DIR => File::Spec->tmpdir(), UNLINK => 1);
print "... $rev $path ...\n" if $opt_v;
- eval { $self->{'svn'}->get_file($path,$rev,$fh); };
+ my $pool = SVN::Pool->new();
+ eval { $self->{'svn'}->get_file($path,$rev,$fh,$pool); };
+ $pool->clear;
if($@) {
return undef if $@ =~ /Attempted to get checksum/;
die $@;
open BRANCHES,">>", "$git_dir/svn2git";
-sub get_file($$$) {
- my($rev,$branch,$path) = @_;
+sub node_kind($$$) {
+ my ($branch, $path, $revision) = @_;
+ my $pool=SVN::Pool->new;
+ my $kind = $svn->{'svn'}->check_path(revert_split_path($branch,$path),$revision,$pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ return $kind;
+sub revert_split_path($$) {
+ my($branch,$path) = @_;
- # revert split_path(), below
my $svnpath;
$path = "" if $path eq "/"; # this should not happen, but ...
if($branch eq "/") {
$svnpath = "$branch_name/$branch/$path";
+ return $svnpath
+sub get_file($$$) {
+ my($rev,$branch,$path) = @_;
+ my $svnpath = revert_split_path($branch,$path);
# now get it
my $name;
if($opt_d) {
} elsif($path =~ s#^/\Q$branch_name\E/([^/]+)/?##) {
$branch = $1;
} else {
- print STDERR "$rev: Unrecognized path: $path\n";
+ my %no_error = (
+ "/" => 1,
+ "/$tag_name" => 1,
+ "/$branch_name" => 1
+ );
+ print STDERR "$rev: Unrecognized path: $path\n" unless (defined $no_error{$path});
return ()
$path = "/" if $path eq "";
while(++$current_rev <= $svn->{'maxrev'}) {
- $svn->{'svn'}->get_log("/",$current_rev,$current_rev,$current_rev,1,1,\&_commit_all,"");
+ my $pool=SVN::Pool->new;
+ $svn->{'svn'}->get_log("/",$current_rev,$current_rev,1,1,1,\&_commit_all,$pool);
+ $pool->clear;
if($opt_l and not --$opt_l) {
print STDERR "Stopping, because there is a memory leak (in the SVN library).\n";