## task management
+set single_commit 0
set status_active 0
set diff_active 0
set checkin_active 0
+set commit_active 0
set update_index_fd {}
set disable_on_lock [list]
set index_lock_type none
+set HEAD {}
+set PARENT {}
+set commit_type {}
proc lock_index {type} {
global index_lock_type disable_on_lock
## status
-proc update_status {} {
- global gitdir HEAD commit_type
+proc repository_state {hdvar ctvar} {
+ global gitdir
+ upvar $hdvar hd $ctvar ct
+ if {[catch {set hd [exec git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
+ set ct initial
+ } elseif {[file exists [file join $gitdir MERGE_HEAD]]} {
+ set ct merge
+ } else {
+ set ct normal
+ }
+proc update_status {{final Ready.}} {
+ global HEAD PARENT commit_type
global ui_index ui_other ui_status_value ui_comm
global status_active file_states
if {$status_active || ![lock_index read]} return
+ repository_state new_HEAD new_type
+ if {$commit_type == {amend}
+ && $new_type == {normal}
+ && $new_HEAD == $HEAD} {
+ } else {
+ set HEAD $new_HEAD
+ set PARENT $new_HEAD
+ set commit_type $new_type
+ }
array unset file_states
foreach w [list $ui_index $ui_other] {
$w conf -state normal
$w conf -state disabled
- if {[catch {set HEAD [exec git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
- set commit_type initial
- } else {
- set commit_type normal
- }
if {![$ui_comm edit modified]
- || [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] == {}} {
+ || [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] == {}} {
if {[load_message GITGUI_MSG]} {
} elseif {[load_message MERGE_MSG]} {
} elseif {[load_message SQUASH_MSG]} {
set ui_status_value {Refreshing file status...}
set fd_rf [open "| git update-index -q --unmerged --refresh" r]
fconfigure $fd_rf -blocking 0 -translation binary
- fileevent $fd_rf readable [list read_refresh $fd_rf]
+ fileevent $fd_rf readable [list read_refresh $fd_rf $final]
-proc read_refresh {fd} {
- global gitdir HEAD commit_type
+proc read_refresh {fd final} {
+ global gitdir PARENT commit_type
global ui_index ui_other ui_status_value ui_comm
global status_active file_states
set status_active 3
set ui_status_value {Scanning for modified files ...}
- set fd_di [open "| git diff-index --cached -z $HEAD" r]
+ set fd_di [open "| git diff-index --cached -z $PARENT" r]
set fd_df [open "| git diff-files -z" r]
set fd_lo [open $ls_others r]
fconfigure $fd_di -blocking 0 -translation binary
fconfigure $fd_df -blocking 0 -translation binary
fconfigure $fd_lo -blocking 0 -translation binary
- fileevent $fd_di readable [list read_diff_index $fd_di]
- fileevent $fd_df readable [list read_diff_files $fd_df]
- fileevent $fd_lo readable [list read_ls_others $fd_lo]
+ fileevent $fd_di readable [list read_diff_index $fd_di $final]
+ fileevent $fd_df readable [list read_diff_files $fd_df $final]
+ fileevent $fd_lo readable [list read_ls_others $fd_lo $final]
proc load_message {file} {
global gitdir ui_comm
set f [file join $gitdir $file]
- if {[file exists $f]} {
+ if {[file isfile $f]} {
if {[catch {set fd [open $f r]}]} {
return 0
- set content [read $fd]
+ set content [string trim [read $fd]]
close $fd
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm insert end $content
return 0
-proc read_diff_index {fd} {
+proc read_diff_index {fd final} {
global buf_rdi
append buf_rdi [read $fd]
display_file $p [string index $m end]_
- status_eof $fd buf_rdi
+ status_eof $fd buf_rdi $final
-proc read_diff_files {fd} {
+proc read_diff_files {fd final} {
global buf_rdf
append buf_rdf [read $fd]
display_file $p _[string index $m end]
- status_eof $fd buf_rdf
+ status_eof $fd buf_rdf $final
-proc read_ls_others {fd} {
+proc read_ls_others {fd final} {
global buf_rlo
append buf_rlo [read $fd]
foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
display_file $p _O
- status_eof $fd buf_rlo
+ status_eof $fd buf_rlo $final
-proc status_eof {fd buf} {
+proc status_eof {fd buf final} {
global status_active $buf
- global ui_fname_value ui_status_value
+ global ui_fname_value ui_status_value file_states
if {[eof $fd]} {
set $buf {}
close $fd
if {[incr status_active -1] == 0} {
- set ui_status_value {Ready.}
- if {$ui_fname_value != {}} {
+ set ui_status_value $final
+ if {$ui_fname_value != {} && [array names file_states \
+ -exact $ui_fname_value] != {}} {
show_diff $ui_fname_value
+ } else {
+ clear_diff
proc show_diff {path} {
- global file_states HEAD diff_3way diff_active
+ global file_states PARENT diff_3way diff_active
global ui_diff ui_fname_value ui_fstatus_value ui_status_value
if {$diff_active || ![lock_index read]} return
set ui_fstatus_value [mapdesc $m $path]
set ui_status_value "Loading diff of $path..."
- set cmd [list | git diff-index -p $HEAD -- $path]
+ set cmd [list | git diff-index -p $PARENT -- $path]
switch $m {
AM {
MM {
- set cmd [list | git diff-index -p -c $HEAD $path]
+ set cmd [list | git diff-index -p -c $PARENT $path]
_O {
if {[catch {
$ui_diff conf -state normal
$ui_diff insert end $content
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
+ set diff_active 0
+ unlock_index
+ set ui_status_value {Ready.}
+## commit
+proc load_last_commit {} {
+ global HEAD PARENT commit_type ui_comm
+ if {$commit_type == {amend}} return
+ if {$commit_type != {normal}} {
+ error_popup "Can't amend a $commit_type commit."
+ return
+ }
+ set msg {}
+ set parent {}
+ set parent_count 0
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd [open "| git cat-file commit $HEAD" r]
+ while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
+ if {[string match {parent *} $line]} {
+ set parent [string range $line 7 end]
+ incr parent_count
+ }
+ }
+ set msg [string trim [read $fd]]
+ close $fd
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup "Error loading commit data for amend:\n$err"
+ return
+ }
+ if {$parent_count == 0} {
+ set commit_type amend
+ set HEAD {}
+ set PARENT {}
+ update_status
+ } elseif {$parent_count == 1} {
+ set commit_type amend
+ set PARENT $parent
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm insert end $msg
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ update_status
+ } else {
+ error_popup {You can't amend a merge commit.}
+ return
+ }
+proc commit_tree {} {
+ global tcl_platform HEAD gitdir commit_type file_states
+ global commit_active ui_status_value
+ global ui_comm
+ if {$commit_active || ![lock_index update]} return
+ # -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
+ #
+ repository_state curHEAD cur_type
+ if {$commit_type == {amend}
+ && $cur_type == {normal}
+ && $curHEAD == $HEAD} {
+ } elseif {$commit_type != $cur_type || $HEAD != $curHEAD} {
+ error_popup {Last scanned state does not match repository state.
+Its highly likely that another Git program modified the
+repository since our last scan. A rescan is required
+before committing.
+ unlock_index
+ update_status
+ return
+ }
+ # -- At least one file should differ in the index.
+ #
+ set files_ready 0
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ set s $file_states($path)
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
+ _* {continue}
+ A* -
+ D* -
+ M* {set files_ready 1; break}
+ U* {
+ error_popup "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
+File $path has merge conflicts.
+You must resolve them and check the file in before committing.
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ default {
+ error_popup "Unknown file state [lindex $s 0] detected.
+File $path cannot be committed by this program.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$files_ready} {
+ error_popup {No checked-in files to commit.
+You must check-in at least 1 file before you can commit.
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- A message is required.
+ #
+ set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
+ if {$msg == {}} {
+ error_popup {Please supply a commit message.
+A good commit message has the following format:
+- First line: Describe in one sentance what you did.
+- Second line: Blank
+- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Ask the pre-commit hook for the go-ahead.
+ #
+ set pchook [file join $gitdir hooks pre-commit]
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == {windows} && [file isfile $pchook]} {
+ set pchook [list sh -c \
+ "if test -x \"$pchook\"; then exec \"$pchook\"; fi"]
+ } elseif {[file executable $pchook]} {
+ set pchook [list $pchook]
+ } else {
+ set pchook {}
+ }
+ if {$pchook != {} && [catch {eval exec $pchook} err]} {
+ hook_failed_popup pre-commit $err
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Write the tree in the background.
+ #
+ set commit_active 1
+ set ui_status_value {Committing changes...}
+ set fd_wt [open "| git write-tree" r]
+ fileevent $fd_wt readable [list commit_stage2 $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg]
+proc commit_stage2 {fd_wt curHEAD msg} {
+ global single_commit gitdir PARENT commit_type
+ global commit_active ui_status_value ui_comm
+ gets $fd_wt tree_id
+ close $fd_wt
+ if {$tree_id == {}} {
+ error_popup "write-tree failed"
+ set commit_active 0
+ set ui_status_value {Commit failed.}
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Create the commit.
+ #
+ set cmd [list git commit-tree $tree_id]
+ if {$PARENT != {}} {
+ lappend cmd -p $PARENT
+ }
+ if {$commit_type == {merge}} {
+ if {[catch {
+ set fd_mh [open [file join $gitdir MERGE_HEAD] r]
+ while {[gets $fd_mh merge_head] >= 0} {
+ lappend cmd -p $merge_head
+ }
+ close $fd_mh
+ } err]} {
+ error_popup "Loading MERGE_HEADs failed:\n$err"
+ set commit_active 0
+ set ui_status_value {Commit failed.}
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if {$PARENT == {}} {
+ # git commit-tree writes to stderr during initial commit.
+ lappend cmd 2>/dev/null
+ }
+ lappend cmd << $msg
+ if {[catch {set cmt_id [eval exec $cmd]} err]} {
+ error_popup "commit-tree failed:\n$err"
+ set commit_active 0
+ set ui_status_value {Commit failed.}
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Update the HEAD ref.
+ #
+ set reflogm commit
+ if {$commit_type != {normal}} {
+ append reflogm " ($commit_type)"
+ }
+ set i [string first "\n" $msg]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ append reflogm {: } [string range $msg 0 [expr $i - 1]]
+ } else {
+ append reflogm {: } $msg
+ }
+ set cmd [list git update-ref -m $reflogm HEAD $cmt_id $curHEAD]
+ if {[catch {eval exec $cmd} err]} {
+ error_popup "update-ref failed:\n$err"
+ set commit_active 0
+ set ui_status_value {Commit failed.}
+ unlock_index
+ return
+ }
+ # -- Cleanup after ourselves.
+ #
+ catch {file delete [file join $gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
+ catch {file delete [file join $gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [file join $gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [file join $gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
+ # -- Let rerere do its thing.
+ #
+ if {[file isdirectory [file join $gitdir rr-cache]]} {
+ catch {exec git rerere}
+ }
+ $ui_comm delete 0.0 end
+ $ui_comm edit modified false
+ if {$single_commit} do_quit
+ set commit_type {}
+ set commit_active 0
+ set HEAD $cmt_id
+ set PARENT $cmt_id
+ unlock_index
+ update_status "Changes committed as $cmt_id."
+## fetch pull push
+proc fetch_from {remote} {
+ set w [new_console "fetch $remote" \
+ "Fetching new changes from $remote"]
+ set cmd [list git fetch]
+ lappend cmd -v
+ lappend cmd $remote
+ console_exec $w $cmd
+proc push_to {remote} {
+ set w [new_console "push $remote" \
+ "Pushing changes to $remote"]
+ set cmd [list git push]
+ lappend -v
+ lappend cmd $remote
+ console_exec $w $cmd
## ui helpers
proc toggle_mode {path} {
- global file_states
+ global file_states ui_fname_value
set s $file_states($path)
set m [lindex $s 0]
_O {set new A*}
_M -
MM {set new M*}
+ AD -
_D {set new D*}
default {return}
with_update_index {update_index $path}
display_file $path $new
+ if {$ui_fname_value == $path} {
+ show_diff $path
+ }
+## config (fetch push pull)
+proc load_all_remotes {} {
+ global gitdir all_remotes
+ set all_remotes [list]
+ set rm_dir [file join $gitdir remotes]
+ if {[file isdirectory $rm_dir]} {
+ set all_remotes [concat $all_remotes [glob \
+ -types f \
+ -tails \
+ -nocomplain \
+ -directory $rm_dir *]]
+ }
+ set fd_rc [open "| git repo-config --list" r]
+ while {[gets $fd_rc line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp ^remote\.(.*)\.url= $line line name]} {
+ lappend all_remotes $name
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd_rc
+ set all_remotes [lsort -unique $all_remotes]
+proc populate_remote_menu {m pfx op} {
+ global gitdir all_remotes mainfont
+ foreach remote $all_remotes {
+ $m add command -label "$pfx $remote..." \
+ -command [list $op $remote] \
+ -font $mainfont
+ }
{_O o plain "Untracked"}
{A_ o fulltick "Added"}
{AM o parttick "Partially added"}
+ {AD o question "Added (but now gone)"}
{_D i question "Missing"}
{D_ i removed "Removed"}
proc show_msg {w top msg} {
- global gitdir
+ global gitdir appname mainfont
message $w.m -text $msg -justify left -aspect 400
- pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 20 -pady 20
- button $w.ok -text OK -command "destroy $top"
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 10
+ button $w.ok -text OK \
+ -width 15 \
+ -font $mainfont \
+ -command "destroy $top"
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $top <Visibility> "grab $top; focus $top"
bind $top <Key-Return> "destroy $top"
- wm title $top "error: git-ui ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
+ wm title $top "error: $appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
tkwait window $top
proc hook_failed_popup {hook msg} {
- global gitdir mainfont difffont
+ global gitdir mainfont difffont appname
set w .hookfail
toplevel $w
button $w.ok -text OK \
-width 15 \
+ -font $mainfont \
-command "destroy $w"
pack $w.ok -side bottom
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
- wm title $w "error: git-ui ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
+ wm title $w "error: $appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
tkwait window $w
+set next_console_id 0
+proc new_console {short_title long_title} {
+ global next_console_id console_cr
+ global gitdir appname mainfont difffont
+ set w .console[incr next_console_id]
+ set console_cr($w) 1.0
+ toplevel $w
+ frame $w.m
+ label $w.m.l1 -text "$long_title:" \
+ -anchor w \
+ -justify left \
+ -font [concat $mainfont bold]
+ text $w.m.t \
+ -background white -borderwidth 1 \
+ -relief sunken \
+ -width 80 -height 10 \
+ -font $difffont \
+ -state disabled \
+ -yscrollcommand [list $w.m.sby set]
+ label $w.m.s -anchor w \
+ -justify left \
+ -font [concat $mainfont bold]
+ scrollbar $w.m.sby -command [list $w.m.t yview]
+ pack $w.m.l1 -side top -fill x
+ pack $w.m.s -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.m.sby -side right -fill y
+ pack $w.m.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $w.m -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 10
+ button $w.ok -text {Running...} \
+ -width 15 \
+ -font $mainfont \
+ -state disabled \
+ -command "destroy $w"
+ pack $w.ok -side bottom
+ bind $w <Visibility> "focus $w"
+ bind $w <Destroy> break
+ wm title $w "$appname ([file dirname [file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]]): $short_title"
+ return $w
+proc console_exec {w cmd} {
+ global tcl_platform
+ # -- Windows tosses the enviroment when we exec our child.
+ # But most users need that so we have to relogin. :-(
+ #
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == {windows}} {
+ set cmd [list sh --login -c "cd \"[pwd]\" && [join $cmd { }]"]
+ }
+ # -- Tcl won't let us redirect both stdout and stderr to
+ # the same pipe. So pass it through cat...
+ #
+ set cmd [concat | $cmd |& cat]
+ set fd_f [open $cmd r]
+ fconfigure $fd_f -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd_f readable [list console_read $w $fd_f]
+proc console_read {w fd} {
+ global console_cr
+ $w.m.t conf -state normal
+ set buf [read $fd]
+ set c 0
+ set n [string length $buf]
+ while {$c < $n} {
+ set cr [string first "\r" $buf $c]
+ set lf [string first "\n" $buf $c]
+ if {$cr < 0} {set cr [expr $n + 1]}
+ if {$lf < 0} {set lf [expr $n + 1]}
+ if {$lf < $cr} {
+ $w.m.t insert end [string range $buf $c $lf]
+ set console_cr($w) [$w.m.t index {end -1c}]
+ set c $lf
+ incr c
+ } else {
+ $w.m.t delete $console_cr($w) end
+ $w.m.t insert end "\n"
+ $w.m.t insert end [string range $buf $c $cr]
+ set c $cr
+ incr c
+ }
+ }
+ $w.m.t conf -state disabled
+ $w.m.t see end
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
+ $w.m.s conf -background red -text {Error: Command Failed}
+ } else {
+ $w.m.s conf -background green -text {Success}
+ }
+ $w.ok conf -text Close
+ $w.ok conf -state normal
+ array unset console_cr $w
+ return
+ }
+ fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
## ui commands
set starting_gitk_msg {Please wait... Starting gitk...}
proc do_gitk {} {
global tcl_platform ui_status_value starting_gitk_msg
set ui_status_value $starting_gitk_msg
- after 5000 {
+ after 10000 {
if {$ui_status_value == $starting_gitk_msg} {
set ui_status_value {Ready.}
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) == {windows}} {
exec sh -c gitk &
} else {
exec gitk &
global gitdir ui_comm
set save [file join $gitdir GITGUI_MSG]
- if {[$ui_comm edit modified]
- && [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]] != {}} {
+ set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
+ if {[$ui_comm edit modified] && $msg != {}} {
catch {
set fd [open $save w]
puts $fd [string trim [$ui_comm get 0.0 end]]
close $fd
- } elseif {[file exists $save]} {
+ } elseif {$msg == {} && [file exists $save]} {
file delete $save
-proc do_commit {} {
- global tcl_platform HEAD gitdir commit_type file_states
- global ui_comm
- # -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
- #
- if {[catch {set curHEAD [exec git rev-parse --verify HEAD]}]} {
- set cur_type initial
- } else {
- set cur_type normal
- }
- if {$commit_type != $commit_type || $HEAD != $curHEAD} {
- error_popup {Last scanned state does not match repository state.
-Its highly likely that another Git program modified the
-repository since our last scan. A rescan is required
-before committing.
- update_status
- return
- }
- # -- At least one file should differ in the index.
- #
- set files_ready 0
- foreach path [array names file_states] {
- set s $file_states($path)
- switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
- _* {continue}
- A* -
- D* -
- M* {set files_ready 1; break}
- U* {
- error_popup "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
-File $path has merge conflicts.
-You must resolve them and check the file in before committing.
- return
- }
- default {
- error_popup "Unknown file state [lindex $s 0] detected.
-File $path cannot be committed by this program.
- }
- }
- }
- if {!$files_ready} {
- error_popup {No checked-in files to commit.
-You must check-in at least 1 file before you can commit.
- return
- }
- # -- A message is required.
- #
- set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
- if {$msg == {}} {
- error_popup {Please supply a commit message.
-A good commit message has the following format:
-- First line: Describe in one sentance what you did.
-- Second line: Blank
-- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.
+proc do_amend_last {} {
+ load_last_commit
- return
- }
- # -- Ask the pre-commit hook for the go-ahead.
- #
- set pchook [file join $gitdir hooks pre-commit]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) == {windows} && [file exists $pchook]} {
- set pchook [list sh -c \
- "if test -x \"$pchook\"; then exec \"$pchook\"; fi"]
- } elseif {[file executable $pchook]} {
- set pchook [list $pchook]
- } else {
- set pchook {}
- }
- if {$pchook != {} && [catch {eval exec $pchook} err]} {
- hook_failed_popup pre-commit $err
- return
- }
+proc do_commit {} {
+ commit_tree
# shift == 1: left click
set difffont {Courier 10}
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
-switch -- $tcl_platform(platform) {
-windows {set M1B Control; set M1T Ctrl}
-default {set M1B M1; set M1T M1}
+switch -glob -- "$tcl_platform(platform),$tcl_platform(os)" {
+windows,* {set M1B Control; set M1T Ctrl}
+unix,Darwin {set M1B M1; set M1T Cmd}
+default {set M1B M1; set M1T M1}
# -- Menu Bar
.mbar add cascade -label Commit -menu .mbar.commit
.mbar add cascade -label Fetch -menu .mbar.fetch
.mbar add cascade -label Pull -menu .mbar.pull
+.mbar add cascade -label Push -menu .mbar.push
. configure -menu .mbar
# -- Project Menu
-font $mainfont
lappend disable_on_lock \
[list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
+.mbar.commit add command -label {Amend Last Commit} \
+ -command do_amend_last \
+ -font $mainfont
+lappend disable_on_lock \
+ [list .mbar.commit entryconf [.mbar.commit index last] -state]
.mbar.commit add command -label {Check-in All Files} \
-command do_checkin_all \
-accelerator $M1T-U \
# -- Pull Menu
menu .mbar.pull
+# -- Push Menu
+menu .mbar.push
# -- Main Window Layout
panedwindow .vpane -orient vertical
panedwindow .vpane.files -orient horizontal
$ui_diff tag conf bold -font [concat $difffont bold]
# -- Commit Area
-frame .vpane.commarea -height 150
+frame .vpane.commarea -height 170
.vpane add .vpane.commarea -stick nsew
# -- Commit Area Buttons
pack .vpane.commarea.buttons.rescan -side top -fill x
lappend disable_on_lock {.vpane.commarea.buttons.rescan conf -state}
+button .vpane.commarea.buttons.amend -text {Amend Last} \
+ -command do_amend_last \
+ -font $mainfont
+pack .vpane.commarea.buttons.amend -side top -fill x
+lappend disable_on_lock {.vpane.commarea.buttons.amend conf -state}
button .vpane.commarea.buttons.ciall -text {Check-in All} \
-command do_checkin_all \
-font $mainfont
# -- Commit Message Buffer
frame .vpane.commarea.buffer
set ui_comm .vpane.commarea.buffer.t
-label .vpane.commarea.buffer.l -text {Commit Message:} \
+set ui_coml .vpane.commarea.buffer.l
+label $ui_coml -text {Commit Message:} \
-anchor w \
-justify left \
-font $mainfont
+trace add variable commit_type write {uplevel #0 {
+ switch -glob $commit_type \
+ initial {$ui_coml conf -text {Initial Commit Message:}} \
+ amend {$ui_coml conf -text {Amended Commit Message:}} \
+ merge {$ui_coml conf -text {Merge Commit Message:}} \
+ * {$ui_coml conf -text {Commit Message:}}
text $ui_comm -background white -borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 75 -height 10 -wrap none \
-yscrollcommand {.vpane.commarea.buffer.sby set} \
-cursor $maincursor
scrollbar .vpane.commarea.buffer.sby -command [list $ui_comm yview]
-pack .vpane.commarea.buffer.l -side top -fill x
+pack $ui_coml -side top -fill x
pack .vpane.commarea.buffer.sby -side right -fill y
pack $ui_comm -side left -fill y
pack .vpane.commarea.buffer -side left -fill y
pack .status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
# -- Key Bindings
-bind . <Destroy> do_quit
-bind . <Key-F5> do_rescan
-bind . <$M1B-Key-r> do_rescan
-bind . <$M1B-Key-R> do_rescan
-bind . <$M1B-Key-s> do_signoff
-bind . <$M1B-Key-S> do_signoff
-bind . <$M1B-Key-u> do_checkin_all
-bind . <$M1B-Key-U> do_checkin_all
-bind . <$M1B-Key-Return> do_commit
-bind . <$M1B-Key-q> do_quit
-bind . <$M1B-Key-Q> do_quit
+bind $ui_comm <$M1B-Key-Return> {do_commit;break}
+bind . <Destroy> do_quit
+bind all <Key-F5> do_rescan
+bind all <$M1B-Key-r> do_rescan
+bind all <$M1B-Key-R> do_rescan
+bind . <$M1B-Key-s> do_signoff
+bind . <$M1B-Key-S> do_signoff
+bind . <$M1B-Key-u> do_checkin_all
+bind . <$M1B-Key-U> do_checkin_all
+bind . <$M1B-Key-Return> do_commit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-q> do_quit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-Q> do_quit
+bind all <$M1B-Key-w> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
+bind all <$M1B-Key-W> {destroy [winfo toplevel %W]}
foreach i [list $ui_index $ui_other] {
bind $i <Button-1> {click %W %x %y 1 %X %Y; break}
bind $i <Button-3> {click %W %x %y 3 %X %Y; break}
## main
+set appname [lindex [file split $argv0] end]
+set gitdir {}
+if {[catch {set cdup [exec git rev-parse --show-cdup]} err]} {
+ show_msg {} . "Cannot find the git directory: $err"
+ exit 1
+if {$cdup != ""} {
+ cd $cdup
+unset cdup
if {[catch {set gitdir [exec git rev-parse --git-dir]} err]} {
show_msg {} . "Cannot find the git directory: $err"
exit 1
-wm title . "git-ui ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
+if {$appname == {git-citool}} {
+ set single_commit 1
+wm title . "$appname ([file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]])"
focus -force $ui_comm
+populate_remote_menu .mbar.fetch From fetch_from
+populate_remote_menu .mbar.push To push_to