test_expect_success \
'no commits: projects_list (implicit)' \
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: projects_index' \
'gitweb_run "a=project_index"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git summary (implicit)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git commit (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git commitdiff (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git tree (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git heads' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=heads"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'no commits: .git tags' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tags"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_expect_success \
'projects_list (implicit)' \
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'projects_index' \
'gitweb_run "a=project_index"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git summary (implicit)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commit (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commitdiff (implicit HEAD, root commit)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commitdiff_plain (implicit HEAD, root commit)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff_plain"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commit (HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit;h=HEAD"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git tree (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git blob (file)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob;f=file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git blob_plain (file)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob_plain;f=file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# nonexistent objects
test_expect_success \
'.git commit (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit;h=non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commitdiff (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git commitdiff (non-existent vs HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=non-existent;h=HEAD"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git tree (0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree;h=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git tag (0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tag;h=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git blob (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob;f=non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'.git blob_plain (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob_plain;f=non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): root' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): file added' \
git add new_file &&
git commit -a -m "File added." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): mode change' \
'test_chmod +x new_file &&
git commit -a -m "Mode changed." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): file renamed' \
'git mv new_file renamed_file &&
git commit -a -m "File renamed." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
-test_expect_success SYMLINKS \
+test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): file to symlink' \
'rm renamed_file &&
- ln -s file renamed_file &&
+ test_ln_s_add file renamed_file &&
git commit -a -m "File to symlink." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): file deleted' \
rm -f renamed_file &&
git commit -a -m "File removed." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): file copied / new file' \
git add file2 &&
git commit -a -m "File copied." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): mode change and modified' \
test_chmod +x file2 &&
git commit -a -m "Mode change and modification." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): renamed and modified' \
echo "Propter nomen suum." >> file3 &&
git commit -a -m "File rename and modification." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): renamed, mode change and modified' \
test_chmod +x file2 &&
git commit -a -m "File rename, mode change and modification." &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# commitdiff testing (taken from t4114-apply-typechange.sh)
-test_expect_success SYMLINKS 'setup typechange commits' '
+test_expect_success 'setup typechange commits' '
echo "hello world" > foo &&
echo "hi planet" > bar &&
git update-index --add foo bar &&
git commit -m initial &&
git branch initial &&
rm -f foo &&
- ln -s bar foo &&
- git update-index foo &&
+ test_ln_s_add bar foo &&
git commit -m "foo symlinked to bar" &&
git branch foo-symlinked-to-bar &&
rm -f foo &&
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): file renamed from foo to foo/baz' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=initial;h=foo-baz-renamed-from-foo"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): file renamed from foo/baz to foo' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=foo-baz-renamed-from-foo;h=initial"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): directory becomes file' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=foo-becomes-a-directory;h=initial"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): file becomes directory' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=initial;h=foo-becomes-a-directory"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): file becomes symlink' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=initial;h=foo-symlinked-to-bar"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): symlink becomes file' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=foo-symlinked-to-bar;h=foo-back-to-file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): symlink becomes directory' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=foo-symlinked-to-bar;h=foo-becomes-a-directory"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(2): directory becomes symlink' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;hp=foo-becomes-a-directory;h=foo-symlinked-to-bar"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# commitdiff testing (incomplete lines)
+test_expect_success 'setup incomplete lines' '
+ cat >file<<-\EOF &&
+ Dominus regit me,
+ et nihil mihi deerit.
+ In loco pascuae ibi me collocavit,
+ super aquam refectionis educavit me;
+ animam meam convertit,
+ deduxit me super semitas jusitiae,
+ propter nomen suum.
+ git commit -a -m "Preparing for incomplete lines" &&
+ echo "incomplete" | tr -d "\\012" >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m "Add incomplete line" &&
+ git tag incomplete_lines_add &&
+ sed -e s/CHANGE_ME/change_me/ <file >file+ &&
+ mv -f file+ file &&
+ git commit -a -m "Incomplete context line" &&
+ git tag incomplete_lines_ctx &&
+ echo "Dominus regit me," >file &&
+ echo "incomplete line" | tr -d "\\012" >>file &&
+ git commit -a -m "Change incomplete line" &&
+ git tag incomplete_lines_chg &&
+ echo "Dominus regit me," >file &&
+ git commit -a -m "Remove incomplete line" &&
+ git tag incomplete_lines_rem
+test_expect_success 'commitdiff(1): addition of incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_add"
+test_expect_success 'commitdiff(1): incomplete line as context line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_ctx"
+test_expect_success 'commitdiff(1): change incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_chg"
+test_expect_success 'commitdiff(1): removal of incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_rem"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# commit, commitdiff: merge, large
git add b &&
git commit -a -m "On branch" &&
git checkout master &&
- git pull . b'
+ git merge b &&
+ git tag merge_commit'
test_expect_success \
'commit(0): merge commit' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(0): merge commit' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'Prepare large commit' \
echo "Changed" >> 04-rename-to &&
test_chmod +x 05-mode-change &&
rm -f 06-file-or-symlink &&
- if test_have_prereq SYMLINKS; then
- ln -s 01-change 06-file-or-symlink
- else
- printf %s 01-change > 06-file-or-symlink
- fi &&
+ test_ln_s_add 01-change 06-file-or-symlink &&
echo "Changed and have mode changed" > 07-change-mode-change &&
test_chmod +x 07-change-mode-change &&
git commit -a -m "Large commit" &&
test_expect_success \
'commit(1): large commit' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit;h=b"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'commitdiff(1): large commit' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=b"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# side-by-side diff
+test_expect_success 'side-by-side: addition of incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_add;ds=sidebyside"
+test_expect_success 'side-by-side: incomplete line as context line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_ctx;ds=sidebyside"
+test_expect_success 'side-by-side: changed incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_chg;ds=sidebyside"
+test_expect_success 'side-by-side: removal of incomplete line' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=incomplete_lines_rem;ds=sidebyside"
+test_expect_success 'side-by-side: merge commit' '
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commitdiff;h=merge_commit;ds=sidebyside"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# tags testing
git tag lightweight/tag-tree HEAD^{tree} &&
git tag lightweight/tag-blob HEAD:file &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tags"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'tag: Tag to commit object' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tag;h=tag-commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'tag: on lightweight tag (invalid)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tag;h=lightweight/tag-commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# logs
test_expect_success \
'logs: log (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=log"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'logs: shortlog (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=shortlog"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'logs: history (implicit HEAD, file)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=history;f=file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'logs: history (implicit HEAD, non-existent file)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=history;f=non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'logs: history (implicit HEAD, deleted file)' \
git rm deleted_file &&
git commit -m "Delete file" &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=history;f=deleted_file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# path_info links
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/b"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:file' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:dir/' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:foo/"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'path_info: project/branch (non-existent)' \
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/non-existent"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'path_info: project/branch:filename (non-existent branch)' \
+ 'gitweb_run "" "/.git/non-existent:non-existent"'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:file (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:non-existent"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:dir/ (non-existent)' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:non-existent/"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/branch:/file' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/master:/file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/:/file (implicit HEAD)' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/:/file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'path_info: project/:/ (implicit HEAD, top tree)' \
'gitweb_run "" "/.git/:/"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
test_expect_success \
'feeds: OPML' \
'gitweb_run "a=opml"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'feed: RSS' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=rss"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'feed: Atom' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=atom"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# encoding/decoding
test_expect_success \
'encode(commit): utf8' \
'. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901-utf8.txt &&
+ test_when_finished "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=\"A U Thor\"" &&
+ test_when_finished "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=\"C O Mitter\"" &&
echo "UTF-8" >> file &&
git add file &&
git commit -F "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3900/1-UTF-8.txt &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'encode(commit): iso-8859-1' \
'. "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3901-8859-1.txt &&
+ test_when_finished "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=\"A U Thor\"" &&
+ test_when_finished "GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=\"C O Mitter\"" &&
echo "ISO-8859-1" >> file &&
git add file &&
- git config i18n.commitencoding ISO-8859-1 &&
+ test_config i18n.commitencoding ISO-8859-1 &&
git commit -F "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3900/ISO8859-1.txt &&
- git config --unset i18n.commitencoding &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=commit"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'encode(log): utf-8 and iso-8859-1' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=log"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# extra options
test_expect_success \
'opt: log --no-merges' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=log;opt=--no-merges"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'opt: atom --no-merges' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=log;opt=--no-merges"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'opt: "file" history --no-merges' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=history;f=file;opt=--no-merges"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'opt: log --no-such-option (invalid option)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=log;opt=--no-such-option"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'opt: tree --no-merges (invalid option for action)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree;opt=--no-merges"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# testing config_to_multi / cloneurl
test_expect_success \
'URL: no project URLs, no base URL' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'URL: project URLs via gitweb.url' \
'git config --add gitweb.url git://example.com/git/trash.git &&
git config --add gitweb.url http://example.com/git/trash.git &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
cat >.git/cloneurl <<\EOF
test_expect_success \
'URL: project URLs via cloneurl file' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# gitweb config and repo config
test_expect_success \
'config override: projects list (implicit)' \
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'config override: tree view, features not overridden in repo config' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'config override: tree view, features disabled in repo config' \
git config gitweb.snapshot none &&
git config gitweb.avatar gravatar &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success \
'config override: tree view, features enabled in repo config (1)' \
'git config gitweb.blame yes &&
git config gitweb.snapshot "zip,tgz, tbz2" &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
cat >.git/config <<\EOF
# testing noval and alternate separator
test_expect_success \
'config override: tree view, features enabled in repo config (2)' \
'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=tree"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# searching
+cat >>gitweb_config.perl <<\EOF
+# enable search
+$feature{'search'}{'default'} = [1];
+$feature{'grep'}{'default'} = [1];
+$feature{'pickaxe'}{'default'} = [1];
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: preparation' \
+ 'echo "1st MATCH" >>file &&
+ echo "2nd MATCH" >>file &&
+ echo "MATCH" >>bar &&
+ git add file bar &&
+ git commit -m "Added MATCH word"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: commit author' \
+ 'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=search;h=HEAD;st=author;s=A+U+Thor"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: commit message' \
+ 'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=search;h=HEAD;st=commitr;s=MATCH"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: grep' \
+ 'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=search;h=HEAD;st=grep;s=MATCH"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: pickaxe' \
+ 'gitweb_run "p=.git;a=search;h=HEAD;st=pickaxe;s=MATCH"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'search: projects' \
+ 'gitweb_run "a=project_list;s=.git"'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# non-ASCII in README.html
'echo "<b>UTF-8 example:</b><br />" > .git/README.html &&
cat "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t3900/1-UTF-8.txt >> .git/README.html &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# syntax highlighting
-cat >>gitweb_config.perl <<\EOF
-$feature{'highlight'}{'override'} = 1;
highlight_version=$(highlight --version </dev/null 2>/dev/null)
if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then
say "Skipping syntax highlighting tests: incorrect 'highlight' found"
test_set_prereq HIGHLIGHT
+ cat >>gitweb_config.perl <<-\EOF
+ our $highlight_bin = "highlight";
+ $feature{'highlight'}{'override'} = 1;
test_expect_success HIGHLIGHT \
- 'syntax highlighting (no highlight)' \
+ 'syntax highlighting (no highlight, unknown syntax)' \
'git config gitweb.highlight yes &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob;f=file"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
test_expect_success HIGHLIGHT \
- 'syntax highlighting (highlighted)' \
+ 'syntax highlighting (highlighted, shell script)' \
'git config gitweb.highlight yes &&
echo "#!/usr/bin/sh" > test.sh &&
git add test.sh &&
git commit -m "Add test.sh" &&
gitweb_run "p=.git;a=blob;f=test.sh"'
-test_debug 'cat gitweb.log'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# forks of projects
+cat >>gitweb_config.perl <<\EOF &&
+$feature{'forks'}{'default'} = [1];
+test_expect_success \
+ 'forks: prepare' \
+ 'git init --bare foo.git &&
+ git --git-dir=foo.git --work-tree=. add file &&
+ git --git-dir=foo.git --work-tree=. commit -m "Initial commit" &&
+ echo "foo" > foo.git/description &&
+ mkdir -p foo &&
+ (cd foo &&
+ git clone --shared --bare ../foo.git foo-forked.git &&
+ echo "fork of foo" > foo-forked.git/description)'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'forks: projects list' \
+ 'gitweb_run'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'forks: forks action' \
+ 'gitweb_run "p=foo.git;a=forks"'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# content tags (tag cloud)
+cat >>gitweb_config.perl <<-\EOF &&
+# we don't test _setting_ content tags, so any true value is good
+$feature{'ctags'}{'default'} = ['ctags_script.cgi'];
+test_expect_success \
+ 'ctags: tag cloud in projects list' \
+ 'mkdir .git/ctags &&
+ echo "2" > .git/ctags/foo &&
+ echo "1" > .git/ctags/bar &&
+ gitweb_run'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'ctags: search projects by existing tag' \
+ 'gitweb_run "by_tag=foo"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'ctags: search projects by non existent tag' \
+ 'gitweb_run "by_tag=non-existent"'
+test_expect_success \
+ 'ctags: malformed tag weights' \
+ 'mkdir -p .git/ctags &&
+ echo "not-a-number" > .git/ctags/nan &&
+ echo "not-a-number-2" > .git/ctags/nan2 &&
+ echo "0.1" >.git/ctags/floating-point &&
+ gitweb_run'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# categories
+test_expect_success \
+ 'categories: projects list, only default category' \
+ 'echo "\$projects_list_group_categories = 1;" >>gitweb_config.perl &&
+ gitweb_run'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# unborn branches
+test_expect_success \
+ 'unborn HEAD: "summary" page (with "heads" subview)' \
+ '{
+ git checkout orphan_branch ||
+ git checkout --orphan orphan_branch
+ } &&
+ test_when_finished "git checkout master" &&
+ gitweb_run "p=.git;a=summary"'