* Symlinks in `$GIT_DIR` are not resolved before matching.
+ * Both the symlink & realpath versions of paths will be matched
+ outside of `$GIT_DIR`. E.g. if ~/git is a symlink to
+ /mnt/storage/git, both `gitdir:~/git` and `gitdir:/mnt/storage/git`
+ will match.
+This was not the case in the initial release of this feature in
+v2.13.0, which only matched the realpath version. Configuration that
+wants to be compatible with the initial release of this feature needs
+to either specify only the realpath version, or both versions.
* Note that "../" is not special and will match literally, which is
unlikely what you want.
In case of failure in the output of linkgit:git-rm[1],
show directions on how to proceed from the current state.
+ addEmbeddedRepo::
+ Advice on what to do when you've accidentally added one
+ git repo inside of another.
`untracked` (files which are not tracked by Git),
`branch` (the current branch),
`nobranch` (the color the 'no branch' warning is shown in, defaulting
- to red), or
+ to red),
+ `localBranch` or `remoteBranch` (the local and remote branch names,
+ respectively, when branch and tracking information is displayed in the
+ status short-format), or
`unmerged` (files which have unmerged changes).