my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
$log->debug("Temporary directory is '$TEMP_DIR'");
+# if we are called with a pserver argument,
+# deal with the authentication cat before entering the
+# main loop
+if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') {
+ my $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
+ unless( $line eq 'BEGIN AUTH REQUEST') {
+ die "E Do not understand $line - expecting BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n";
+ }
+ $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
+ req_Root('root', $line) # reuse Root
+ or die "E Invalid root $line \n";
+ $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
+ unless ($line eq 'anonymous') {
+ print "E Only anonymous user allowed via pserver\n";
+ print "I HATE YOU\n";
+ }
+ $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line; # validate the password?
+ $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
+ unless ($line eq 'END AUTH REQUEST') {
+ die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END AUTH REQUEST\n";
+ }
+ print "I LOVE YOU\n";
+ # and now back to our regular programme...
# Keep going until the client closes the connection
while (<STDIN>)
- # Check to see if we've seen this method, and call appropiate function.
+ # Check to see if we've seen this method, and call appropriate function.
if ( /^([\w-]+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/ and defined($methods->{$1}) )
# use the $methods hash to call the appropriate sub for this command
$state->{CVSROOT} = $data;
$ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/";
+ unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR} && -e $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'HEAD') {
+ print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n";
+ print "E \n";
+ print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
- foreach my $line ( `git-var -l` )
+ my @gitvars = `git-repo-config -l`;
+ if ($?) {
+ print "E problems executing git-repo-config on the server -- this is not a git repository or the PATH is not set correctly.\n";
+ print "E \n";
+ print "error 1 - problem executing git-repo-config\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ foreach my $line ( @gitvars )
next unless ( $line =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*?)=(.*)$/ );
$cfg->{$1}{$2} = $3;
print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section added, and the parameter 'enabled' set to 1\n";
print "E \n";
print "error 1 GITCVS emulation disabled\n";
+ return 0;
if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile} ) )
} else {
+ return 1;
# Global_option option \n
sub req_Validresponses
my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_;
- $log->debug("req_Validrepsonses : $data");
+ $log->debug("req_Validresponses : $data");
# TODO : re-enable this, currently it's not particularly useful
#$state->{validresponses} = [ split /\s+/, $data ];
- # It may just be a client exploring the available heads/modukles
+ # It may just be a client exploring the available heads/modules
# in that case, list them as top level directories and leave it
# at that. Eclipse uses this technique to offer you a list of
# projects (heads in this case) to checkout.
$log->info("req_ci : " . ( defined($data) ? $data : "[NULL]" ));
+ if ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq 'pserver')
+ {
+ print "error 1 pserver access cannot commit\n";
+ exit;
+ }
if ( -e $state->{CVSROOT} . "/index" )
print "error 1 Index already exists in git repo\n";
# This method takes a file name, and returns ( $dirpart, $filepart ) which
-# refers to the directory porition and the file portion of the filename
+# refers to the directory portion and the file portion of the filename
# respectively
sub filenamesplit
=head2 new
Creates a new log object, optionally you can specify a filename here to
-indicate the file to log to. If no log file is specified, you can specifiy one
+indicate the file to log to. If no log file is specified, you can specify one
later with method setfile, or indicate you no longer want logging with method
=head2 safe_pipe_capture
-an alterative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
+an alternative to `command` that allows input to be passed as an array
to work around shell problems with weird characters in arguments