#include "../git-compat-util.h"
+#include "win32.h"
+#include "../strbuf.h"
unsigned int _CRT_fmode = _O_BINARY;
return fd;
+static inline time_t filetime_to_time_t(const FILETIME *ft)
+ long long winTime = ((long long)ft->dwHighDateTime << 32) + ft->dwLowDateTime;
+ winTime -= 116444736000000000LL; /* Windows to Unix Epoch conversion */
+ winTime /= 10000000; /* Nano to seconds resolution */
+ return (time_t)winTime;
+/* We keep the do_lstat code in a separate function to avoid recursion.
+ * When a path ends with a slash, the stat will fail with ENOENT. In
+ * this case, we strip the trailing slashes and stat again.
+ */
+static int do_lstat(const char *file_name, struct stat *buf)
+ if (!(errno = get_file_attr(file_name, &fdata))) {
+ buf->st_ino = 0;
+ buf->st_gid = 0;
+ buf->st_uid = 0;
+ buf->st_nlink = 1;
+ buf->st_mode = file_attr_to_st_mode(fdata.dwFileAttributes);
+ buf->st_size = fdata.nFileSizeLow; /* Can't use nFileSizeHigh, since it's not a stat64 */
+ buf->st_dev = buf->st_rdev = 0; /* not used by Git */
+ buf->st_atime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftLastAccessTime));
+ buf->st_mtime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftLastWriteTime));
+ buf->st_ctime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftCreationTime));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+/* We provide our own lstat/fstat functions, since the provided
+ * lstat/fstat functions are so slow. These stat functions are
+ * tailored for Git's usage (read: fast), and are not meant to be
+ * complete. Note that Git stat()s are redirected to mingw_lstat()
+ * too, since Windows doesn't really handle symlinks that well.
+ */
+int mingw_lstat(const char *file_name, struct stat *buf)
+ int namelen;
+ static char alt_name[PATH_MAX];
+ if (!do_lstat(file_name, buf))
+ return 0;
+ /* if file_name ended in a '/', Windows returned ENOENT;
+ * try again without trailing slashes
+ */
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ return -1;
+ namelen = strlen(file_name);
+ if (namelen && file_name[namelen-1] != '/')
+ return -1;
+ while (namelen && file_name[namelen-1] == '/')
+ --namelen;
+ if (!namelen || namelen >= PATH_MAX)
+ return -1;
+ memcpy(alt_name, file_name, namelen);
+ alt_name[namelen] = 0;
+ return do_lstat(alt_name, buf);
+#undef fstat
+int mingw_fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf)
+ HANDLE fh = (HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fd);
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* direct non-file handles to MS's fstat() */
+ if (GetFileType(fh) != FILE_TYPE_DISK)
+ return fstat(fd, buf);
+ if (GetFileInformationByHandle(fh, &fdata)) {
+ buf->st_ino = 0;
+ buf->st_gid = 0;
+ buf->st_uid = 0;
+ buf->st_nlink = 1;
+ buf->st_mode = file_attr_to_st_mode(fdata.dwFileAttributes);
+ buf->st_size = fdata.nFileSizeLow; /* Can't use nFileSizeHigh, since it's not a stat64 */
+ buf->st_dev = buf->st_rdev = 0; /* not used by Git */
+ buf->st_atime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftLastAccessTime));
+ buf->st_mtime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftLastWriteTime));
+ buf->st_ctime = filetime_to_time_t(&(fdata.ftCreationTime));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ errno = EBADF;
+ return -1;
+static inline void time_t_to_filetime(time_t t, FILETIME *ft)
+ long long winTime = t * 10000000LL + 116444736000000000LL;
+ ft->dwLowDateTime = winTime;
+ ft->dwHighDateTime = winTime >> 32;
+int mingw_utime (const char *file_name, const struct utimbuf *times)
+ FILETIME mft, aft;
+ int fh, rc;
+ /* must have write permission */
+ if ((fh = open(file_name, O_RDWR | O_BINARY)) < 0)
+ return -1;
+ time_t_to_filetime(times->modtime, &mft);
+ time_t_to_filetime(times->actime, &aft);
+ if (!SetFileTime((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(fh), NULL, &aft, &mft)) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ rc = -1;
+ } else
+ rc = 0;
+ close(fh);
+ return rc;
unsigned int sleep (unsigned int seconds)
int i, pending;
- if (timeout != -1)
+ if (timeout >= 0) {
+ if (nfds == 0) {
+ Sleep(timeout);
+ return 0;
+ }
return errno = EINVAL, error("poll timeout not supported");
+ }
/* When there is only one fd to wait for, then we pretend that
* input is available and let the actual wait happen when the
return ret;
+#undef getenv
+char *mingw_getenv(const char *name)
+ char *result = getenv(name);
+ if (!result && !strcmp(name, "TMPDIR")) {
+ /* on Windows it is TMP and TEMP */
+ result = getenv("TMP");
+ if (!result)
+ result = getenv("TEMP");
+ }
+ return result;
+ * See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/17w5ykft(vs.71).aspx
+ * (Parsing C++ Command-Line Arguments)
+ */
+static const char *quote_arg(const char *arg)
+ /* count chars to quote */
+ int len = 0, n = 0;
+ int force_quotes = 0;
+ char *q, *d;
+ const char *p = arg;
+ if (!*p) force_quotes = 1;
+ while (*p) {
+ if (isspace(*p) || *p == '*' || *p == '?' || *p == '{')
+ force_quotes = 1;
+ else if (*p == '"')
+ n++;
+ else if (*p == '\\') {
+ int count = 0;
+ while (*p == '\\') {
+ count++;
+ p++;
+ len++;
+ }
+ if (*p == '"')
+ n += count*2 + 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ len++;
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (!force_quotes && n == 0)
+ return arg;
+ /* insert \ where necessary */
+ d = q = xmalloc(len+n+3);
+ *d++ = '"';
+ while (*arg) {
+ if (*arg == '"')
+ *d++ = '\\';
+ else if (*arg == '\\') {
+ int count = 0;
+ while (*arg == '\\') {
+ count++;
+ *d++ = *arg++;
+ }
+ if (*arg == '"') {
+ while (count-- > 0)
+ *d++ = '\\';
+ *d++ = '\\';
+ }
+ }
+ *d++ = *arg++;
+ }
+ *d++ = '"';
+ *d++ = 0;
+ return q;
static const char *parse_interpreter(const char *cmd)
static char buf[100];
return xstrdup(path);
path[strlen(path)-4] = '\0';
if ((!exe_only || isexe) && access(path, F_OK) == 0)
- return xstrdup(path);
+ if (!(GetFileAttributes(path) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
+ return xstrdup(path);
return NULL;
return prog;
+static int env_compare(const void *a, const void *b)
+ char *const *ea = a;
+ char *const *eb = b;
+ return strcasecmp(*ea, *eb);
+static pid_t mingw_spawnve(const char *cmd, const char **argv, char **env,
+ int prepend_cmd)
+ struct strbuf envblk, args;
+ unsigned flags;
+ BOOL ret;
+ /* Determine whether or not we are associated to a console */
+ HANDLE cons = CreateFile("CONOUT$", GENERIC_WRITE,
+ if (cons == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
+ /* There is no console associated with this process.
+ * Since the child is a console process, Windows
+ * would normally create a console window. But
+ * since we'll be redirecting std streams, we do
+ * not need the console.
+ * It is necessary to use DETACHED_PROCESS
+ * instead of CREATE_NO_WINDOW to make ssh
+ * recognize that it has no console.
+ */
+ } else {
+ /* There is already a console. If we specified
+ * DETACHED_PROCESS here, too, Windows would
+ * disassociate the child from the console.
+ * The same is true for CREATE_NO_WINDOW.
+ * Go figure!
+ */
+ flags = 0;
+ CloseHandle(cons);
+ }
+ memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
+ si.cb = sizeof(si);
+ si.hStdInput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(0);
+ si.hStdOutput = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(1);
+ si.hStdError = (HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(2);
+ /* concatenate argv, quoting args as we go */
+ strbuf_init(&args, 0);
+ if (prepend_cmd) {
+ char *quoted = (char *)quote_arg(cmd);
+ strbuf_addstr(&args, quoted);
+ if (quoted != cmd)
+ free(quoted);
+ }
+ for (; *argv; argv++) {
+ char *quoted = (char *)quote_arg(*argv);
+ if (*args.buf)
+ strbuf_addch(&args, ' ');
+ strbuf_addstr(&args, quoted);
+ if (quoted != *argv)
+ free(quoted);
+ }
+ if (env) {
+ int count = 0;
+ char **e, **sorted_env;
+ for (e = env; *e; e++)
+ count++;
+ /* environment must be sorted */
+ sorted_env = xmalloc(sizeof(*sorted_env) * (count + 1));
+ memcpy(sorted_env, env, sizeof(*sorted_env) * (count + 1));
+ qsort(sorted_env, count, sizeof(*sorted_env), env_compare);
+ strbuf_init(&envblk, 0);
+ for (e = sorted_env; *e; e++) {
+ strbuf_addstr(&envblk, *e);
+ strbuf_addch(&envblk, '\0');
+ }
+ free(sorted_env);
+ }
+ memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
+ ret = CreateProcess(cmd, args.buf, NULL, NULL, TRUE, flags,
+ env ? envblk.buf : NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
+ if (env)
+ strbuf_release(&envblk);
+ strbuf_release(&args);
+ if (!ret) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
+ return (pid_t)pi.hProcess;
+pid_t mingw_spawnvpe(const char *cmd, const char **argv, char **env)
+ pid_t pid;
+ char **path = get_path_split();
+ char *prog = path_lookup(cmd, path, 0);
+ if (!prog) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ pid = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ const char *interpr = parse_interpreter(prog);
+ if (interpr) {
+ const char *argv0 = argv[0];
+ char *iprog = path_lookup(interpr, path, 1);
+ argv[0] = prog;
+ if (!iprog) {
+ errno = ENOENT;
+ pid = -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ pid = mingw_spawnve(iprog, argv, env, 1);
+ free(iprog);
+ }
+ argv[0] = argv0;
+ }
+ else
+ pid = mingw_spawnve(prog, argv, env, 0);
+ free(prog);
+ }
+ free_path_split(path);
+ return pid;
static int try_shell_exec(const char *cmd, char *const *argv, char **env)
const char *interpr = parse_interpreter(cmd);
int argc = 0;
const char **argv2;
while (argv[argc]) argc++;
- argv2 = xmalloc(sizeof(*argv) * (argc+2));
- argv2[0] = (char *)interpr;
- argv2[1] = (char *)cmd; /* full path to the script file */
- memcpy(&argv2[2], &argv[1], sizeof(*argv) * argc);
- pid = spawnve(_P_NOWAIT, prog, argv2, (const char **)env);
+ argv2 = xmalloc(sizeof(*argv) * (argc+1));
+ argv2[0] = (char *)cmd; /* full path to the script file */
+ memcpy(&argv2[1], &argv[1], sizeof(*argv) * argc);
+ pid = mingw_spawnve(prog, argv2, env, 1);
if (pid >= 0) {
int status;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0)
if (!try_shell_exec(cmd, argv, (char **)env)) {
int pid, status;
- pid = spawnve(_P_NOWAIT, cmd, (const char **)argv, (const char **)env);
+ pid = mingw_spawnve(cmd, (const char **)argv, (char **)env, 0);
if (pid < 0)
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0)
return env;
+/* this is the first function to call into WS_32; initialize it */
+#undef gethostbyname
+struct hostent *mingw_gethostbyname(const char *host)
+ WSADATA wsa;
+ if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsa))
+ die("unable to initialize winsock subsystem, error %d",
+ WSAGetLastError());
+ atexit((void(*)(void)) WSACleanup);
+ return gethostbyname(host);
+int mingw_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol)
+ int sockfd;
+ SOCKET s = WSASocket(domain, type, protocol, NULL, 0, 0);
+ if (s == INVALID_SOCKET) {
+ /*
+ * WSAGetLastError() values are regular BSD error codes
+ * biased by WSABASEERR.
+ * However, strerror() does not know about networking
+ * specific errors, which are values beginning at 38 or so.
+ * Therefore, we choose to leave the biased error code
+ * in errno so that _if_ someone looks up the code somewhere,
+ * then it is at least the number that are usually listed.
+ */
+ errno = WSAGetLastError();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* convert into a file descriptor */
+ if ((sockfd = _open_osfhandle(s, O_RDWR|O_BINARY)) < 0) {
+ closesocket(s);
+ return error("unable to make a socket file descriptor: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ }
+ return sockfd;
+#undef connect
+int mingw_connect(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *sa, size_t sz)
+ SOCKET s = (SOCKET)_get_osfhandle(sockfd);
+ return connect(s, sa, sz);
#undef rename
int mingw_rename(const char *pold, const char *pnew)
timer_fn = handler;
return old;
+static const char *make_backslash_path(const char *path)
+ static char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
+ char *c;
+ if (strlcpy(buf, path, PATH_MAX) >= PATH_MAX)
+ die("Too long path: %.*s", 60, path);
+ for (c = buf; *c; c++) {
+ if (*c == '/')
+ *c = '\\';
+ }
+ return buf;
+void mingw_open_html(const char *unixpath)
+ const char *htmlpath = make_backslash_path(unixpath);
+ printf("Launching default browser to display HTML ...\n");
+ ShellExecute(NULL, "open", htmlpath, NULL, "\\", 0);