char *mingw_getcwd(char *pointer, int len);
#define getcwd mingw_getcwd
+#error "NO_UNSETENV is incompatible with the Windows-specific startup code!"
+ * We bind *env() routines (even the mingw_ ones) to private mingw_ versions.
+ * These talk to the CRT using UNICODE/wchar_t, but maintain the original
+ * narrow-char API.
+ *
+ * Note that the MSCRT maintains both ANSI (getenv()) and UNICODE (_wgetenv())
+ * routines and stores both versions of each environment variable in parallel
+ * (and secretly updates both when you set one or the other), but it uses CP_ACP
+ * to do the conversion rather than CP_UTF8.
+ *
+ * Since everything in the git code base is UTF8, we define the mingw_ routines
+ * to access the CRT using the UNICODE routines and manually convert them to
+ * UTF8. This also avoids round-trip problems.
+ *
+ * This also helps with our linkage, since "_wenviron" is publicly exported
+ * from the CRT. But to access "_environ" we would have to statically link
+ * to the CRT (/MT).
+ *
+ * We require NO_SETENV (and let gitsetenv() call our mingw_putenv).
+ */
+#define getenv mingw_getenv
+#define putenv mingw_putenv
+#define unsetenv mingw_putenv
char *mingw_getenv(const char *name);
-#define getenv mingw_getenv
-int mingw_putenv(const char *namevalue);
-#define putenv mingw_putenv
-#define unsetenv mingw_putenv
+int mingw_putenv(const char *name);
int mingw_gethostname(char *host, int namelen);
#define gethostname mingw_gethostname