use Fcntl;
use File::Temp qw/tempdir tempfile/;
use File::Basename;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config require_order no_ignore_case);
my $log = GITCVS::log->new();
my $cfg;
my $state = { prependdir => '' };
$log->info("--------------- STARTING -----------------");
+my $usage =
+ "Usage: git-cvsserver [options] [pserver|server] [<directory> ...]\n".
+ " --base-path <path> : Prepend to requested CVSROOT\n".
+ " --strict-paths : Don't allow recursing into subdirectories\n".
+ " --export-all : Don't check for gitcvs.enabled in config\n".
+ " --version, -V : Print version information and exit\n".
+ " --help, -h, -H : Print usage information and exit\n".
+ "\n".
+ "<directory> ... is a list of allowed directories. If no directories\n".
+ "are given, all are allowed. This is an additional restriction, gitcvs\n".
+ "access still needs to be enabled by the gitcvs.enabled config option.\n";
+my @opts = ( 'help|h|H', 'version|V',
+ 'base-path=s', 'strict-paths', 'export-all' );
+GetOptions( $state, @opts )
+ or die $usage;
+if ($state->{version}) {
+ print "git-cvsserver version $VERSION\n";
+ exit;
+if ($state->{help}) {
+ print $usage;
+ exit;
my $TEMP_DIR = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
$log->debug("Temporary directory is '$TEMP_DIR'");
+$state->{method} = 'ext';
+if (@ARGV) {
+ if ($ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') {
+ $state->{method} = 'pserver';
+ shift @ARGV;
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'server') {
+ shift @ARGV;
+ }
+# everything else is a directory
+$state->{allowed_roots} = [ @ARGV ];
+# don't export the whole system unless the users requests it
+if ($state->{'export-all'} && !@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) {
+ die "--export-all can only be used together with an explicit whitelist\n";
# if we are called with a pserver argument,
# deal with the authentication cat before entering the
# main loop
-$state->{method} = 'ext';
-if (@ARGV && $ARGV[0] eq 'pserver') {
- $state->{method} = 'pserver';
+if ($state->{method} eq 'pserver') {
my $line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
- unless( $line eq 'BEGIN AUTH REQUEST') {
+ unless( $line =~ /^BEGIN (AUTH|VERIFICATION) REQUEST$/) {
die "E Do not understand $line - expecting BEGIN AUTH REQUEST\n";
+ my $request = $1;
$line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
- req_Root('root', $line) # reuse Root
- or die "E Invalid root $line \n";
+ unless (req_Root('root', $line)) { # reuse Root
+ print "E Invalid root $line \n";
+ exit 1;
+ }
$line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
unless ($line eq 'anonymous') {
print "E Only anonymous user allowed via pserver\n";
print "I HATE YOU\n";
+ exit 1;
$line = <STDIN>; chomp $line; # validate the password?
$line = <STDIN>; chomp $line;
- unless ($line eq 'END AUTH REQUEST') {
- die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END AUTH REQUEST\n";
+ unless ($line eq "END $request REQUEST") {
+ die "E Do not understand $line -- expecting END $request REQUEST\n";
print "I LOVE YOU\n";
+ exit if $request eq 'VERIFICATION'; # cvs login
# and now back to our regular programme...
my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_;
$log->debug("req_Root : $data");
- $state->{CVSROOT} = $data;
+ unless ($data =~ m#^/#) {
+ print "error 1 Root must be an absolute pathname\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $cvsroot = $state->{'base-path'} || '';
+ $cvsroot =~ s#/+$##;
+ $cvsroot .= $data;
+ if ($state->{CVSROOT}
+ && ($state->{CVSROOT} ne $cvsroot)) {
+ print "error 1 Conflicting roots specified\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $state->{CVSROOT} = $cvsroot;
$ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/";
+ if (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) {
+ my $allowed = 0;
+ foreach my $dir (@{$state->{allowed_roots}}) {
+ next unless $dir =~ m#^/#;
+ $dir =~ s#/+$##;
+ if ($state->{'strict-paths'}) {
+ if ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E/?$#) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ } elsif ($ENV{GIT_DIR} =~ m#^\Q$dir\E(/?$|/)#) {
+ $allowed = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($allowed) {
+ print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n";
+ print "E \n";
+ print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR} && -e $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'HEAD') {
print "E $ENV{GIT_DIR} does not seem to be a valid GIT repository\n";
- print "E \n";
- print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n";
+ print "E \n";
+ print "error 1 $ENV{GIT_DIR} is not a valid repository\n";
return 0;
foreach my $line ( @gitvars )
- next unless ( $line =~ /^(.*?)\.(.*?)=(.*)$/ );
- $cfg->{$1}{$2} = $3;
+ next unless ( $line =~ /^(gitcvs)\.(?:(ext|pserver)\.)?([\w-]+)=(.*)$/ );
+ unless ($2) {
+ $cfg->{$1}{$3} = $4;
+ } else {
+ $cfg->{$1}{$2}{$3} = $4;
+ }
- unless ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled} ) and $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled} =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i )
- {
+ my $enabled = ($cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{enabled}
+ || $cfg->{gitcvs}{enabled});
+ unless ($state->{'export-all'} ||
+ ($enabled && $enabled =~ /^\s*(1|true|yes)\s*$/i)) {
print "E GITCVS emulation needs to be enabled on this repo\n";
print "E the repo config file needs a [gitcvs] section added, and the parameter 'enabled' set to 1\n";
print "E \n";
return 0;
- if ( defined ( $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile} ) )
+ my $logfile = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{logfile} || $cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile};
+ if ( $logfile )
- $log->setfile($cfg->{gitcvs}{logfile});
+ $log->setfile($logfile);
} else {
+ my $updater = GITCVS::updater->new($state->{CVSROOT}, $state->{module}, $log);
+ $updater->update();
+ argsfromdir($updater);
my $addcount = 0;
foreach my $filename ( @{$state->{args}} )
$filename = filecleanup($filename);
+ my $meta = $updater->getmeta($filename);
+ my $wrev = revparse($filename);
+ if ($wrev && $meta && ($wrev < 0))
+ {
+ # previously removed file, add back
+ $log->info("added file $filename was previously removed, send 1.$meta->{revision}");
+ print "MT +updated\n";
+ print "MT text U \n";
+ print "MT fname $filename\n";
+ print "MT newline\n";
+ print "MT -updated\n";
+ unless ( $state->{globaloptions}{-n} )
+ {
+ my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename,1);
+ print "Created $dirpart\n";
+ print $state->{CVSROOT} . "/$state->{module}/$filename\n";
+ # this is an "entries" line
+ my $kopts = kopts_from_path($filepart);
+ $log->debug("/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/");
+ print "/$filepart/1.$meta->{revision}//$kopts/\n";
+ # permissions
+ $log->debug("SEND : u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}");
+ print "u=$meta->{mode},g=$meta->{mode},o=$meta->{mode}\n";
+ # transmit file
+ transmitfile($meta->{filehash});
+ }
+ next;
+ }
unless ( defined ( $state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_filename} ) )
print "E cvs add: nothing known about `$filename'\n";
my ( $cmd, $data ) = @_;
my $mode = <STDIN>;
+ defined $mode
+ or (print "E end of file reading mode for $data\n"), return;
chomp $mode;
my $size = <STDIN>;
+ defined $size
+ or (print "E end of file reading size of $data\n"), return;
chomp $size;
# Grab config information
$bytesleft -= $blocksize;
- close $fh;
+ close $fh
+ or (print "E failed to write temporary, $filename: $!\n"), return;
# Ensure we have something sensible for the file mode
if ( $mode =~ /u=(\w+)/ )
# projects (heads in this case) to checkout.
if ($state->{module} eq '') {
+ my $heads_dir = $state->{CVSROOT} . '/refs/heads';
+ if (!opendir HEADS, $heads_dir) {
+ print "E [server aborted]: Failed to open directory, "
+ . "$heads_dir: $!\nerror\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
print "E cvs update: Updating .\n";
- opendir HEADS, $state->{CVSROOT} . '/refs/heads';
while (my $head = readdir(HEADS)) {
if (-f $state->{CVSROOT} . '/refs/heads/' . $head) {
print "E cvs update: New directory `$head'\n";
if ( defined ( $wrev )
and defined($meta->{revision})
and $wrev == $meta->{revision}
+ and defined($state->{entries}{$filename}{modified_hash})
and not exists ( $state->{opt}{C} ) )
$log->info("Tell the client the file is modified");
$log->info("Lockless commit start, basing commit on '$tmpdir', index file is '$file_index'");
$ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/";
+ $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = ".";
$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $file_index;
# Remember where the head was at the beginning.
chdir $tmpdir;
- # populate the temporary index based
+ # populate the temporary index
system("git-read-tree", $parenthash);
unless ($? == 0)
die "Error running git-read-tree $state->{module} $file_index $!";
- $log->info("Created index '$file_index' with for head $state->{module} - exit status $?");
+ $log->info("Created index '$file_index' for head $state->{module} - exit status $?");
my @committedfiles = ();
my %oldmeta;
my ( $filepart, $dirpart ) = filenamesplit($filename);
- # do a checkout of the file if it part of this tree
+ # do a checkout of the file if it is part of this tree
if ($wrev) {
system('git-checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename);
unless ($? == 0) {
- # Check that this is allowed, just as we would with a receive-pack
- my @cmd = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}",
+ ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/update
+ my @hook = ( $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/update', "refs/heads/$state->{module}",
$parenthash, $commithash );
- if( -x $cmd[0] ) {
- unless( system( @cmd ) == 0 )
+ if( -x $hook[0] ) {
+ unless( system( @hook ) == 0 )
$log->warn("Commit failed (update hook declined to update ref)");
print "error 1 Commit failed (update hook declined)\n";
+ ### Update the ref
if (system(qw(git update-ref -m), "cvsserver ci",
"refs/heads/$state->{module}", $commithash, $parenthash)) {
$log->warn("update-ref for $state->{module} failed.");
+ ### Emulate git-receive-pack by running hooks/post-receive
+ my $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-receive';
+ if( -x $hook ) {
+ open(my $pipe, "| $hook") || die "can't fork $!";
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { die 'pipe broke' };
+ print $pipe "$parenthash $commithash refs/heads/$state->{module}\n";
+ close $pipe || die "bad pipe: $! $?";
+ }
+ ### Then hooks/post-update
+ $hook = $ENV{GIT_DIR}.'hooks/post-update';
+ if (-x $hook) {
+ system($hook, "refs/heads/$state->{module}");
+ }
# foreach file specified on the command line ...
$log->info("Temp checkoutdir creation successful, basing annotate session work on '$tmpdir', index file is '$file_index'");
$ENV{GIT_DIR} = $state->{CVSROOT} . "/";
+ $ENV{GIT_WORK_TREE} = ".";
$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $file_index;
chdir $tmpdir;
system("git-read-tree", $lastseenin);
unless ($? == 0)
- die "Error running git-read-tree $lastseenin $file_index $!";
+ print "E error running git-read-tree $lastseenin $file_index $!\n";
+ return;
$log->info("Created index '$file_index' with commit $lastseenin - exit status $?");
# do a checkout of the file
system('git-checkout-index', '-f', '-u', $filename);
unless ($? == 0) {
- die "Error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!";
+ print "E error running git-checkout-index -f -u $filename : $!\n";
+ return;
$log->info("Annotate $filename");
# git-jsannotate telling us about commits we are hiding
# from the client.
- open(ANNOTATEHINTS, ">$tmpdir/.annotate_hints") or die "Error opening > $tmpdir/.annotate_hints $!";
+ my $a_hints = "$tmpdir/.annotate_hints";
+ if (!open(ANNOTATEHINTS, '>', $a_hints)) {
+ print "E failed to open '$a_hints' for writing: $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
for (my $i=0; $i < @$revisions; $i++)
print ANNOTATEHINTS $revisions->[$i][2];
+ or (print "E failed to write $a_hints: $!\n"), return;
- my $annotatecmd = 'git-annotate';
- open(ANNOTATE, "-|", $annotatecmd, '-l', '-S', "$tmpdir/.annotate_hints", $filename)
- or die "Error invoking $annotatecmd -l -S $tmpdir/.annotate_hints $filename : $!";
+ my @cmd = (qw(git-annotate -l -S), $a_hints, $filename);
+ if (!open(ANNOTATE, "-|", @cmd)) {
+ print "E error invoking ". join(' ',@cmd) .": $!\n";
+ return;
+ }
my $metadata = {};
print "E Annotations for $filename\n";
print "E ***************\n";
# the second is $state->{files} which is everything after it.
sub argsplit
- return unless( defined($state->{arguments}) and ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" );
- my $type = shift;
$state->{args} = [];
$state->{files} = [];
$state->{opt} = {};
+ return unless( defined($state->{arguments}) and ref $state->{arguments} eq "ARRAY" );
+ my $type = shift;
if ( defined($type) )
my $opt = {};
open NEWFILE, ">", $targetfile or die("Couldn't open '$targetfile' for writing : $!");
print NEWFILE $_ while ( <$fh> );
- close NEWFILE;
+ close NEWFILE or die("Failed to write '$targetfile': $!");
} else {
print "$size\n";
print while ( <$fh> );
- close $fh or die ("Couldn't close filehandle for transmitfile()");
+ close $fh or die ("Couldn't close filehandle for transmitfile(): $!");
} else {
die("Couldn't execute git-cat-file");
bless $self, $class;
- $self->{dbdir} = $config . "/";
- die "Database dir '$self->{dbdir}' isn't a directory" unless ( defined($self->{dbdir}) and -d $self->{dbdir} );
$self->{module} = $module;
- $self->{file} = $self->{dbdir} . "/gitcvs.$module.sqlite";
$self->{git_path} = $config . "/";
$self->{log} = $log;
die "Git repo '$self->{git_path}' doesn't exist" unless ( -d $self->{git_path} );
- $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $self->{file},"","");
+ $self->{dbdriver} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbdriver} ||
+ $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbdriver} || "SQLite";
+ $self->{dbname} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbname} ||
+ $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbname} || "%Ggitcvs.%m.sqlite";
+ $self->{dbuser} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbuser} ||
+ $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbuser} || "";
+ $self->{dbpass} = $cfg->{gitcvs}{$state->{method}}{dbpass} ||
+ $cfg->{gitcvs}{dbpass} || "";
+ my %mapping = ( m => $module,
+ a => $state->{method},
+ u => getlogin || getpwuid($<) || $<,
+ G => $self->{git_path},
+ g => mangle_dirname($self->{git_path}),
+ );
+ $self->{dbname} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg;
+ $self->{dbuser} =~ s/%([mauGg])/$mapping{$1}/eg;
+ die "Invalid char ':' in dbdriver" if $self->{dbdriver} =~ /:/;
+ die "Invalid char ';' in dbname" if $self->{dbname} =~ /;/;
+ $self->{dbh} = DBI->connect("dbi:$self->{dbdriver}:dbname=$self->{dbname}",
+ $self->{dbuser},
+ $self->{dbpass});
+ die "Error connecting to database\n" unless defined $self->{dbh};
$self->{tables} = {};
- foreach my $table ( $self->{dbh}->tables )
+ foreach my $table ( keys %{$self->{dbh}->table_info(undef,undef,undef,'TABLE')->fetchall_hashref('TABLE_NAME')} )
- $table =~ s/^"//;
- $table =~ s/"$//;
$self->{tables}{$table} = 1;
if ($parent eq $lastpicked) {
- open my $p, 'git-merge-base '. $lastpicked . ' '
- . $parent . '|';
- my @output = (<$p>);
- close $p;
- my $base = join('', @output);
+ my $base = eval {
+ safe_pipe_capture('git-merge-base',
+ $lastpicked, $parent);
+ };
+ # The two branches may not be related at all,
+ # in which case merge base simply fails to find
+ # any, but that's Ok.
+ next if ($@);
chomp $base;
if ($base) {
my @merged;
# print "want to log between $base $parent \n";
open(GITLOG, '-|', 'git-log', "$base..$parent")
- or die "Cannot call git-log: $!";
+ or die "Cannot call git-log: $!";
my $mergedhash;
while (<GITLOG>) {
#$log->debug("ADDED $name");
$head->{$name} = {
name => $name,
- revision => 1,
+ revision => $head->{$name}{revision} ? $head->{$name}{revision}+1 : 1,
filehash => $hash,
commithash => $commit->{hash},
modified => $commit->{date},
return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output);
+=head2 mangle_dirname
+create a string from a directory name that is suitable to use as
+part of a filename, mainly by converting all chars except \w.- to _
+sub mangle_dirname {
+ my $dirname = shift;
+ return unless defined $dirname;
+ $dirname =~ s/[^\w.-]/_/g;
+ return $dirname;