my $lastrev = $repo->command_oneline( [ 'rev-list', '--all' ],
STDERR => 0 );
+ my $sha1 = $repo->hash_and_insert_object('file.txt');
+ my $tempfile = tempfile();
+ my $size = $repo->cat_blob($sha1, $tempfile);
# Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well:
@EXPORT_OK = qw(command command_oneline command_noisy
command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe
+ command_bidi_pipe command_close_bidi_pipe
version exec_path hash_object git_cmd_try);
the generic command interface.
While some commands can be executed outside of any context (e.g. 'version'
-or 'init-db'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice
+or 'init'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice
means getting an instance of the Git object using the repository() constructor.
(In the future, we will also get a new_repository() constructor.) All commands
called as methods of the object are then executed in the context of the
use Carp qw(carp croak); # but croak is bad - throw instead
use Error qw(:try);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-require XSLoader;
-XSLoader::load('Git', $VERSION);
+use IPC::Open2 qw(open2);
bless $self, $class;
=head1 METHODS
} else {
my @lines = <$fh>;
- chomp @lines;
+ defined and chomp for @lines;
try {
_cmd_close($fh, $ctx);
} catch Git::Error::Command with {
=item command_close_pipe ( PIPE [, CTX ] )
Close the C<PIPE> as returned from C<command_*_pipe()>, checking
-whether the command finished successfuly. The optional C<CTX> argument
+whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX> argument
is required if you want to see the command name in the error message,
and it is the second value returned by C<command_*_pipe()> when
called in array context. The call idiom is:
_cmd_close($fh, $ctx);
+=item command_bidi_pipe ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
+Execute the given C<COMMAND> in the same way as command_output_pipe()
+does but return both an input pipe filehandle and an output pipe filehandle.
+The function will return return C<($pid, $pipe_in, $pipe_out, $ctx)>.
+See C<command_close_bidi_pipe()> for details.
+sub command_bidi_pipe {
+ my ($pid, $in, $out);
+ $pid = open2($in, $out, 'git', @_);
+ return ($pid, $in, $out, join(' ', @_));
+=item command_close_bidi_pipe ( PID, PIPE_IN, PIPE_OUT [, CTX] )
+Close the C<PIPE_IN> and C<PIPE_OUT> as returned from C<command_bidi_pipe()>,
+checking whether the command finished successfully. The optional C<CTX>
+argument is required if you want to see the command name in the error message,
+and it is the fourth value returned by C<command_bidi_pipe()>. The call idiom
+ my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = $r->command_bidi_pipe('cat-file --batch-check');
+ print "000000000\n" $out;
+ while (<$in>) { ... }
+ $r->command_close_bidi_pipe($pid, $in, $out, $ctx);
+Note that you should not rely on whatever actually is in C<CTX>;
+currently it is simply the command name but in future the context might
+have more complicated structure.
+sub command_close_bidi_pipe {
+ my ($pid, $in, $out, $ctx) = @_;
+ foreach my $fh ($in, $out) {
+ unless (close $fh) {
+ if ($!) {
+ carp "error closing pipe: $!";
+ } elsif ($? >> 8) {
+ throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ waitpid $pid, 0;
+ if ($? >> 8) {
+ throw Git::Error::Command($ctx, $? >>8);
+ }
=item command_noisy ( COMMAND [, ARGUMENTS... ] )
Return the Git version in use.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
-# Implemented in Git.xs.
+sub version {
+ my $verstr = command_oneline('--version');
+ $verstr =~ s/^git version //;
+ $verstr;
=item exec_path ()
Return path to the Git sub-command executables (the same as
C<git --exec-path>). Useful mostly only internally.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
-# Implemented in Git.xs.
+sub exec_path { command_oneline('--exec-path') }
=item repo_path ()
=item config ( VARIABLE )
-Retrieve the configuration C<VARIABLE> in the same manner as C<repo-config>
+Retrieve the configuration C<VARIABLE> in the same manner as C<config>
does. In scalar context requires the variable to be set only one time
(exception is thrown otherwise), in array context returns allows the
variable to be set multiple times and returns all the values.
-Must be called on a repository instance.
-This currently wraps command('repo-config') so it is not so fast.
+This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast.
sub config {
- my ($self, $var) = @_;
- $self->repo_path()
- or throw Error::Simple("not a repository");
+ my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_);
try {
+ my @cmd = ('config');
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
if (wantarray) {
- return $self->command('repo-config', '--get-all', $var);
+ return command(@cmd, '--get-all', $var);
+ } else {
+ return command_oneline(@cmd, '--get', $var);
+ }
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ if ($E->value() == 1) {
+ # Key not found.
+ return;
+ } else {
+ throw $E;
+ }
+ };
+=item config_bool ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the bool configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value
+is usable as a boolean in perl (and C<undef> if it's not defined,
+of course).
+This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast.
+sub config_bool {
+ my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ try {
+ my @cmd = ('config', '--bool', '--get', $var);
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ my $val = command_oneline(@cmd);
+ return undef unless defined $val;
+ return $val eq 'true';
+ } catch Git::Error::Command with {
+ my $E = shift;
+ if ($E->value() == 1) {
+ # Key not found.
+ return undef;
} else {
- return $self->command_oneline('repo-config', '--get', $var);
+ throw $E;
+ };
+=item config_int ( VARIABLE )
+Retrieve the integer configuration C<VARIABLE>. The return value
+is simple decimal number. An optional value suffix of 'k', 'm',
+or 'g' in the config file will cause the value to be multiplied
+by 1024, 1048576 (1024^2), or 1073741824 (1024^3) prior to output.
+It would return C<undef> if configuration variable is not defined,
+This currently wraps command('config') so it is not so fast.
+sub config_int {
+ my ($self, $var) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ try {
+ my @cmd = ('config', '--int', '--get', $var);
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ return command_oneline(@cmd);
} catch Git::Error::Command with {
my $E = shift;
if ($E->value() == 1) {
+=item get_colorbool ( NAME )
+Finds if color should be used for NAMEd operation from the configuration,
+and returns boolean (true for "use color", false for "do not use color").
+sub get_colorbool {
+ my ($self, $var) = @_;
+ my $stdout_to_tty = (-t STDOUT) ? "true" : "false";
+ my $use_color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-colorbool',
+ $var, $stdout_to_tty);
+ return ($use_color eq 'true');
+=item get_color ( SLOT, COLOR )
+Finds color for SLOT from the configuration, while defaulting to COLOR,
+and returns the ANSI color escape sequence:
+ print $repo->get_color("color.interactive.prompt", "underline blue white");
+ print "some text";
+ print $repo->get_color("", "normal");
+sub get_color {
+ my ($self, $slot, $default) = @_;
+ my $color = $self->command_oneline('config', '--get-color', $slot, $default);
+ if (!defined $color) {
+ $color = "";
+ }
+ return $color;
=item ident ( TYPE | IDENTSTR )
"$name <$email>" eq ident_person($name);
$time_tz =~ /^\d+ [+-]\d{4}$/;
-Both methods must be called on a repository instance.
sub ident {
- my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ my ($self, $type) = _maybe_self(@_);
my $identstr;
if (lc $type eq lc 'committer' or lc $type eq lc 'author') {
- $identstr = $self->command_oneline('var', 'GIT_'.uc($type).'_IDENT');
+ my @cmd = ('var', 'GIT_'.uc($type).'_IDENT');
+ unshift @cmd, $self if $self;
+ $identstr = command_oneline(@cmd);
} else {
$identstr = $type;
sub ident_person {
- my ($self, @ident) = @_;
- $#ident == 0 and @ident = $self->ident($ident[0]);
+ my ($self, @ident) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ $#ident == 0 and @ident = $self ? $self->ident($ident[0]) : ident($ident[0]);
return "$ident[0] <$ident[1]>";
=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME )
-=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILEHANDLE )
-Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> (or data waiting in
-C<FILEHANDLE>) considering it is of the C<TYPE> object type (C<blob>,
-C<commit>, C<tree>).
-In case of C<FILEHANDLE> passed instead of file name, all the data
-available are read and hashed, and the filehandle is automatically
-closed. The file handle should be freshly opened - if you have already
-read anything from the file handle, the results are undefined (since
-this function works directly with the file descriptor and internal
-PerlIO buffering might have messed things up).
+Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> considering it is
+of the C<TYPE> object type (C<blob>, C<commit>, C<tree>).
The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository,
it makes zero difference.
The function returns the SHA1 hash.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
+# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME
sub hash_object {
my ($self, $type, $file) = _maybe_self(@_);
+ command_oneline('hash-object', '-t', $type, $file);
- # hash_object_* implemented in Git.xs.
- if (ref($file) eq 'GLOB') {
- my $hash = hash_object_pipe($type, fileno($file));
- close $file;
- return $hash;
- } else {
- hash_object_file($type, $file);
+=item hash_and_insert_object ( FILENAME )
+Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> and add the object to the
+object database.
+The function returns the SHA1 hash.
+# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME
+sub hash_and_insert_object {
+ my ($self, $filename) = @_;
+ carp "Bad filename \"$filename\"" if $filename =~ /[\r\n]/;
+ $self->_open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed();
+ my ($in, $out) = ($self->{hash_object_in}, $self->{hash_object_out});
+ unless (print $out $filename, "\n") {
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad");
+ }
+ chomp(my $hash = <$in>);
+ unless (defined($hash)) {
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ return $hash;
+sub _open_hash_and_insert_object_if_needed {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if defined($self->{hash_object_pid});
+ ($self->{hash_object_pid}, $self->{hash_object_in},
+ $self->{hash_object_out}, $self->{hash_object_ctx}) =
+ command_bidi_pipe(qw(hash-object -w --stdin-paths));
+sub _close_hash_and_insert_object {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless defined($self->{hash_object_pid});
+ my @vars = map { 'hash_object_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx);
+ command_close_bidi_pipe($self->{@vars});
+ delete $self->{@vars};
+=item cat_blob ( SHA1, FILEHANDLE )
+Prints the contents of the blob identified by C<SHA1> to C<FILEHANDLE> and
+returns the number of bytes printed.
+sub cat_blob {
+ my ($self, $sha1, $fh) = @_;
+ $self->_open_cat_blob_if_needed();
+ my ($in, $out) = ($self->{cat_blob_in}, $self->{cat_blob_out});
+ unless (print $out $sha1, "\n") {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("out pipe went bad");
+ }
+ my $description = <$in>;
+ if ($description =~ / missing$/) {
+ carp "$sha1 doesn't exist in the repository";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ($description !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{40} \S+ (\d+)$/) {
+ carp "Unexpected result returned from git cat-file";
+ return -1;
+ }
+ my $size = $1;
+ my $blob;
+ my $bytesRead = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ my $bytesLeft = $size - $bytesRead;
+ last unless $bytesLeft;
+ my $bytesToRead = $bytesLeft < 1024 ? $bytesLeft : 1024;
+ my $read = read($in, $blob, $bytesToRead, $bytesRead);
+ unless (defined($read)) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ $bytesRead += $read;
+ }
+ # Skip past the trailing newline.
+ my $newline;
+ my $read = read($in, $newline, 1);
+ unless (defined($read)) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("in pipe went bad");
+ }
+ unless ($read == 1 && $newline eq "\n") {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("didn't find newline after blob");
+ unless (print $fh $blob) {
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
+ throw Error::Simple("couldn't write to passed in filehandle");
+ }
+ return $size;
+sub _open_cat_blob_if_needed {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return if defined($self->{cat_blob_pid});
+ ($self->{cat_blob_pid}, $self->{cat_blob_in},
+ $self->{cat_blob_out}, $self->{cat_blob_ctx}) =
+ command_bidi_pipe(qw(cat-file --batch));
+sub _close_cat_blob {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return unless defined($self->{cat_blob_pid});
+ my @vars = map { 'cat_blob_' . $_ } qw(pid in out ctx);
+ command_close_bidi_pipe($self->{@vars});
+ delete $self->{@vars};
my $fh;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# ActiveState Perl
#defined $opts{STDERR} and
# warn 'ignoring STDERR option - running w/ ActiveState';
$direction eq '-|' or
die 'input pipe for ActiveState not implemented';
- tie ($fh, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args);
+ # the strange construction with *ACPIPE is just to
+ # explain the tie below that we want to bind to
+ # a handle class, not scalar. It is not known if
+ # it is something specific to ActiveState Perl or
+ # just a Perl quirk.
+ tie (*ACPIPE, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args);
+ $fh = *ACPIPE;
} else {
my $pid = open($fh, $direction);
$self->wc_subdir() and chdir($self->wc_subdir());
- die "exec failed: $!";
+ die qq[exec "@args" failed: $!];
# Execute the given Git command ($_[0]) with arguments ($_[1..])
# by searching for it at proper places.
-# _execv_git_cmd(), implemented in Git.xs.
+sub _execv_git_cmd { exec('git', @_); }
# Close pipe to a subprocess.
sub _cmd_close {
-# Trickery for .xs routines: In order to avoid having some horrid
-# C code trying to do stuff with undefs and hashes, we gate all
-# xs calls through the following and in case we are being ran upon
-# an instance call a C part of the gate which will set up the
-# environment properly.
-sub _call_gate {
- my $xsfunc = shift;
- my ($self, @args) = _maybe_self(@_);
- if (defined $self) {
- # XXX: We ignore the WorkingCopy! To properly support
- # that will require heavy changes in libgit.
- # XXX: And we ignore everything else as well. libgit
- # at least needs to be extended to let us specify
- # the $GIT_DIR instead of looking it up in environment.
- #xs_call_gate($self->{opts}->{Repository});
- }
- # Having to call throw from the C code is a sure path to insanity.
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { throw Error::Simple("@_"); };
- &$xsfunc(@args);
+sub DESTROY {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->_close_hash_and_insert_object();
+ $self->_close_cat_blob();
- my $xsname;
- our $AUTOLOAD;
- ($xsname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- throw Error::Simple("&Git::$xsname not defined") if $xsname =~ /^xs_/;
- $xsname = 'xs_'.$xsname;
- _call_gate(\&$xsname, @_);
-sub DESTROY { }
# Pipe implementation for ActiveState Perl.
# FIXME: This is probably horrible idea and the thing will explode
# at the moment you give it arguments that require some quoting,
# but I have no ActiveState clue... --pasky
- my $cmdline = join " ", @params;
- my @data = qx{$cmdline};
+ # Let's just hope ActiveState Perl does at least the quoting
+ # correctly.
+ my @data = qx{git @params};
bless { i => 0, data => \@data }, $class;
if ($self->{i} >= scalar @{$self->{data}}) {
return undef;
- return $self->{'data'}->[ $self->{i}++ ];
+ my $i = $self->{i};
+ if (wantarray) {
+ $self->{i} = $#{$self->{'data'}} + 1;
+ return splice(@{$self->{'data'}}, $i);
+ }
+ $self->{i} = $i + 1;
+ return $self->{'data'}->[ $i ];
sub CLOSE {