Does not touch the index file nor the working tree at all, but
requires them to be in a good order. This leaves all your changed
- files "Changes to be committed", as 'git-status' would
+ files "Changes to be committed", as 'git status' would
put it.
$ git reset --hard <2>
$ git pull . topic/branch <3>
Updating from 41223... to 13134...
-Fast forward
$ git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD <4>
which is a synonym for "git reset --hard HEAD" clears the mess
from the index file and the working tree.
<3> Merge a topic branch into the current branch, which resulted
-in a fast forward.
+in a fast-forward.
<4> But you decided that the topic branch is not ready for public
consumption yet. "pull" or "merge" always leaves the original
tip of the current branch in ORIG_HEAD, so resetting hard to it