proc closevarcs {v} {
global varctok varccommits varcid parents children
- global cmitlisted commitidx vtokmod
+ global cmitlisted commitidx vtokmod curview numcommits
set missing_parents 0
set scripts {}
lappend varccommits($v,$b) $p
incr commitidx($v)
+ if {$v == $curview} {
+ set numcommits $commitidx($v)
+ }
set scripts [check_interest $p $scripts]
proc setoptions {} {
+ global use_ttk
if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"} {
option add *Panedwindow.showHandle 1 startupFile
option add *Panedwindow.sashRelief raised startupFile
option add *Listbox.font mainfont startupFile
+proc setttkstyle {} {
+ eval font configure TkDefaultFont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure TkTextFont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure TkHeadingFont [fontflags mainfont]
+ eval font configure TkCaptionFont [fontflags mainfont] -weight bold
+ eval font configure TkTooltipFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkFixedFont [fontflags textfont]
+ eval font configure TkIconFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkMenuFont [fontflags uifont]
+ eval font configure TkSmallCaptionFont [fontflags uifont]
# Make a menu and submenus.
# m is the window name for the menu, items is the list of menu items to add.
# Each item is a list {mc label type description options...}
set h [expr {[font metrics uifont -linespace] + 2}]
set progresscanv
canvas $progresscanv -relief sunken -height $h -borderwidth 2
- set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill lime]
+ set progressitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill "#00ff00"]
set fprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill yellow]
set rprogitem [$progresscanv create rect -1 0 0 $h -fill red]
${NS}::frame .bleft.mid
${NS}::frame .bleft.bottom
+ # gap between sub-widgets
+ set wgap [font measure uifont "i"]
${NS}::button -text [mc "Search"] -command dosearch
pack -side left -padx 5
set sstring
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {0 1}
${NS}::radiobutton -text [mc "New version"] \
-command changediffdisp -variable diffelide -value {1 0}
${NS}::label .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext -text " [mc "Lines of context"]: "
- pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old -side left
+ pack .bleft.mid.diff .bleft.mid.old -side left -ipadx $wgap
spinbox .bleft.mid.diffcontext -width 5 \
-from 0 -increment 1 -to 10000000 \
-validate all -validatecommand "diffcontextvalidate %P" \
.bleft.mid.diffcontext set $diffcontext
trace add variable diffcontextstring write diffcontextchange
lappend entries .bleft.mid.diffcontext
- pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left
+ pack .bleft.mid.labeldiffcontext .bleft.mid.diffcontext -side left -ipadx $wgap
${NS}::checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \
-command changeignorespace -variable ignorespace
pack .bleft.mid.ignspace -side left -padx 5
set ctext .bleft.bottom.ctext
text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
- -state disabled -font textfont \
+ -state disabled -undo 0 -font textfont \
-yscrollcommand scrolltext -wrap none \
-xscrollcommand ".bleft.bottom.sbhorizontal set"
if {$have_tk85} {
set headctxmenu .headctxmenu
makemenu $headctxmenu {
{mc "Check out this branch" command cobranch}
+ {mc "Rename this branch" command mvbranch}
{mc "Remove this branch" command rmbranch}
{mc "Copy branch name" command {clipboard clear; clipboard append $headmenuhead}}
proc about {} {
- global uifont NS
+ global bgcolor NS
set w .about
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
Copyright \u00a9 2005-2014 Paul Mackerras
Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"] \
- -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove
+ -justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg $bgcolor -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
pack $w.ok -side bottom
proc keys {} {
- global NS
+ global bgcolor NS
set w .keys
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
raise $w
[mc "<%s-minus> Decrease font size" $M1T]
[mc "<F5> Update"]
" \
- -justify left -bg white -border 2 -relief groove
+ -justify left -bg $bgcolor -border 2 -relief groove
pack $w.m -side top -fill both -padx 2 -pady 2
${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -default active
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f,
0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x00};
-image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground lime \
+image create bitmap reficon-H -background black -foreground "#00ff00" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
image create bitmap reficon-o -background black -foreground "#ddddff" \
-data $rectdata -maskdata $rectmask
proc mkbranch {} {
- global rowmenuid mkbrtop NS
+ global NS rowmenuid
+ set top .branchdialog
+ set val(name) ""
+ set val(id) $rowmenuid
+ set val(command) [list mkbrgo $top]
+ set ui(title) [mc "Create branch"]
+ set ui(accept) [mc "Create"]
+ branchdia $top val ui
+proc mvbranch {} {
+ global NS
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead
+ set top .branchdialog
+ set val(name) $headmenuhead
+ set val(id) $headmenuid
+ set val(command) [list mvbrgo $top $headmenuhead]
+ set ui(title) [mc "Rename branch %s" $headmenuhead]
+ set ui(accept) [mc "Rename"]
+ branchdia $top val ui
+proc branchdia {top valvar uivar} {
+ global NS commitinfo
+ upvar $valvar val $uivar ui
- set top .makebranch
catch {destroy $top}
ttk_toplevel $top
make_transient $top .
- ${NS}::label $top.title -text [mc "Create new branch"]
+ ${NS}::label $top.title -text $ui(title)
grid $top.title - -pady 10
${NS}::label $ -text [mc "ID:"]
${NS}::entry $top.sha1 -width 40
- $top.sha1 insert 0 $rowmenuid
+ $top.sha1 insert 0 $val(id)
$top.sha1 conf -state readonly
grid $ $top.sha1 -sticky w
+ ${NS}::entry $top.head -width 60
+ $top.head insert 0 [lindex $commitinfo($val(id)) 0]
+ $top.head conf -state readonly
+ grid x $top.head -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
${NS}::label $top.nlab -text [mc "Name:"]
${NS}::entry $ -width 40
+ $ insert 0 $val(name)
grid $top.nlab $ -sticky w
${NS}::frame $top.buts
- ${NS}::button $top.buts.go -text [mc "Create"] -command [list mkbrgo $top]
+ ${NS}::button $top.buts.go -text $ui(accept) -command $val(command)
${NS}::button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command "catch {destroy $top}"
- bind $top <Key-Return> [list mkbrgo $top]
+ bind $top <Key-Return> $val(command)
bind $top <Key-Escape> "catch {destroy $top}"
grid $top.buts.go $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
+proc mvbrgo {top prevname} {
+ global headids idheads mainhead mainheadid
+ set name [$ get]
+ set id [$top.sha1 get]
+ set cmdargs {}
+ if {$name eq $prevname} {
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ return
+ }
+ if {$name eq {}} {
+ error_popup [mc "Please specify a new name for the branch"] $top
+ return
+ }
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ lappend cmdargs -m $prevname $name
+ nowbusy renamebranch
+ update
+ if {[catch {
+ eval exec git branch $cmdargs
+ } err]} {
+ notbusy renamebranch
+ error_popup $err
+ } else {
+ notbusy renamebranch
+ removehead $id $prevname
+ removedhead $id $prevname
+ set headids($name) $id
+ lappend idheads($id) $name
+ addedhead $id $name
+ if {$prevname eq $mainhead} {
+ set mainhead $name
+ set mainheadid $id
+ }
+ redrawtags $id
+ dispneartags 0
+ run refill_reflist
+ }
proc exec_citool {tool_args {baseid {}}} {
global commitinfo env
# context menu for a head
proc headmenu {x y id head} {
- global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead
+ global headmenuid headmenuhead headctxmenu mainhead headids
set headmenuid $id
set headmenuhead $head
- set state normal
+ array set state {0 normal 1 normal 2 normal}
if {[string match "remotes/*" $head]} {
- set state disabled
+ set localhead [string range $head [expr [string last / $head] + 1] end]
+ if {[info exists headids($localhead)]} {
+ set state(0) disabled
+ }
+ array set state {1 disabled 2 disabled}
if {$head eq $mainhead} {
- set state disabled
+ array set state {0 disabled 2 disabled}
+ }
+ foreach i {0 1 2} {
+ $headctxmenu entryconfigure $i -state $state($i)
- $headctxmenu entryconfigure 0 -state $state
- $headctxmenu entryconfigure 1 -state $state
tk_popup $headctxmenu $x $y
global showlocalchanges
# check the tree is clean first??
+ set newhead $headmenuhead
+ set command [list | git checkout]
+ if {[string match "remotes/*" $newhead]} {
+ set remote $newhead
+ set newhead [string range $newhead [expr [string last / $newhead] + 1] end]
+ # The following check is redundant - the menu option should
+ # be disabled to begin with...
+ if {[info exists headids($newhead)]} {
+ error_popup [mc "A local branch named %s exists already" $newhead]
+ return
+ }
+ lappend command -b $newhead --track $remote
+ } else {
+ lappend command $newhead
+ }
+ lappend command 2>@1
nowbusy checkout [mc "Checking out"]
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [list | git checkout $headmenuhead 2>@1] r]
+ set fd [open $command r]
} err]} {
notbusy checkout
error_popup $err
} else {
- filerun $fd [list readcheckoutstat $fd $headmenuhead $headmenuid]
+ filerun $fd [list readcheckoutstat $fd $newhead $headmenuid]
proc readcheckoutstat {fd newhead newheadid} {
- global mainhead mainheadid headids showlocalchanges progresscoords
+ global mainhead mainheadid headids idheads showlocalchanges progresscoords
global viewmainheadid curview
if {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
notbusy checkout
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
error_popup $err
+ return
set oldmainid $mainheadid
+ if {! [info exists headids($newhead)]} {
+ set headids($newhead) $newheadid
+ lappend idheads($newheadid) $newhead
+ addedhead $newheadid $newhead
+ }
set mainhead $newhead
set mainheadid $newheadid
set viewmainheadid($curview) $newheadid
set extdifftool "meld"
-set colors {lime red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
+set colors {"#00ff00" red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
set uicolor SystemButtonFace
set uifgcolor SystemButtonText
set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
set diffcontext 3
-set mergecolors {red blue lime purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
+set mergecolors {red blue "#00ff00" purple brown "#009090" magenta "#808000" "#009000" "#ff0080" cyan "#b07070" "#70b0f0" "#70f0b0" "#f0b070" "#ff70b0"}
set ignorespace 0
set worddiff ""
set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff"
-set headbgcolor lime
+set headbgcolor "#00ff00"
set headfgcolor black
set headoutlinecolor black
set remotebgcolor #ffddaa
set linehoveroutlinecolor black
set mainheadcirclecolor yellow
set workingfilescirclecolor red
-set indexcirclecolor lime
+set indexcirclecolor "#00ff00"
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
set linkfgcolor blue
set circleoutlinecolor $fgcolor
set use_ttk [expr {$have_ttk && $want_ttk}]
set NS [expr {$use_ttk ? "ttk" : ""}]
+if {$use_ttk} {
+ setttkstyle
regexp {^git version ([\d.]*\d)} [exec git version] _ git_version
set show_notes {}