# Define ASCIIDOC_NO_ROFF if your DocBook XSL escapes raw roff directives
# (versions 1.72 and later and 1.68.1 and earlier).
+# Define GNU_ROFF if your target system uses GNU groff. This forces
+# apostrophes to be ASCII so that cut&pasting examples to the shell
+# will work.
# Define NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER if you cannot use Makefiles generated by perl's
# MakeMaker (e.g. using ActiveState under Cygwin).
LIB_H += sigchain.h
LIB_H += strbuf.h
LIB_H += string-list.h
+LIB_H += submodule.h
LIB_H += tag.h
LIB_H += transport.h
LIB_H += tree.h
LIB_OBJS += sigchain.o
LIB_OBJS += strbuf.o
LIB_OBJS += string-list.o
+LIB_OBJS += submodule.o
LIB_OBJS += symlinks.o
LIB_OBJS += tag.o
LIB_OBJS += trace.o