our $my_url = $cgi->url();
our $my_uri = $cgi->url(-absolute => 1);
-# if we're called with PATH_INFO, we have to strip that
-# from the URL to find our real URL
-# we make $path_info global because it's also used later on
+# Base URL for relative URLs in gitweb ($logo, $favicon, ...),
+# needed and used only for URLs with nonempty PATH_INFO
+our $base_url = $my_url;
+# When the script is used as DirectoryIndex, the URL does not contain the name
+# of the script file itself, and $cgi->url() fails to strip PATH_INFO, so we
+# have to do it ourselves. We make $path_info global because it's also used
+# later on.
+# Another issue with the script being the DirectoryIndex is that the resulting
+# $my_url data is not the full script URL: this is good, because we want
+# generated links to keep implying the script name if it wasn't explicitly
+# indicated in the URL we're handling, but it means that $my_url cannot be used
+# as base URL.
+# Therefore, if we needed to strip PATH_INFO, then we know that we have
+# to build the base URL ourselves:
our $path_info = $ENV{"PATH_INFO"};
if ($path_info) {
- $my_url =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,,;
- $my_uri =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,,;
+ if ($my_url =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,, &&
+ $my_uri =~ s,\Q$path_info\E$,, &&
+ defined $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}) {
+ $base_url = $cgi->url(-base => 1) . $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'};
+ }
# core git executable to use
# URI and label (title) of GIT logo link
#our $logo_url = "http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/";
#our $logo_label = "git documentation";
-our $logo_url = "http://git.or.cz/";
+our $logo_url = "http://git-scm.com/";
our $logo_label = "git homepage";
# source of projects list
'x-zip' => undef, '' => undef,
+# Pixel sizes for icons and avatars. If the default font sizes or lineheights
+# are changed, it may be appropriate to change these values too via
+our %avatar_size = (
+ 'default' => 16,
+ 'double' => 32
# You define site-wide feature defaults here; override them with
# $GITWEB_CONFIG as necessary.
our %feature = (
'sub' => \&feature_patches,
'override' => 0,
'default' => [16]},
+ # Avatar support. When this feature is enabled, views such as
+ # shortlog or commit will display an avatar associated with
+ # the email of the committer(s) and/or author(s).
+ # Currently available providers are gravatar and picon.
+ # If an unknown provider is specified, the feature is disabled.
+ # Gravatar depends on Digest::MD5.
+ # Picon currently relies on the indiana.edu database.
+ # To enable system wide have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'avatar'}{'default'} = ['<provider>'];
+ # where <provider> is either gravatar or picon.
+ # To have project specific config enable override in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+ # $feature{'avatar'}{'override'} = 1;
+ # and in project config gitweb.avatar = <provider>;
+ 'avatar' => {
+ 'sub' => \&feature_avatar,
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => ['']},
sub gitweb_get_feature {
my $key = shift;
my ($val) = git_get_project_config($key, '--bool');
- if ($val eq 'true') {
+ if (!defined $val) {
+ return ($_[0]);
+ } elsif ($val eq 'true') {
return (1);
} elsif ($val eq 'false') {
return (0);
- return ($_[0]);
sub feature_snapshot {
return ($_[0]);
+sub feature_avatar {
+ my @val = (git_get_project_config('avatar'));
+ return @val ? @val : @_;
# checking HEAD file with -e is fragile if the repository was
# initialized long time ago (i.e. symlink HEAD) and was pack-ref'ed
# and then pruned.
@fmts = map {
exists $known_snapshot_format_aliases{$_} ?
$known_snapshot_format_aliases{$_} : $_} @fmts;
- @fmts = grep(exists $known_snapshot_formats{$_}, @fmts);
+ @fmts = grep {
+ exists $known_snapshot_formats{$_} } @fmts;
# extensions. Allowed extensions are both the defined suffix
# (which includes the initial dot already) and the snapshot
# format key itself, with a prepended dot
- while (my ($fmt, %opt) = each %known_snapshot_formats) {
+ while (my ($fmt, $opt) = each %known_snapshot_formats) {
my $hash = $refname;
- my $sfx;
- $hash =~ s/(\Q$opt{'suffix'}\E|\Q.$fmt\E)$//;
- next unless $sfx = $1;
+ unless ($hash =~ s/(\Q$opt->{'suffix'}\E|\Q.$fmt\E)$//) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $sfx = $1;
# a valid suffix was found, so set the snapshot format
# and reset the hash parameter
$input_params{'snapshot_format'} = $fmt;
our @snapshot_fmts = gitweb_get_feature('snapshot');
@snapshot_fmts = filter_snapshot_fmts(@snapshot_fmts);
+# check that the avatar feature is set to a known provider name,
+# and for each provider check if the dependencies are satisfied.
+# if the provider name is invalid or the dependencies are not met,
+# reset $git_avatar to the empty string.
+our ($git_avatar) = gitweb_get_feature('avatar');
+if ($git_avatar eq 'gravatar') {
+ $git_avatar = '' unless (eval { require Digest::MD5; 1; });
+} elsif ($git_avatar eq 'picon') {
+ # no dependencies
+} else {
+ $git_avatar = '';
# dispatch
if (!defined $action) {
if (defined $hash) {
if (!defined($actions{$action})) {
die_error(400, "Unknown action");
-if ($action !~ m/^(opml|project_list|project_index)$/ &&
+if ($action !~ m/^(?:opml|project_list|project_index)$/ &&
!$project) {
die_error(400, "Project needed");
## ======================================================================
## action links
-sub href (%) {
+sub href {
my %params = @_;
# default is to use -absolute url() i.e. $my_uri
my $href = $params{-full} ? $my_url : $my_uri;
# replace invalid utf8 character with SUBSTITUTION sequence
-sub esc_html ($;%) {
+sub esc_html {
my $str = shift;
my %opts = @_;
if ($chopped eq $str) {
return esc_html($chopped);
} else {
- $str =~ s/([[:cntrl:]])/?/g;
+ $str =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/?/g;
return $cgi->span({-title=>$str}, esc_html($chopped));
# submodule/subproject, a commit object reference
-sub S_ISGITLINK($) {
my $mode = shift;
return (($mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFGITLINK)
my $line = shift;
$line = esc_html($line, -nbsp=>1);
- if ($line =~ m/\b([0-9a-fA-F]{8,40})\b/) {
- my $hash_text = $1;
- my $link =
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"object", hash=>$hash_text),
- -class => "text"}, $hash_text);
- $line =~ s/$hash_text/$link/;
- }
+ $line =~ s{\b([0-9a-fA-F]{8,40})\b}{
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"object", hash=>$1),
+ -class => "text"}, $1);
+ }eg;
return $line;
$extra = '' unless defined($extra);
if (length($short) < length($long)) {
+ $long =~ s/[[:cntrl:]]/?/g;
return $cgi->a({-href => $href, -class => "list subject",
-title => to_utf8($long)},
esc_html($short) . $extra);
+# Rather than recomputing the url for an email multiple times, we cache it
+# after the first hit. This gives a visible benefit in views where the avatar
+# for the same email is used repeatedly (e.g. shortlog).
+# The cache is shared by all avatar engines (currently gravatar only), which
+# are free to use it as preferred. Since only one avatar engine is used for any
+# given page, there's no risk for cache conflicts.
+our %avatar_cache = ();
+# Compute the picon url for a given email, by using the picon search service over at
+# http://www.cs.indiana.edu/picons/search.html
+sub picon_url {
+ my $email = lc shift;
+ if (!$avatar_cache{$email}) {
+ my ($user, $domain) = split('@', $email);
+ $avatar_cache{$email} =
+ "http://www.cs.indiana.edu/cgi-pub/kinzler/piconsearch.cgi/" .
+ "$domain/$user/" .
+ "users+domains+unknown/up/single";
+ }
+ return $avatar_cache{$email};
+# Compute the gravatar url for a given email, if it's not in the cache already.
+# Gravatar stores only the part of the URL before the size, since that's the
+# one computationally more expensive. This also allows reuse of the cache for
+# different sizes (for this particular engine).
+sub gravatar_url {
+ my $email = lc shift;
+ my $size = shift;
+ $avatar_cache{$email} ||=
+ "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" .
+ Digest::MD5::md5_hex($email) . "?s=";
+ return $avatar_cache{$email} . $size;
+# Insert an avatar for the given $email at the given $size if the feature
+# is enabled.
+sub git_get_avatar {
+ my ($email, %opts) = @_;
+ my $pre_white = ($opts{-pad_before} ? " " : "");
+ my $post_white = ($opts{-pad_after} ? " " : "");
+ $opts{-size} ||= 'default';
+ my $size = $avatar_size{$opts{-size}} || $avatar_size{'default'};
+ my $url = "";
+ if ($git_avatar eq 'gravatar') {
+ $url = gravatar_url($email, $size);
+ } elsif ($git_avatar eq 'picon') {
+ $url = picon_url($email);
+ }
+ # Other providers can be added by extending the if chain, defining $url
+ # as needed. If no variant puts something in $url, we assume avatars
+ # are completely disabled/unavailable.
+ if ($url) {
+ return $pre_white .
+ "<img width=\"$size\" " .
+ "class=\"avatar\" " .
+ "src=\"$url\" " .
+ "alt=\"\" " .
+ "/>" . $post_white;
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+# format the author name of the given commit with the given tag
+# the author name is chopped and escaped according to the other
+# optional parameters (see chop_str).
+sub format_author_html {
+ my $tag = shift;
+ my $co = shift;
+ my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co->{'author_name'}, @_);
+ return "<$tag class=\"author\">" .
+ git_get_avatar($co->{'author_email'}, -pad_after => 1) .
+ $author . "</$tag>";
# format git diff header line, i.e. "diff --(git|combined|cc) ..."
sub format_git_diff_header_line {
my $line = shift;
# Try to avoid using this function wherever possible.
sub quote_command {
return join(' ',
- map( { my $a = $_; $a =~ s/(['!])/'\\$1'/g; "'$a'" } @_ ));
+ map { my $a = $_; $a =~ s/(['!])/'\\$1'/g; "'$a'" } @_ );
# get HEAD ref of given project as hash
return %config;
-# convert config value to boolean, 'true' or 'false'
+# convert config value to boolean: 'true' or 'false'
# no value, number > 0, 'true' and 'yes' values are true
# rest of values are treated as false (never as error)
sub config_to_bool {
my $val = shift;
+ return 1 if !defined $val; # section.key
# strip leading and trailing whitespace
$val =~ s/^\s+//;
$val =~ s/\s+$//;
- return (!defined $val || # section.key
- ($val =~ /^\d+$/ && $val) || # section.key = 1
+ return (($val =~ /^\d+$/ && $val) || # section.key = 1
($val =~ /^(?:true|yes)$/i)); # section.key = true
$config_file = "$git_dir/config";
+ # check if config variable (key) exists
+ return unless exists $config{"gitweb.$key"};
# ensure given type
if (!defined $type) {
return $config{"gitweb.$key"};
my $path = shift;
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$path";
- open my $fd, "$git_dir/description"
+ open my $fd, '<', "$git_dir/description"
or return git_get_project_config('description');
my $descr = <$fd>;
close $fd;
my $ctags = {};
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$path";
- unless (opendir D, "$git_dir/ctags") {
- return $ctags;
- }
- foreach (grep { -f $_ } map { "$git_dir/ctags/$_" } readdir(D)) {
- open CT, $_ or next;
- my $val = <CT>;
+ opendir my $dh, "$git_dir/ctags"
+ or return $ctags;
+ foreach (grep { -f $_ } map { "$git_dir/ctags/$_" } readdir($dh)) {
+ open my $ct, '<', $_ or next;
+ my $val = <$ct>;
chomp $val;
- close CT;
+ close $ct;
my $ctag = $_; $ctag =~ s#.*/##;
$ctags->{$ctag} = $val;
- closedir D;
+ closedir $dh;
my $path = shift;
$git_dir = "$projectroot/$path";
- open my $fd, "$git_dir/cloneurl"
+ open my $fd, '<', "$git_dir/cloneurl"
or return wantarray ?
@{ config_to_multi(git_get_project_config('url')) } :
# 'libs%2Fklibc%2Fklibc.git H.+Peter+Anvin'
# 'linux%2Fhotplug%2Fudev.git Greg+Kroah-Hartman'
my %paths;
- open my ($fd), $projects_list or return;
+ open my $fd, '<', $projects_list or return;
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
# 'libs%2Fklibc%2Fklibc.git H.+Peter+Anvin'
# 'linux%2Fhotplug%2Fudev.git Greg+Kroah-Hartman'
if (-f $projects_list) {
- open (my $fd , $projects_list);
+ open(my $fd, '<', $projects_list);
while (my $line = <$fd>) {
chomp $line;
my ($pr, $ow) = split ' ', $line;
$tag{'name'} = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/^tagger (.*) ([0-9]+) (.*)$/) {
$tag{'author'} = $1;
- $tag{'epoch'} = $2;
- $tag{'tz'} = $3;
+ $tag{'author_epoch'} = $2;
+ $tag{'author_tz'} = $3;
+ if ($tag{'author'} =~ m/^([^<]+) <([^>]*)>/) {
+ $tag{'author_name'} = $1;
+ $tag{'author_email'} = $2;
+ } else {
+ $tag{'author_name'} = $tag{'author'};
+ }
} elsif ($line =~ m/--BEGIN/) {
push @comment, $line;
# parse line of git-ls-tree output
-sub parse_ls_tree_line ($;%) {
+sub parse_ls_tree_line {
my $line = shift;
my %opts = @_;
my %res;
-r $mimemap or return undef;
my %mimemap;
- open(MIME, $mimemap) or return undef;
- while (<MIME>) {
+ open(my $mh, '<', $mimemap) or return undef;
+ while (<$mh>) {
next if m/^#/; # skip comments
- my ($mime, $exts) = split(/\t+/);
+ my ($mimetype, $exts) = split(/\t+/);
if (defined $exts) {
my @exts = split(/\s+/, $exts);
foreach my $ext (@exts) {
- $mimemap{$ext} = $mime;
+ $mimemap{$ext} = $mimetype;
- close(MIME);
+ close($mh);
$filename =~ /\.([^.]*)$/;
return $mimemap{$1};
# the stylesheet, favicon etc urls won't work correctly with path_info
# unless we set the appropriate base URL
if ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) {
- print '<base href="'.esc_url($my_url).'" />\n';
+ print "<base href=\"".esc_url($base_url)."\" />\n";
# print out each stylesheet that exist, providing backwards capability
# for those people who defined $stylesheet in a config file
-#sub git_print_authorship (\%) {
+sub print_local_time {
+ my %date = @_;
+ if ($date{'hour_local'} < 6) {
+ printf(" (<span class=\"atnight\">%02d:%02d</span> %s)",
+ $date{'hour_local'}, $date{'minute_local'}, $date{'tz_local'});
+ } else {
+ printf(" (%02d:%02d %s)",
+ $date{'hour_local'}, $date{'minute_local'}, $date{'tz_local'});
+ }
+# Outputs the author name and date in long form
sub git_print_authorship {
my $co = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $tag = $opts{-tag} || 'div';
my %ad = parse_date($co->{'author_epoch'}, $co->{'author_tz'});
- print "<div class=\"author_date\">" .
+ print "<$tag class=\"author_date\">" .
esc_html($co->{'author_name'}) .
" [$ad{'rfc2822'}";
- if ($ad{'hour_local'} < 6) {
- printf(" (<span class=\"atnight\">%02d:%02d</span> %s)",
- $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
- } else {
- printf(" (%02d:%02d %s)",
- $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
+ print_local_time(%ad) if ($opts{-localtime});
+ print "]" . git_get_avatar($co->{'author_email'}, -pad_before => 1)
+ . "</$tag>\n";
+# Outputs table rows containing the full author or committer information,
+# in the format expected for 'commit' view (& similia).
+# Parameters are a commit hash reference, followed by the list of people
+# to output information for. If the list is empty it defalts to both
+# author and committer.
+sub git_print_authorship_rows {
+ my $co = shift;
+ # too bad we can't use @people = @_ || ('author', 'committer')
+ my @people = @_;
+ @people = ('author', 'committer') unless @people;
+ foreach my $who (@people) {
+ my %wd = parse_date($co->{"${who}_epoch"}, $co->{"${who}_tz"});
+ print "<tr><td>$who</td><td>" . esc_html($co->{$who}) . "</td>" .
+ "<td rowspan=\"2\">" .
+ git_get_avatar($co->{"${who}_email"}, -size => 'double') .
+ "</td></tr>\n" .
+ "<tr>" .
+ "<td></td><td> $wd{'rfc2822'}";
+ print_local_time(%wd);
+ print "</td>" .
+ "</tr>\n";
- print "]</div>\n";
sub git_print_page_path {
print "<br/></div>\n";
-# sub git_print_log (\@;%) {
-sub git_print_log ($;%) {
+sub git_print_log {
my $log = shift;
my %opts = @_;
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash
or return;
- local $/;
+ local $/ = undef;
$link_target = <$fd>;
close $fd
# return target of link relative to top directory (top tree);
# return undef if it is not possible (including absolute links).
sub normalize_link_target {
- my ($link_target, $basedir, $hash_base) = @_;
- # we can normalize symlink target only if $hash_base is provided
- return unless $hash_base;
+ my ($link_target, $basedir) = @_;
# absolute symlinks (beginning with '/') cannot be normalized
return if (substr($link_target, 0, 1) eq '/');
if (S_ISLNK(oct $t->{'mode'})) {
my $link_target = git_get_link_target($t->{'hash'});
if ($link_target) {
- my $norm_target = normalize_link_target($link_target, $basedir, $hash_base);
+ my $norm_target = normalize_link_target($link_target, $basedir);
if (defined $norm_target) {
print " -> " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"object", hash_base=>$hash_base,
($pname !~ /\/$/) &&
(-d "$projectroot/$pname")) {
$pr->{'forks'} = "-d $projectroot/$pname";
- } else {
+ } else {
$pr->{'forks'} = 0;
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
- my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co{'author_name'}, 10);
# git_summary() used print "<td><i>$co{'age_string'}</i></td>\n" .
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
- "<td><i>" . $author . "</i></td>\n" .
- "<td>";
+ format_author_html('td', \%co, 10) . "<td>";
print format_subject_html($co{'title'}, $co{'title_short'},
href(action=>"commit", hash=>$commit), $ref);
print "</td>\n" .
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
- # shortlog uses chop_str($co{'author_name'}, 10)
- my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co{'author_name'}, 15, 3);
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
- "<td><i>" . $author . "</i></td>\n" .
- "<td>";
+ # shortlog: format_author_html('td', \%co, 10)
+ format_author_html('td', \%co, 15, 3) . "<td>";
# originally git_history used chop_str($co{'title'}, 50)
print format_subject_html($co{'title'}, $co{'title_short'},
href(action=>"commit", hash=>$commit), $ref);
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
- my $author = chop_and_escape_str($co{'author_name'}, 15, 5);
print "<td title=\"$co{'age_string_age'}\"><i>$co{'age_string_date'}</i></td>\n" .
- "<td><i>" . $author . "</i></td>\n" .
+ format_author_html('td', \%co, 15, 5) .
"<td>" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$co{'id'}),
-class => "list subject"},
$tag{'type'}) . "</td>\n" .
if (defined($tag{'author'})) {
- my %ad = parse_date($tag{'epoch'}, $tag{'tz'});
- print "<tr><td>author</td><td>" . esc_html($tag{'author'}) . "</td></tr>\n";
- print "<tr><td></td><td>" . $ad{'rfc2822'} .
- sprintf(" (%02d:%02d %s)", $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'}) .
- "</td></tr>\n";
+ git_print_authorship_rows(\%tag, 'author');
print "</table>\n\n" .
-content_disposition =>
($sandbox ? 'attachment' : 'inline')
. '; filename="' . $save_as . '"');
- undef $/;
+ local $/ = undef;
binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
print <$fd>;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # as set at the beginning of gitweb.cgi
- $/ = "\n";
close $fd;
die_error(404, "No such tree") unless defined($hash);
- $/ = "\0";
- open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", '-z', $hash
- or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
- my @entries = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
- close $fd or die_error(404, "Reading tree failed");
- $/ = "\n";
+ my @entries = ();
+ {
+ local $/ = "\0";
+ open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "ls-tree", '-z', $hash
+ or die_error(500, "Open git-ls-tree failed");
+ @entries = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
+ close $fd
+ or die_error(404, "Reading tree failed");
+ }
my $refs = git_get_references();
my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $hash_base);
" | " .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$commit, hash_base=>$commit)}, "tree") .
"<br/>\n" .
- "</div>\n" .
- "<i>" . esc_html($co{'author_name'}) . " [$ad{'rfc2822'}]</i><br/>\n" .
+ git_print_authorship(\%co, -tag => 'span');
+ print "<br/>\n</div>\n";
print "<div class=\"log_body\">\n";
git_print_log($co{'comment'}, -final_empty_line=> 1);
$hash ||= $hash_base || "HEAD";
my %co = parse_commit($hash)
or die_error(404, "Unknown commit object");
- my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'}, $co{'author_tz'});
- my %cd = parse_date($co{'committer_epoch'}, $co{'committer_tz'});
my $parent = $co{'parent'};
my $parents = $co{'parents'}; # listref
print "<div class=\"title_text\">\n" .
"<table class=\"object_header\">\n";
- print "<tr><td>author</td><td>" . esc_html($co{'author'}) . "</td></tr>\n".
- "<tr>" .
- "<td></td><td> $ad{'rfc2822'}";
- if ($ad{'hour_local'} < 6) {
- printf(" (<span class=\"atnight\">%02d:%02d</span> %s)",
- $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
- } else {
- printf(" (%02d:%02d %s)",
- $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
- }
- print "</td>" .
- "</tr>\n";
- print "<tr><td>committer</td><td>" . esc_html($co{'committer'}) . "</td></tr>\n";
- print "<tr><td></td><td> $cd{'rfc2822'}" .
- sprintf(" (%02d:%02d %s)", $cd{'hour_local'}, $cd{'minute_local'}, $cd{'tz_local'}) .
- "</td></tr>\n";
+ git_print_authorship_rows(\%co);
print "<tr><td>commit</td><td class=\"sha1\">$co{'id'}</td></tr>\n";
print "<tr>" .
"<td>tree</td>" .
git_header_html(undef, $expires);
git_print_page_nav('commitdiff','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash, $formats_nav);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref, $hash);
- git_print_authorship(\%co);
+ print "<div class=\"title_text\">\n" .
+ "<table class=\"object_header\">\n";
+ git_print_authorship_rows(\%co);
+ print "</table>".
+ "</div>\n";
print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
if (@{$co{'comment'}} > 1) {
print "<div class=\"log\">\n";
print "<table class=\"pickaxe search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
- $/ = "\n";
+ local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, '-|', git_cmd(), '--no-pager', 'log', @diff_opts,
'--pretty=format:%H', '--no-abbrev', '--raw', "-S$searchtext",
($search_use_regexp ? '--pickaxe-regex' : ());
print "<table class=\"grep_search\">\n";
my $alternate = 1;
my $matches = 0;
- $/ = "\n";
+ local $/ = "\n";
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), 'grep', '-n',
$search_use_regexp ? ('-E', '-i') : '-F',
$searchtext, $co{'tree'};
# end of feed
if ($format eq 'rss') {
print "</channel>\n</rss>\n";
- } elsif ($format eq 'atom') {
+ } elsif ($format eq 'atom') {
print "</feed>\n";