the generic command interface.
While some commands can be executed outside of any context (e.g. 'version'
-or 'init-db'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice
+or 'init'), most operations require a repository context, which in practice
means getting an instance of the Git object using the repository() constructor.
(In the future, we will also get a new_repository() constructor.) All commands
called as methods of the object are then executed in the context of the
use Error qw(:try);
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
-require XSLoader;
-XSLoader::load('Git', $VERSION);
} else {
my @lines = <$fh>;
- chomp @lines;
+ defined and chomp for @lines;
try {
_cmd_close($fh, $ctx);
} catch Git::Error::Command with {
Return the Git version in use.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
-# Implemented in Git.xs.
+sub version {
+ my $verstr = command_oneline('--version');
+ $verstr =~ s/^git version //;
+ $verstr;
=item exec_path ()
Return path to the Git sub-command executables (the same as
C<git --exec-path>). Useful mostly only internally.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
-# Implemented in Git.xs.
+sub exec_path { command_oneline('--exec-path') }
=item repo_path ()
=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILENAME )
-=item hash_object ( TYPE, FILEHANDLE )
Compute the SHA1 object id of the given C<FILENAME> (or data waiting in
C<FILEHANDLE>) considering it is of the C<TYPE> object type (C<blob>,
C<commit>, C<tree>).
-In case of C<FILEHANDLE> passed instead of file name, all the data
-available are read and hashed, and the filehandle is automatically
-closed. The file handle should be freshly opened - if you have already
-read anything from the file handle, the results are undefined (since
-this function works directly with the file descriptor and internal
-PerlIO buffering might have messed things up).
The method can be called without any instance or on a specified Git repository,
it makes zero difference.
The function returns the SHA1 hash.
-Implementation of this function is very fast; no external command calls
-are involved.
+# TODO: Support for passing FILEHANDLE instead of FILENAME
sub hash_object {
my ($self, $type, $file) = _maybe_self(@_);
- # hash_object_* implemented in Git.xs.
- if (ref($file) eq 'GLOB') {
- my $hash = hash_object_pipe($type, fileno($file));
- close $file;
- return $hash;
- } else {
- hash_object_file($type, $file);
- }
+ command_oneline('hash-object', '-t', $type, $file);
my $fh;
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# ActiveState Perl
#defined $opts{STDERR} and
# warn 'ignoring STDERR option - running w/ ActiveState';
$direction eq '-|' or
die 'input pipe for ActiveState not implemented';
- tie ($fh, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args);
+ # the strange construction with *ACPIPE is just to
+ # explain the tie below that we want to bind to
+ # a handle class, not scalar. It is not known if
+ # it is something specific to ActiveState Perl or
+ # just a Perl quirk.
+ tie (*ACPIPE, 'Git::activestate_pipe', $cmd, @args);
+ $fh = *ACPIPE;
} else {
my $pid = open($fh, $direction);
# Execute the given Git command ($_[0]) with arguments ($_[1..])
# by searching for it at proper places.
-# _execv_git_cmd(), implemented in Git.xs.
+sub _execv_git_cmd { exec('git', @_); }
# Close pipe to a subprocess.
sub _cmd_close {
-# Trickery for .xs routines: In order to avoid having some horrid
-# C code trying to do stuff with undefs and hashes, we gate all
-# xs calls through the following and in case we are being ran upon
-# an instance call a C part of the gate which will set up the
-# environment properly.
-sub _call_gate {
- my $xsfunc = shift;
- my ($self, @args) = _maybe_self(@_);
- if (defined $self) {
- # XXX: We ignore the WorkingCopy! To properly support
- # that will require heavy changes in libgit.
- # XXX: And we ignore everything else as well. libgit
- # at least needs to be extended to let us specify
- # the $GIT_DIR instead of looking it up in environment.
- #xs_call_gate($self->{opts}->{Repository});
- }
- # Having to call throw from the C code is a sure path to insanity.
- local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub { throw Error::Simple("@_"); };
- &$xsfunc(@args);
- my $xsname;
- our $AUTOLOAD;
- ($xsname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- throw Error::Simple("&Git::$xsname not defined") if $xsname =~ /^xs_/;
- $xsname = 'xs_'.$xsname;
- _call_gate(\&$xsname, @_);
sub DESTROY { }
# FIXME: This is probably horrible idea and the thing will explode
# at the moment you give it arguments that require some quoting,
# but I have no ActiveState clue... --pasky
- my $cmdline = join " ", @params;
- my @data = qx{$cmdline};
+ # Let's just hope ActiveState Perl does at least the quoting
+ # correctly.
+ my @data = qx{git @params};
bless { i => 0, data => \@data }, $class;