user_diff, **user_diff_tail;
-static void read_config_if_needed(void)
- if (!user_diff_tail) {
- user_diff_tail = &user_diff;
- git_config(git_diff_ui_config);
- }
* Currently there is only "diff.<drivername>.command" variable;
* because there are "diff.color.<slot>" variables, we are parsing
user_diff_tail = &(drv->next);
- if (!value)
- return error("%s: lacks value", var);
- drv->cmd = strdup(value);
- return 0;
+ return git_config_string(&(drv->cmd), var, value);
diff_auto_refresh_index = git_config_bool(var, value);
return 0;
+ if (!strcmp(var, "diff.external")) {
+ if (!value)
+ return config_error_nonbool(var);
+ external_diff_cmd_cfg = xstrdup(value);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!prefixcmp(var, "diff.")) {
const char *ep = strrchr(var, '.');
- if (ep != var + 4) {
- if (!strcmp(ep, ".command"))
- return parse_lldiff_command(var, ep, value);
- if (!strcmp(ep, ".funcname"))
- return parse_funcname_pattern(var, ep, value);
- }
+ if (ep != var + 4 && !strcmp(ep, ".command"))
+ return parse_lldiff_command(var, ep, value);
+ return git_diff_basic_config(var, value);
+int git_diff_basic_config(const char *var, const char *value)
if (!prefixcmp(var, "diff.color.") || !prefixcmp(var, "color.diff.")) {
int slot = parse_diff_color_slot(var, 11);
+ if (!value)
+ return config_error_nonbool(var);
color_parse(value, var, diff_colors[slot]);
return 0;
- return git_default_config(var, value);
+ if (!prefixcmp(var, "diff.")) {
+ const char *ep = strrchr(var, '.');
+ if (ep != var + 4) {
+ if (!strcmp(ep, ".funcname")) {
+ if (!value)
+ return config_error_nonbool(var);
+ return parse_funcname_pattern(var, ep, value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return git_color_default_config(var, value);
static char *quote_two(const char *one, const char *two)
if (done_preparing)
return external_diff_cmd;
external_diff_cmd = getenv("GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF");
+ if (!external_diff_cmd)
+ external_diff_cmd = external_diff_cmd_cfg;
done_preparing = 1;
return external_diff_cmd;
const char *name_b,
struct diff_filespec *one,
struct diff_filespec *two,
- int color_diff)
+ struct diff_options *o)
int lc_a, lc_b;
+ int color_diff = DIFF_OPT_TST(o, COLOR_DIFF);
const char *name_a_tab, *name_b_tab;
const char *metainfo = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_METAINFO);
const char *fraginfo = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_FRAGINFO);
const char *old = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_FILE_OLD);
const char *new = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
const char *reset = diff_get_color(color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
+ static struct strbuf a_name = STRBUF_INIT, b_name = STRBUF_INIT;
name_a += (*name_a == '/');
name_b += (*name_b == '/');
name_a_tab = strchr(name_a, ' ') ? "\t" : "";
name_b_tab = strchr(name_b, ' ') ? "\t" : "";
+ strbuf_reset(&a_name);
+ strbuf_reset(&b_name);
+ quote_two_c_style(&a_name, o->a_prefix, name_a, 0);
+ quote_two_c_style(&b_name, o->b_prefix, name_b, 0);
diff_populate_filespec(one, 0);
diff_populate_filespec(two, 0);
lc_a = count_lines(one->data, one->size);
lc_b = count_lines(two->data, two->size);
- printf("%s--- a/%s%s%s\n%s+++ b/%s%s%s\n%s@@ -",
- metainfo, name_a, name_a_tab, reset,
- metainfo, name_b, name_b_tab, reset, fraginfo);
+ printf("%s--- %s%s%s\n%s+++ %s%s%s\n%s@@ -",
+ metainfo, a_name.buf, name_a_tab, reset,
+ metainfo, b_name.buf, name_b_tab, reset, fraginfo);
printf(" +");
+typedef unsigned long (*sane_truncate_fn)(char *line, unsigned long len);
struct emit_callback {
struct xdiff_emit_state xm;
int nparents, color_diff;
unsigned ws_rule;
+ sane_truncate_fn truncate;
const char **label_path;
struct diff_words_data *diff_words;
int *found_changesp;
static void emit_line(const char *set, const char *reset, const char *line, int len)
- if (len > 0 && line[len-1] == '\n')
- len--;
fputs(set, stdout);
fwrite(line, len, 1, stdout);
- puts(reset);
-static void emit_line_with_ws(int nparents,
- const char *set, const char *reset, const char *ws,
- const char *line, int len, unsigned ws_rule)
- int col0 = nparents;
- int last_tab_in_indent = -1;
- int last_space_in_indent = -1;
- int i;
- int tail = len;
- int need_highlight_leading_space = 0;
- /*
- * The line is a newly added line. Does it have funny leading
- * whitespaces? In indent, SP should never precede a TAB. In
- * addition, under "indent with non tab" rule, there should not
- * be more than 8 consecutive spaces.
- */
- for (i = col0; i < len; i++) {
- if (line[i] == '\t') {
- last_tab_in_indent = i;
- if ((ws_rule & WS_SPACE_BEFORE_TAB) &&
- 0 <= last_space_in_indent)
- need_highlight_leading_space = 1;
- }
- else if (line[i] == ' ')
- last_space_in_indent = i;
- else
- break;
- }
- if ((ws_rule & WS_INDENT_WITH_NON_TAB) &&
- 0 <= last_space_in_indent &&
- last_tab_in_indent < 0 &&
- 8 <= (i - col0)) {
- last_tab_in_indent = i;
- need_highlight_leading_space = 1;
- }
- fputs(set, stdout);
- fwrite(line, col0, 1, stdout);
fputs(reset, stdout);
- if (((i == len) || line[i] == '\n') && i != col0) {
- /* The whole line was indent */
- emit_line(ws, reset, line + col0, len - col0);
- return;
- }
- i = col0;
- if (need_highlight_leading_space) {
- while (i < last_tab_in_indent) {
- if (line[i] == ' ') {
- fputs(ws, stdout);
- putchar(' ');
- fputs(reset, stdout);
- }
- else
- putchar(line[i]);
- i++;
- }
- }
- tail = len - 1;
- if (line[tail] == '\n' && i < tail)
- tail--;
- if (ws_rule & WS_TRAILING_SPACE) {
- while (i < tail) {
- if (!isspace(line[tail]))
- break;
- tail--;
- }
- }
- if ((i < tail && line[tail + 1] != '\n')) {
- /* This has whitespace between tail+1..len */
- fputs(set, stdout);
- fwrite(line + i, tail - i + 1, 1, stdout);
- fputs(reset, stdout);
- emit_line(ws, reset, line + tail + 1, len - tail - 1);
- }
- else
- emit_line(set, reset, line + i, len - i);
static void emit_add_line(const char *reset, struct emit_callback *ecbdata, const char *line, int len)
if (!*ws)
emit_line(set, reset, line, len);
- else
- emit_line_with_ws(ecbdata->nparents, set, reset, ws,
- line, len, ecbdata->ws_rule);
+ else {
+ /* Emit just the prefix, then the rest. */
+ emit_line(set, reset, line, ecbdata->nparents);
+ (void)check_and_emit_line(line + ecbdata->nparents,
+ len - ecbdata->nparents, ecbdata->ws_rule,
+ stdout, set, reset, ws);
+ }
+static unsigned long sane_truncate_line(struct emit_callback *ecb, char *line, unsigned long len)
+ const char *cp;
+ unsigned long allot;
+ size_t l = len;
+ if (ecb->truncate)
+ return ecb->truncate(line, len);
+ cp = line;
+ allot = l;
+ while (0 < l) {
+ (void) utf8_width(&cp, &l);
+ if (!cp)
+ break; /* truncated in the middle? */
+ }
+ return allot - l;
static void fn_out_consume(void *priv, char *line, unsigned long len)
int i;
int color;
struct emit_callback *ecbdata = priv;
- const char *set = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_METAINFO);
+ const char *meta = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_METAINFO);
+ const char *plain = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_PLAIN);
const char *reset = diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
*(ecbdata->found_changesp) = 1;
name_b_tab = strchr(ecbdata->label_path[1], ' ') ? "\t" : "";
printf("%s--- %s%s%s\n",
- set, ecbdata->label_path[0], reset, name_a_tab);
+ meta, ecbdata->label_path[0], reset, name_a_tab);
printf("%s+++ %s%s%s\n",
- set, ecbdata->label_path[1], reset, name_b_tab);
+ meta, ecbdata->label_path[1], reset, name_b_tab);
ecbdata->label_path[0] = ecbdata->label_path[1] = NULL;
if (2 <= i && i < len && line[i] == ' ') {
ecbdata->nparents = i - 1;
+ len = sane_truncate_line(ecbdata, line, len);
emit_line(diff_get_color(ecbdata->color_diff, DIFF_FRAGINFO),
reset, line, len);
+ if (line[len-1] != '\n')
+ putchar('\n');
if (len < ecbdata->nparents) {
- set = reset;
emit_line(reset, reset, line, len);
- emit_line(set, reset, line, len);
+ emit_line(plain, reset, line, len);
for (i = 0; i < ecbdata->nparents && len; i++) {
const char *ws = diff_get_color(data->color_diff, DIFF_WHITESPACE);
const char *reset = diff_get_color(data->color_diff, DIFF_RESET);
const char *set = diff_get_color(data->color_diff, DIFF_FILE_NEW);
+ char *err;
if (line[0] == '+') {
- int i, spaces = 0, space_before_tab = 0, white_space_at_end = 0;
- /* check space before tab */
- for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
- if (line[i] == ' ')
- spaces++;
- else if (line[i] == '\t') {
- if (spaces) {
- space_before_tab = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- /* check whitespace at line end */
- if (line[len - 1] == '\n')
- len--;
- if (isspace(line[len - 1]))
- white_space_at_end = 1;
- if (space_before_tab || white_space_at_end) {
- data->status = 1;
- printf("%s:%d: %s", data->filename, data->lineno, ws);
- if (space_before_tab) {
- printf("space before tab");
- if (white_space_at_end)
- putchar(',');
- }
- if (white_space_at_end)
- printf("whitespace at end");
- printf(":%s ", reset);
- emit_line_with_ws(1, set, reset, ws, line, len,
- data->ws_rule);
- }
+ data->status = check_and_emit_line(line + 1, len - 1,
+ data->ws_rule, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ if (!data->status)
+ return;
+ err = whitespace_error_string(data->status);
+ printf("%s:%d: %s.\n", data->filename, data->lineno, err);
+ free(err);
+ emit_line(set, reset, line, 1);
+ (void)check_and_emit_line(line + 1, len - 1, data->ws_rule,
+ stdout, set, reset, ws);
} else if (line[0] == ' ')
else if (line[0] == '@') {
char *plus = strchr(line, '+');
if (plus)
- data->lineno = strtol(plus, NULL, 10);
+ data->lineno = strtol(plus, NULL, 10) - 1;
die("invalid diff");
struct funcname_pattern *pp;
- read_config_if_needed();
for (pp = funcname_pattern_list; pp; pp = pp->next)
if (!strcmp(ident, pp->name))
return pp->pattern;
"^[ ]*\\(\\([ ]*"
- "[ ]*([^;]*$\\)" },
+ "[ ]*([^;]*\\)$" },
{ "tex", "^\\(\\\\\\(sub\\)*section{.*\\)$" },
* And define built-in fallback patterns here. Note that
- * these can be overriden by the user's config settings.
+ * these can be overridden by the user's config settings.
for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(builtin_funcname_pattern); i++)
if (!strcmp(ident, builtin_funcname_pattern[i].name))
const char *set = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_METAINFO);
const char *reset = diff_get_color_opt(o, DIFF_RESET);
- a_one = quote_two("a/", name_a + (*name_a == '/'));
- b_two = quote_two("b/", name_b + (*name_b == '/'));
+ a_one = quote_two(o->a_prefix, name_a + (*name_a == '/'));
+ b_two = quote_two(o->b_prefix, name_b + (*name_b == '/'));
lbl[0] = DIFF_FILE_VALID(one) ? a_one : "/dev/null";
lbl[1] = DIFF_FILE_VALID(two) ? b_two : "/dev/null";
printf("%sdiff --git %s %s%s\n", set, a_one, b_two, reset);
if ((one->mode ^ two->mode) & S_IFMT)
goto free_ab_and_return;
if (complete_rewrite) {
- emit_rewrite_diff(name_a, name_b, one, two,
+ emit_rewrite_diff(name_a, name_b, one, two, o);
o->found_changes = 1;
goto free_ab_and_return;
if (pos < 0)
return 0;
ce = active_cache[pos];
- if ((lstat(name, &st) < 0) ||
- !S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || /* careful! */
- ce_match_stat(ce, &st, 0) ||
- hashcmp(sha1, ce->sha1))
+ /*
+ * This is not the sha1 we are looking for, or
+ * unreusable because it is not a regular file.
+ */
+ if (hashcmp(sha1, ce->sha1) || !S_ISREG(ce->ce_mode))
return 0;
- /* we return 1 only when we can stat, it is a regular file,
- * stat information matches, and sha1 recorded in the cache
- * matches. I.e. we know the file in the work tree really is
- * the same as the <name, sha1> pair.
+ /*
+ * If ce matches the file in the work tree, we can reuse it.
- return 1;
+ if (ce_uptodate(ce) ||
+ (!lstat(name, &st) && !ce_match_stat(ce, &st, 0)))
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
static int populate_from_stdin(struct diff_filespec *s)
* Convert from working tree format to canonical git format
strbuf_init(&buf, 0);
- if (convert_to_git(s->path, s->data, s->size, &buf)) {
+ if (convert_to_git(s->path, s->data, s->size, &buf, safe_crlf)) {
size_t size = 0;
munmap(s->data, s->size);
s->should_munmap = 0;
!ATTR_UNSET(value)) {
struct ll_diff_driver *drv;
- read_config_if_needed();
for (drv = user_diff; drv; drv = drv->next)
if (!strcmp(drv->name, value))
return drv->cmd;
options->change = diff_change;
options->add_remove = diff_addremove;
- if (diff_use_color_default)
+ if (diff_use_color_default > 0)
options->detect_rename = diff_detect_rename_default;
+ options->a_prefix = "a/";
+ options->b_prefix = "b/";
int diff_setup_done(struct diff_options *options)
if (options->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_NAME_STATUS)
if (options->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_CHECKDIFF)
- {
- if (DIFF_OPT_TST(options, QUIET) ||
- die("--check may not be used with --quiet or --exit-code");
- }
if (options->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_NO_OUTPUT)
if (count > 1)
else if (40 < options->abbrev)
options->abbrev = 40;
+ else if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--src-prefix="))
+ options->a_prefix = arg + 13;
+ else if (!prefixcmp(arg, "--dst-prefix="))
+ options->b_prefix = arg + 13;
+ else if (!strcmp(arg, "--no-prefix"))
+ options->a_prefix = options->b_prefix = "";
return 0;
return 1;
+int diff_result_code(struct diff_options *opt, int status)
+ int result = 0;
+ !(opt->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_CHECKDIFF))
+ return status;
+ result |= 01;
+ if ((opt->output_format & DIFF_FORMAT_CHECKDIFF) &&
+ result |= 02;
+ return result;
void diff_addremove(struct diff_options *options,
int addremove, unsigned mode,