-USAGE='[--mixed | --soft | --hard] [<commit-ish>]'
+# Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Linus Torvalds and Junio C Hamano
+USAGE='[--mixed | --soft | --hard] [<commit-ish>] [ [--] <paths>...]'
. git-sh-setup
-trap 'rm -f $tmp-*' 0 1 2 3 15
+update= reset_type=--mixed
+unset rev
-case "$1" in
---mixed | --soft | --hard)
- reset_type="$1"
+while case $# in 0) break ;; esac
+ case "$1" in
+ --mixed | --soft | --hard)
+ reset_type="$1"
+ ;;
+ --)
+ break
+ ;;
+ -*)
+ usage
+ ;;
+ *)
+ rev=$(git-rev-parse --verify "$1") || exit
+ shift
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
- ;;
- usage ;;
-rev=$(git-rev-parse --verify --default HEAD "$@") || exit
+: ${rev=HEAD}
rev=$(git-rev-parse --verify $rev^0) || exit
-# We need to remember the set of paths that _could_ be left
-# behind before a hard reset, so that we can remove them.
+# Skip -- in "git reset HEAD -- foo" and "git reset -- foo".
+case "$1" in --) shift ;; esac
+# git reset --mixed tree [--] paths... can be used to
+# load chosen paths from the tree into the index without
+# affecting the working tree nor HEAD.
+if test $# != 0
+ test "$reset_type" == "--mixed" ||
+ die "Cannot do partial $reset_type reset."
+ git ls-tree -r --full-name $rev -- "$@" |
+ git update-index --add --index-info || exit
+ git update-index --refresh
+ exit
+TOP=$(git-rev-parse --show-cdup)
+if test ! -z "$TOP"
+ cd "$TOP"
if test "$reset_type" = "--hard"
- {
- git-ls-files --stage -z
- git-rev-parse --verify HEAD 2>/dev/null &&
- git-ls-tree -r -z HEAD
- } | perl -e '
- use strict;
- my %seen;
- $/ = "\0";
- while (<>) {
- chomp;
- my ($info, $path) = split(/\t/, $_);
- next if ($info =~ / tree /);
- if (!$seen{$path}) {
- $seen{$path} = 1;
- print "$path\0";
- }
- }
- ' >$tmp-exists
+ update=-u
# Soft reset does not touch the index file nor the working tree
die "Cannot do a soft reset in the middle of a merge."
- git-read-tree --reset "$rev" || exit
+ git-read-tree --reset $update "$rev" || exit
# Any resets update HEAD to the head being switched to.
-git-update-ref HEAD "$rev"
+git-update-ref -m "reset $reset_type $*" HEAD "$rev"
case "$reset_type" in
--hard )
- # Hard reset matches the working tree to that of the tree
- # being switched to.
- git-checkout-index -f -u -q -a
- git-ls-files --cached -z |
- perl -e '
- use strict;
- my (%keep, $fh);
- $/ = "\0";
- while (<STDIN>) {
- chomp;
- $keep{$_} = 1;
- }
- open $fh, "<", $ARGV[0]
- or die "cannot open $ARGV[0]";
- while (<$fh>) {
- chomp;
- if (! exists $keep{$_}) {
- # it is ok if this fails -- it may already
- # have been culled by checkout-index.
- unlink $_;
- }
- }
- ' $tmp-exists
+ test $update_ref_status = 0 && {
+ echo -n "HEAD is now at "
+ GIT_PAGER= git log --max-count=1 --pretty=oneline \
+ --abbrev-commit HEAD
+ }
--soft )
;; # Nothing else to do
-rm -f "$GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD" "$GIT_DIR/rr-cache/MERGE_RR"
+rm -f "$GIT_DIR/MERGE_HEAD" "$GIT_DIR/rr-cache/MERGE_RR" \
+exit $update_ref_status