foreach name [array names global_config] {
set global_config_new($name) $global_config($name)
+ set reponame [lindex [file split \
+ [file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
+ end]
set w .options_editor
toplevel $w
+ wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
label $w.header -text "$appname Options" \
-font font_uibold
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.repo -text {This Repository} \
+ labelframe $w.repo -text "$reponame Repository" \
-font font_ui \
-relief raised -borderwidth 2
labelframe $ -text {Global (All Repositories)} \
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
- wm title $w "$appname ([lindex [file split \
- [file normalize [file dirname $gitdir]]] \
- end]): Options"
+ wm title $w "$appname ($reponame): Options"
tkwait window $w
$ui_other tag conf in_diff -font font_uibold
# -- Diff and Commit Area
-frame .vpane.lower -height 400 -width 400
+frame .vpane.lower -height 300 -width 400
frame .vpane.lower.commarea
frame .vpane.lower.diff -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
pack .vpane.lower.commarea -side top -fill x
$ui_diff.ctxm add command -label "Increase Font Size" \
-font font_ui \
-command {incr_font_size font_diff 1}
+$ui_diff.ctxm add command -label {Options...} \
+ -font font_ui \
+ -command do_options
bind_button3 $ui_diff "tk_popup $ui_diff.ctxm %X %Y"
# -- Status Bar
populate_remote_menu .mbar.fetch From fetch_from
populate_remote_menu .mbar.push To push_to
populate_pull_menu .mbar.pull
-tkwait visibility .
+after 1 update_status