$str = to_utf8($str);
$str = escapeHTML($str);
- $str =~ s/\014/^L/g; # escape FORM FEED (FF) character (e.g. in COPYING file)
- $str =~ s/\033/^[/g; # "escape" ESCAPE (\e) character (e.g. commit 20a3847d8a5032ce41f90dcc68abfb36e6fee9b1)
if ($opts{'-nbsp'}) {
$str =~ s/ / /g;
+ $str =~ s|([[:cntrl:]])|(($1 ne "\t") ? quot_cec($1) : $1)|eg;
return $str;
## functions returning short HTML fragments, or transforming HTML fragments
## which don't beling to other sections
-# format line of commit message or tag comment
+# format line of commit message.
sub format_log_line_html {
my $line = shift;
- $line = esc_html($line);
- $line =~ s/ / /g;
+ $line = esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
if ($line =~ m/([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/) {
my $hash_text = $1;
if (git_get_type($hash_text) eq "commit") {
$fullname .= ($fullname ? '/' : '') . $dir;
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$fullname,
- -title => $fullname}, esc_path($dir));
+ -title => esc_html($fullname)}, esc_path($dir));
print " / ";
if (defined $type && $type eq 'blob') {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", file_name=>$file_name,
- -title => $name}, esc_path($basename));
+ -title => esc_html($name)}, esc_path($basename));
} elsif (defined $type && $type eq 'tree') {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$file_name,
- -title => $name}, esc_path($basename));
+ -title => esc_html($name)}, esc_path($basename));
print " / ";
} else {
print esc_path($basename);
print format_diff_line($patch_line);
+ print "</div>\n" if $in_header; # extended header
print "</div>\n" if $patch_found; # class="patch"
print "</div>\n"; # class="patchset"
$pr->{'age_string'} . "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"summary")}, "summary") . " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => '/git-browser/by-commit.html?r='.$pr->{'path'}}, "graphiclog") . " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"shortlog")}, "shortlog") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"log")}, "log") . " | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"tree")}, "tree") .
($pr->{'forks'} ? " | " . $cgi->a({-href => href(project=>$pr->{'path'}, action=>"forks")}, "forks") : '') .
print "<div class=\"page_body\">";
my $comment = $tag{'comment'};
foreach my $line (@$comment) {
+ chomp($line);
print esc_html($line) . "<br/>\n";
print "</div>\n";
my $data = $_;
+ chomp($data);
my $rev = substr($full_rev, 0, 8);
my $author = $meta->{'author'};
my %date = parse_date($meta->{'author-time'},