#include "cache.h"
#include "grep.h"
+#include "userdiff.h"
#include "xdiff-interface.h"
void append_header_grep_pattern(struct grep_opt *opt, enum grep_header_field field, const char *pat)
struct grep_pat *p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p));
p->pattern = pat;
+ p->patternlen = strlen(pat);
p->origin = "header";
p->no = 0;
p->field = field;
- *opt->pattern_tail = p;
- opt->pattern_tail = &p->next;
+ *opt->header_tail = p;
+ opt->header_tail = &p->next;
p->next = NULL;
void append_grep_pattern(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *pat,
const char *origin, int no, enum grep_pat_token t)
+ append_grep_pat(opt, pat, strlen(pat), origin, no, t);
+void append_grep_pat(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *pat, size_t patlen,
+ const char *origin, int no, enum grep_pat_token t)
struct grep_pat *p = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*p));
p->pattern = pat;
+ p->patternlen = patlen;
p->origin = origin;
p->no = no;
p->token = t;
p->next = NULL;
-static int is_fixed(const char *s)
+struct grep_opt *grep_opt_dup(const struct grep_opt *opt)
+ struct grep_pat *pat;
+ struct grep_opt *ret = xmalloc(sizeof(struct grep_opt));
+ *ret = *opt;
+ ret->pattern_list = NULL;
+ ret->pattern_tail = &ret->pattern_list;
+ for(pat = opt->pattern_list; pat != NULL; pat = pat->next)
+ {
+ if(pat->token == GREP_PATTERN_HEAD)
+ append_header_grep_pattern(ret, pat->field,
+ pat->pattern);
+ else
+ append_grep_pat(ret, pat->pattern, pat->patternlen,
+ pat->origin, pat->no, pat->token);
+ }
+ return ret;
+static NORETURN void compile_regexp_failed(const struct grep_pat *p,
+ const char *error)
+ char where[1024];
+ if (p->no)
+ sprintf(where, "In '%s' at %d, ", p->origin, p->no);
+ else if (p->origin)
+ sprintf(where, "%s, ", p->origin);
+ else
+ where[0] = 0;
+ die("%s'%s': %s", where, p->pattern, error);
+static void compile_pcre_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
+ const char *error;
+ int erroffset;
+ int options = PCRE_MULTILINE;
+ if (opt->ignore_case)
+ options |= PCRE_CASELESS;
+ p->pcre_regexp = pcre_compile(p->pattern, options, &error, &erroffset,
+ NULL);
+ if (!p->pcre_regexp)
+ compile_regexp_failed(p, error);
+ p->pcre_extra_info = pcre_study(p->pcre_regexp, 0, &error);
+ if (!p->pcre_extra_info && error)
+ die("%s", error);
+static int pcrematch(struct grep_pat *p, const char *line, const char *eol,
+ regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
+ int ovector[30], ret, flags = 0;
+ if (eflags & REG_NOTBOL)
+ flags |= PCRE_NOTBOL;
+ ret = pcre_exec(p->pcre_regexp, p->pcre_extra_info, line, eol - line,
+ 0, flags, ovector, ARRAY_SIZE(ovector));
+ if (ret < 0 && ret != PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)
+ die("pcre_exec failed with error code %d", ret);
+ if (ret > 0) {
+ ret = 0;
+ match->rm_so = ovector[0];
+ match->rm_eo = ovector[1];
+ }
+ return ret;
+static void free_pcre_regexp(struct grep_pat *p)
+ pcre_free(p->pcre_regexp);
+ pcre_free(p->pcre_extra_info);
+#else /* !USE_LIBPCRE */
+static void compile_pcre_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, const struct grep_opt *opt)
+ die("cannot use Perl-compatible regexes when not compiled with USE_LIBPCRE");
+static int pcrematch(struct grep_pat *p, const char *line, const char *eol,
+ regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
+ return 1;
+static void free_pcre_regexp(struct grep_pat *p)
- while (*s && !is_regex_special(*s))
- s++;
- return !*s;
+#endif /* !USE_LIBPCRE */
+static int is_fixed(const char *s, size_t len)
+ size_t i;
+ /* regcomp cannot accept patterns with NULs so we
+ * consider any pattern containing a NUL fixed.
+ */
+ if (memchr(s, 0, len))
+ return 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (is_regex_special(s[i]))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
static void compile_regexp(struct grep_pat *p, struct grep_opt *opt)
int err;
p->word_regexp = opt->word_regexp;
+ p->ignore_case = opt->ignore_case;
- if (opt->fixed || is_fixed(p->pattern))
+ if (opt->fixed || is_fixed(p->pattern, p->patternlen))
p->fixed = 1;
- if (opt->regflags & REG_ICASE)
+ else
p->fixed = 0;
- if (p->fixed)
+ if (p->fixed) {
+ if (opt->regflags & REG_ICASE || p->ignore_case)
+ p->kws = kwsalloc(tolower_trans_tbl);
+ else
+ p->kws = kwsalloc(NULL);
+ kwsincr(p->kws, p->pattern, p->patternlen);
+ kwsprep(p->kws);
+ }
+ if (opt->pcre) {
+ compile_pcre_regexp(p, opt);
+ return;
+ }
err = regcomp(&p->regexp, p->pattern, opt->regflags);
if (err) {
char errbuf[1024];
- char where[1024];
- if (p->no)
- sprintf(where, "In '%s' at %d, ",
- p->origin, p->no);
- else if (p->origin)
- sprintf(where, "%s, ", p->origin);
- else
- where[0] = 0;
regerror(err, &p->regexp, errbuf, 1024);
- die("%s'%s': %s", where, p->pattern, errbuf);
+ compile_regexp_failed(p, errbuf);
return compile_pattern_or(list);
-void compile_grep_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
+static struct grep_expr *grep_true_expr(void)
+ struct grep_expr *z = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*z));
+ z->node = GREP_NODE_TRUE;
+ return z;
+static struct grep_expr *grep_or_expr(struct grep_expr *left, struct grep_expr *right)
+ struct grep_expr *z = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*z));
+ z->node = GREP_NODE_OR;
+ z->u.binary.left = left;
+ z->u.binary.right = right;
+ return z;
+static struct grep_expr *prep_header_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
struct grep_pat *p;
+ struct grep_expr *header_expr;
+ struct grep_expr *(header_group[GREP_HEADER_FIELD_MAX]);
+ enum grep_header_field fld;
- if (opt->all_match)
- opt->extended = 1;
+ if (!opt->header_list)
+ return NULL;
+ p = opt->header_list;
+ for (p = opt->header_list; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->token != GREP_PATTERN_HEAD)
+ die("bug: a non-header pattern in grep header list.");
+ if (p->field < 0 || GREP_HEADER_FIELD_MAX <= p->field)
+ die("bug: unknown header field %d", p->field);
+ compile_regexp(p, opt);
+ }
+ for (fld = 0; fld < GREP_HEADER_FIELD_MAX; fld++)
+ header_group[fld] = NULL;
+ for (p = opt->header_list; p; p = p->next) {
+ struct grep_expr *h;
+ struct grep_pat *pp = p;
+ h = compile_pattern_atom(&pp);
+ if (!h || pp != p->next)
+ die("bug: malformed header expr");
+ if (!header_group[p->field]) {
+ header_group[p->field] = h;
+ continue;
+ }
+ header_group[p->field] = grep_or_expr(h, header_group[p->field]);
+ }
+ header_expr = NULL;
+ for (fld = 0; fld < GREP_HEADER_FIELD_MAX; fld++) {
+ if (!header_group[fld])
+ continue;
+ if (!header_expr)
+ header_expr = grep_true_expr();
+ header_expr = grep_or_expr(header_group[fld], header_expr);
+ }
+ return header_expr;
+void compile_grep_patterns(struct grep_opt *opt)
+ struct grep_pat *p;
+ struct grep_expr *header_expr = prep_header_patterns(opt);
for (p = opt->pattern_list; p; p = p->next) {
switch (p->token) {
- if (!opt->extended)
+ if (opt->all_match || header_expr)
+ opt->extended = 1;
+ else if (!opt->extended)
- /* Then bundle them up in an expression.
- * A classic recursive descent parser would do.
- */
p = opt->pattern_list;
if (p)
opt->pattern_expression = compile_pattern_expr(&p);
if (p)
die("incomplete pattern expression: %s", p->pattern);
+ if (!header_expr)
+ return;
+ if (!opt->pattern_expression)
+ opt->pattern_expression = header_expr;
+ else
+ opt->pattern_expression = grep_or_expr(opt->pattern_expression,
+ header_expr);
+ opt->all_match = 1;
static void free_pattern_expr(struct grep_expr *x)
switch (x->node) {
case GREP_PATTERN: /* atom */
- regfree(&p->regexp);
+ if (p->kws)
+ kwsfree(p->kws);
+ else if (p->pcre_regexp)
+ free_pcre_regexp(p);
+ else
+ regfree(&p->regexp);
return isalnum(ch) || ch == '_';
+static void output_color(struct grep_opt *opt, const void *data, size_t size,
+ const char *color)
+ if (want_color(opt->color) && color && color[0]) {
+ opt->output(opt, color, strlen(color));
+ opt->output(opt, data, size);
+ opt->output(opt, GIT_COLOR_RESET, strlen(GIT_COLOR_RESET));
+ } else
+ opt->output(opt, data, size);
+static void output_sep(struct grep_opt *opt, char sign)
+ if (opt->null_following_name)
+ opt->output(opt, "\0", 1);
+ else
+ output_color(opt, &sign, 1, opt->color_sep);
static void show_name(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *name)
- printf("%s%c", name, opt->null_following_name ? '\0' : '\n');
+ output_color(opt, name, strlen(name), opt->color_filename);
+ opt->output(opt, opt->null_following_name ? "\0" : "\n", 1);
-static int fixmatch(const char *pattern, char *line, regmatch_t *match)
+static int fixmatch(struct grep_pat *p, char *line, char *eol,
+ regmatch_t *match)
- char *hit = strstr(line, pattern);
- if (!hit) {
+ struct kwsmatch kwsm;
+ size_t offset = kwsexec(p->kws, line, eol - line, &kwsm);
+ if (offset == -1) {
match->rm_so = match->rm_eo = -1;
- }
- else {
- match->rm_so = hit - line;
- match->rm_eo = match->rm_so + strlen(pattern);
+ } else {
+ match->rm_so = offset;
+ match->rm_eo = match->rm_so + kwsm.size[0];
return 0;
+static int regmatch(const regex_t *preg, char *line, char *eol,
+ regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
+ match->rm_so = 0;
+ match->rm_eo = eol - line;
+ eflags |= REG_STARTEND;
+ return regexec(preg, line, 1, match, eflags);
+static int patmatch(struct grep_pat *p, char *line, char *eol,
+ regmatch_t *match, int eflags)
+ int hit;
+ if (p->fixed)
+ hit = !fixmatch(p, line, eol, match);
+ else if (p->pcre_regexp)
+ hit = !pcrematch(p, line, eol, match, eflags);
+ else
+ hit = !regmatch(&p->regexp, line, eol, match, eflags);
+ return hit;
static int strip_timestamp(char *bol, char **eol_p)
char *eol = *eol_p;
int hit = 0;
int saved_ch = 0;
+ const char *start = bol;
if ((p->token != GREP_PATTERN) &&
((p->token == GREP_PATTERN_HEAD) != (ctx == GREP_CONTEXT_HEAD)))
- if (p->fixed)
- hit = !fixmatch(p->pattern, bol, pmatch);
- else
- hit = !regexec(&p->regexp, bol, 1, pmatch, eflags);
+ hit = patmatch(p, bol, eol, pmatch, eflags);
if (hit && p->word_regexp) {
if ((pmatch[0].rm_so < 0) ||
- (eol - bol) <= pmatch[0].rm_so ||
+ (eol - bol) < pmatch[0].rm_so ||
(pmatch[0].rm_eo < 0) ||
(eol - bol) < pmatch[0].rm_eo)
die("regexp returned nonsense");
hit = 0;
+ /* Words consist of at least one character. */
+ if (pmatch->rm_so == pmatch->rm_eo)
+ hit = 0;
if (!hit && pmatch[0].rm_so + bol + 1 < eol) {
/* There could be more than one match on the
* line, and the first match might not be
bol = pmatch[0].rm_so + bol + 1;
while (word_char(bol[-1]) && bol < eol)
+ eflags |= REG_NOTBOL;
if (bol < eol)
goto again;
if (p->token == GREP_PATTERN_HEAD && saved_ch)
*eol = saved_ch;
+ if (hit) {
+ pmatch[0].rm_so += bol - start;
+ pmatch[0].rm_eo += bol - start;
+ }
return hit;
if (!x)
die("Not a valid grep expression");
switch (x->node) {
+ h = 1;
+ break;
h = match_one_pattern(x->u.atom, bol, eol, ctx, &match, 0);
const char *name, unsigned lno, char sign)
int rest = eol - bol;
+ char *line_color = NULL;
+ if (opt->file_break && opt->last_shown == 0) {
+ if (opt->show_hunk_mark)
+ opt->output(opt, "\n", 1);
+ } else if (opt->pre_context || opt->post_context || opt->funcbody) {
+ if (opt->last_shown == 0) {
+ if (opt->show_hunk_mark) {
+ output_color(opt, "--", 2, opt->color_sep);
+ opt->output(opt, "\n", 1);
+ }
+ } else if (lno > opt->last_shown + 1) {
+ output_color(opt, "--", 2, opt->color_sep);
+ opt->output(opt, "\n", 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (opt->heading && opt->last_shown == 0) {
+ output_color(opt, name, strlen(name), opt->color_filename);
+ opt->output(opt, "\n", 1);
+ }
+ opt->last_shown = lno;
- if (opt->null_following_name)
- sign = '\0';
- if (opt->pathname)
- printf("%s%c", name, sign);
- if (opt->linenum)
- printf("%d%c", lno, sign);
+ if (!opt->heading && opt->pathname) {
+ output_color(opt, name, strlen(name), opt->color_filename);
+ output_sep(opt, sign);
+ }
+ if (opt->linenum) {
+ char buf[32];
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", lno);
+ output_color(opt, buf, strlen(buf), opt->color_lineno);
+ output_sep(opt, sign);
+ }
if (opt->color) {
regmatch_t match;
enum grep_context ctx = GREP_CONTEXT_BODY;
int ch = *eol;
int eflags = 0;
+ if (sign == ':')
+ line_color = opt->color_selected;
+ else if (sign == '-')
+ line_color = opt->color_context;
+ else if (sign == '=')
+ line_color = opt->color_function;
*eol = '\0';
while (next_match(opt, bol, eol, ctx, &match, eflags)) {
- printf("%.*s%s%.*s%s",
- (int)match.rm_so, bol,
- opt->color_match,
- (int)(match.rm_eo - match.rm_so), bol + match.rm_so,
+ if (match.rm_so == match.rm_eo)
+ break;
+ output_color(opt, bol, match.rm_so, line_color);
+ output_color(opt, bol + match.rm_so,
+ match.rm_eo - match.rm_so,
+ opt->color_match);
bol += match.rm_eo;
rest -= match.rm_eo;
eflags = REG_NOTBOL;
*eol = ch;
- printf("%.*s\n", rest, bol);
+ output_color(opt, bol, rest, line_color);
+ opt->output(opt, "\n", 1);
-static int grep_buffer_1(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *name,
- char *buf, unsigned long size, int collect_hits)
+#ifndef NO_PTHREADS
+int grep_use_locks;
+ * This lock protects access to the gitattributes machinery, which is
+ * not thread-safe.
+ */
+pthread_mutex_t grep_attr_mutex;
+static inline void grep_attr_lock(void)
- char *bol = buf;
- unsigned long left = size;
+ if (grep_use_locks)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&grep_attr_mutex);
+static inline void grep_attr_unlock(void)
+ if (grep_use_locks)
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&grep_attr_mutex);
+ * Same as git_attr_mutex, but protecting the thread-unsafe object db access.
+ */
+pthread_mutex_t grep_read_mutex;
+#define grep_attr_lock()
+#define grep_attr_unlock()
+static int match_funcname(struct grep_opt *opt, struct grep_source *gs, char *bol, char *eol)
+ xdemitconf_t *xecfg = opt->priv;
+ if (xecfg && !xecfg->find_func) {
+ grep_source_load_driver(gs);
+ if (gs->driver->funcname.pattern) {
+ const struct userdiff_funcname *pe = &gs->driver->funcname;
+ xdiff_set_find_func(xecfg, pe->pattern, pe->cflags);
+ } else {
+ xecfg = opt->priv = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ if (xecfg) {
+ char buf[1];
+ return xecfg->find_func(bol, eol - bol, buf, 1,
+ xecfg->find_func_priv) >= 0;
+ }
+ if (bol == eol)
+ return 0;
+ if (isalpha(*bol) || *bol == '_' || *bol == '$')
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+static void show_funcname_line(struct grep_opt *opt, struct grep_source *gs,
+ char *bol, unsigned lno)
+ while (bol > gs->buf) {
+ char *eol = --bol;
+ while (bol > gs->buf && bol[-1] != '\n')
+ bol--;
+ lno--;
+ if (lno <= opt->last_shown)
+ break;
+ if (match_funcname(opt, gs, bol, eol)) {
+ show_line(opt, bol, eol, gs->name, lno, '=');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+static void show_pre_context(struct grep_opt *opt, struct grep_source *gs,
+ char *bol, char *end, unsigned lno)
+ unsigned cur = lno, from = 1, funcname_lno = 0;
+ int funcname_needed = !!opt->funcname;
+ if (opt->funcbody && !match_funcname(opt, gs, bol, end))
+ funcname_needed = 2;
+ if (opt->pre_context < lno)
+ from = lno - opt->pre_context;
+ if (from <= opt->last_shown)
+ from = opt->last_shown + 1;
+ /* Rewind. */
+ while (bol > gs->buf &&
+ cur > (funcname_needed == 2 ? opt->last_shown + 1 : from)) {
+ char *eol = --bol;
+ while (bol > gs->buf && bol[-1] != '\n')
+ bol--;
+ cur--;
+ if (funcname_needed && match_funcname(opt, gs, bol, eol)) {
+ funcname_lno = cur;
+ funcname_needed = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* We need to look even further back to find a function signature. */
+ if (opt->funcname && funcname_needed)
+ show_funcname_line(opt, gs, bol, cur);
+ /* Back forward. */
+ while (cur < lno) {
+ char *eol = bol, sign = (cur == funcname_lno) ? '=' : '-';
+ while (*eol != '\n')
+ eol++;
+ show_line(opt, bol, eol, gs->name, cur, sign);
+ bol = eol + 1;
+ cur++;
+ }
+static int should_lookahead(struct grep_opt *opt)
+ struct grep_pat *p;
+ if (opt->extended)
+ return 0; /* punt for too complex stuff */
+ if (opt->invert)
+ return 0;
+ for (p = opt->pattern_list; p; p = p->next) {
+ if (p->token != GREP_PATTERN)
+ return 0; /* punt for "header only" and stuff */
+ }
+ return 1;
+static int look_ahead(struct grep_opt *opt,
+ unsigned long *left_p,
+ unsigned *lno_p,
+ char **bol_p)
+ unsigned lno = *lno_p;
+ char *bol = *bol_p;
+ struct grep_pat *p;
+ char *sp, *last_bol;
+ regoff_t earliest = -1;
+ for (p = opt->pattern_list; p; p = p->next) {
+ int hit;
+ regmatch_t m;
+ hit = patmatch(p, bol, bol + *left_p, &m, 0);
+ if (!hit || m.rm_so < 0 || m.rm_eo < 0)
+ continue;
+ if (earliest < 0 || m.rm_so < earliest)
+ earliest = m.rm_so;
+ }
+ if (earliest < 0) {
+ *bol_p = bol + *left_p;
+ *left_p = 0;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for (sp = bol + earliest; bol < sp && sp[-1] != '\n'; sp--)
+ ; /* find the beginning of the line */
+ last_bol = sp;
+ for (sp = bol; sp < last_bol; sp++) {
+ if (*sp == '\n')
+ lno++;
+ }
+ *left_p -= last_bol - bol;
+ *bol_p = last_bol;
+ *lno_p = lno;
+ return 0;
+static void std_output(struct grep_opt *opt, const void *buf, size_t size)
+ fwrite(buf, size, 1, stdout);
+static int grep_source_1(struct grep_opt *opt, struct grep_source *gs, int collect_hits)
+ char *bol;
+ unsigned long left;
unsigned lno = 1;
- struct pre_context_line {
- char *bol;
- char *eol;
- } *prev = NULL, *pcl;
unsigned last_hit = 0;
- unsigned last_shown = 0;
int binary_match_only = 0;
- const char *hunk_mark = "";
unsigned count = 0;
+ int try_lookahead = 0;
+ int show_function = 0;
enum grep_context ctx = GREP_CONTEXT_HEAD;
+ xdemitconf_t xecfg;
+ if (!opt->output)
+ opt->output = std_output;
+ if (opt->pre_context || opt->post_context || opt->file_break ||
+ opt->funcbody) {
+ /* Show hunk marks, except for the first file. */
+ if (opt->last_shown)
+ opt->show_hunk_mark = 1;
+ /*
+ * If we're using threads then we can't easily identify
+ * the first file. Always put hunk marks in that case
+ * and skip the very first one later in work_done().
+ */
+ if (opt->output != std_output)
+ opt->show_hunk_mark = 1;
+ }
+ opt->last_shown = 0;
- if (buffer_is_binary(buf, size)) {
- switch (opt->binary) {
+ switch (opt->binary) {
+ if (grep_source_is_binary(gs))
binary_match_only = 1;
- break;
+ break;
+ if (grep_source_is_binary(gs))
return 0; /* Assume unmatch */
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ break;
+ default:
+ die("bug: unknown binary handling mode");
- if (opt->pre_context)
- prev = xcalloc(opt->pre_context, sizeof(*prev));
- if (opt->pre_context || opt->post_context)
- hunk_mark = "--\n";
+ memset(&xecfg, 0, sizeof(xecfg));
+ opt->priv = &xecfg;
+ try_lookahead = should_lookahead(opt);
+ if (grep_source_load(gs) < 0)
+ return 0;
+ bol = gs->buf;
+ left = gs->size;
while (left) {
char *eol, ch;
int hit;
+ /*
+ * look_ahead() skips quickly to the line that possibly
+ * has the next hit; don't call it if we need to do
+ * something more than just skipping the current line
+ * in response to an unmatch for the current line. E.g.
+ * inside a post-context window, we will show the current
+ * line as a context around the previous hit when it
+ * doesn't hit.
+ */
+ if (try_lookahead
+ && !(last_hit
+ && (show_function ||
+ lno <= last_hit + opt->post_context))
+ && look_ahead(opt, &left, &lno, &bol))
+ break;
eol = end_of_line(bol, &left);
ch = *eol;
*eol = 0;
if (opt->status_only)
return 1;
- if (binary_match_only) {
- printf("Binary file %s matches\n", name);
+ if (opt->name_only) {
+ show_name(opt, gs->name);
return 1;
- if (opt->name_only) {
- show_name(opt, name);
+ if (opt->count)
+ goto next_line;
+ if (binary_match_only) {
+ opt->output(opt, "Binary file ", 12);
+ output_color(opt, gs->name, strlen(gs->name),
+ opt->color_filename);
+ opt->output(opt, " matches\n", 9);
return 1;
/* Hit at this line. If we haven't shown the
* pre-context lines, we would need to show them.
- * When asked to do "count", this still show
- * the context which is nonsense, but the user
- * deserves to get that ;-).
- if (opt->pre_context) {
- unsigned from;
- if (opt->pre_context < lno)
- from = lno - opt->pre_context;
- else
- from = 1;
- if (from <= last_shown)
- from = last_shown + 1;
- if (last_shown && from != last_shown + 1)
- fputs(hunk_mark, stdout);
- while (from < lno) {
- pcl = &prev[lno-from-1];
- show_line(opt, pcl->bol, pcl->eol,
- name, from, '-');
- from++;
- }
- last_shown = lno-1;
- }
- if (last_shown && lno != last_shown + 1)
- fputs(hunk_mark, stdout);
- if (!opt->count)
- show_line(opt, bol, eol, name, lno, ':');
- last_shown = last_hit = lno;
+ if (opt->pre_context || opt->funcbody)
+ show_pre_context(opt, gs, bol, eol, lno);
+ else if (opt->funcname)
+ show_funcname_line(opt, gs, bol, lno);
+ show_line(opt, bol, eol, gs->name, lno, ':');
+ last_hit = lno;
+ if (opt->funcbody)
+ show_function = 1;
+ goto next_line;
- else if (last_hit &&
- lno <= last_hit + opt->post_context) {
+ if (show_function && match_funcname(opt, gs, bol, eol))
+ show_function = 0;
+ if (show_function ||
+ (last_hit && lno <= last_hit + opt->post_context)) {
/* If the last hit is within the post context,
* we need to show this line.
- if (last_shown && lno != last_shown + 1)
- fputs(hunk_mark, stdout);
- show_line(opt, bol, eol, name, lno, '-');
- last_shown = lno;
- }
- if (opt->pre_context) {
- memmove(prev+1, prev,
- (opt->pre_context-1) * sizeof(*prev));
- prev->bol = bol;
- prev->eol = eol;
+ show_line(opt, bol, eol, gs->name, lno, '-');
- free(prev);
if (collect_hits)
return 0;
return 0;
if (opt->unmatch_name_only) {
/* We did not see any hit, so we want to show this */
- show_name(opt, name);
+ show_name(opt, gs->name);
return 1;
+ xdiff_clear_find_func(&xecfg);
+ opt->priv = NULL;
* The real "grep -c foo *.c" gives many "bar.c:0" lines,
* which feels mostly useless but sometimes useful. Maybe
* make it another option? For now suppress them.
- if (opt->count && count)
- printf("%s%c%u\n", name,
- opt->null_following_name ? '\0' : ':', count);
+ if (opt->count && count) {
+ char buf[32];
+ output_color(opt, gs->name, strlen(gs->name), opt->color_filename);
+ output_sep(opt, ':');
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u\n", count);
+ opt->output(opt, buf, strlen(buf));
+ return 1;
+ }
return !!last_hit;
-int grep_buffer(struct grep_opt *opt, const char *name, char *buf, unsigned long size)
+int grep_source(struct grep_opt *opt, struct grep_source *gs)
* we do not have to do the two-pass grep when we do not check
* buffer-wide "all-match".
if (!opt->all_match)
- return grep_buffer_1(opt, name, buf, size, 0);
+ return grep_source_1(opt, gs, 0);
/* Otherwise the toplevel "or" terms hit a bit differently.
* We first clear hit markers from them.
- grep_buffer_1(opt, name, buf, size, 1);
+ grep_source_1(opt, gs, 1);
if (!chk_hit_marker(opt->pattern_expression))
return 0;
- return grep_buffer_1(opt, name, buf, size, 0);
+ return grep_source_1(opt, gs, 0);
+int grep_buffer(struct grep_opt *opt, char *buf, unsigned long size)
+ struct grep_source gs;
+ int r;
+ grep_source_init(&gs, GREP_SOURCE_BUF, NULL, NULL);
+ gs.buf = buf;
+ gs.size = size;
+ r = grep_source(opt, &gs);
+ grep_source_clear(&gs);
+ return r;
+void grep_source_init(struct grep_source *gs, enum grep_source_type type,
+ const char *name, const void *identifier)
+ gs->type = type;
+ gs->name = name ? xstrdup(name) : NULL;
+ gs->buf = NULL;
+ gs->size = 0;
+ gs->driver = NULL;
+ switch (type) {
+ gs->identifier = xstrdup(identifier);
+ break;
+ gs->identifier = xmalloc(20);
+ memcpy(gs->identifier, identifier, 20);
+ break;
+ gs->identifier = NULL;
+ }
+void grep_source_clear(struct grep_source *gs)
+ free(gs->name);
+ gs->name = NULL;
+ free(gs->identifier);
+ gs->identifier = NULL;
+ grep_source_clear_data(gs);
+void grep_source_clear_data(struct grep_source *gs)
+ switch (gs->type) {
+ free(gs->buf);
+ gs->buf = NULL;
+ gs->size = 0;
+ break;
+ /* leave user-provided buf intact */
+ break;
+ }
+static int grep_source_load_sha1(struct grep_source *gs)
+ enum object_type type;
+ grep_read_lock();
+ gs->buf = read_sha1_file(gs->identifier, &type, &gs->size);
+ grep_read_unlock();
+ if (!gs->buf)
+ return error(_("'%s': unable to read %s"),
+ gs->name,
+ sha1_to_hex(gs->identifier));
+ return 0;
+static int grep_source_load_file(struct grep_source *gs)
+ const char *filename = gs->identifier;
+ struct stat st;
+ char *data;
+ size_t size;
+ int i;
+ if (lstat(filename, &st) < 0) {
+ err_ret:
+ if (errno != ENOENT)
+ error(_("'%s': %s"), filename, strerror(errno));
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode))
+ return -1;
+ size = xsize_t(st.st_size);
+ i = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
+ if (i < 0)
+ goto err_ret;
+ data = xmalloc(size + 1);
+ if (st.st_size != read_in_full(i, data, size)) {
+ error(_("'%s': short read %s"), filename, strerror(errno));
+ close(i);
+ free(data);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ close(i);
+ data[size] = 0;
+ gs->buf = data;
+ gs->size = size;
+ return 0;
+int grep_source_load(struct grep_source *gs)
+ if (gs->buf)
+ return 0;
+ switch (gs->type) {
+ return grep_source_load_file(gs);
+ return grep_source_load_sha1(gs);
+ return gs->buf ? 0 : -1;
+ }
+ die("BUG: invalid grep_source type");
+void grep_source_load_driver(struct grep_source *gs)
+ if (gs->driver)
+ return;
+ grep_attr_lock();
+ gs->driver = userdiff_find_by_path(gs->name);
+ if (!gs->driver)
+ gs->driver = userdiff_find_by_name("default");
+ grep_attr_unlock();
+int grep_source_is_binary(struct grep_source *gs)
+ grep_source_load_driver(gs);
+ if (gs->driver->binary != -1)
+ return gs->driver->binary;
+ if (!grep_source_load(gs))
+ return buffer_is_binary(gs->buf, gs->size);
+ return 0;