- $opt_b,$opt_r,$opt_I,$opt_A,$opt_s,$opt_l,$opt_d,$opt_D,$opt_S,$opt_F);
+ $opt_b,$opt_r,$opt_I,$opt_A,$opt_s,$opt_l,$opt_d,$opt_D,$opt_S,$opt_F,
+ $opt_P,$opt_R);
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<END;
Usage: ${\basename $0} # fetch/update GIT from SVN
- [-o branch-for-HEAD] [-h] [-v] [-l max_rev]
+ [-o branch-for-HEAD] [-h] [-v] [-l max_rev] [-R repack_each_revs]
[-C GIT_repository] [-t tagname] [-T trunkname] [-b branchname]
[-d|-D] [-i] [-u] [-r] [-I ignorefilename] [-s start_chg]
- [-m] [-M regex] [-A author_file] [-S] [-F] [SVN_URL]
+ [-m] [-M regex] [-A author_file] [-S] [-F] [-P project_name] [SVN_URL]
-getopts("A:b:C:dDFhiI:l:mM:o:rs:t:T:Suv") or usage();
+getopts("A:b:C:dDFhiI:l:mM:o:rs:t:T:SP:R:uv") or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
my $tag_name = $opt_t || "tags";
-my $trunk_name = $opt_T || "trunk";
+my $trunk_name = defined $opt_T ? $opt_T : "trunk";
my $branch_name = $opt_b || "branches";
+my $project_name = $opt_P || "";
+$project_name = "/" . $project_name if ($project_name);
+my $repack_after = $opt_R || 1000;
@ARGV == 1 or @ARGV == 2 or usage();
print "... $rev $path ...\n" if $opt_v;
my (undef, $properties);
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new();
+ $path =~ s#^/*##;
eval { (undef, $properties)
= $self->{'svn'}->get_file($path,$rev,$fh,$pool); };
my($self,$path,$rev) = @_;
print "... $rev $path ...\n" if $opt_v;
+ $path =~ s#^/*##;
my (undef,undef,$properties)
= $self->{'svn'}->get_dir($path,$rev,undef);
if (exists $properties->{'svn:ignore'}) {
sub dir_list {
my($self,$path,$rev) = @_;
+ $path =~ s#^/*##;
my ($dirents,undef,$properties)
= $self->{'svn'}->get_dir($path,$rev,undef);
return $dirents;
my $last_branch;
my $current_rev = $opt_s || 1;
unless(-d $git_dir) {
- system("git-init-db");
+ system("git-init");
die "Cannot init the GIT db at $git_tree: $?\n" if $?;
die "Cannot init an empty tree: $?\n" if $?;
sub node_kind($$) {
my ($svnpath, $revision) = @_;
my $pool=SVN::Pool->new;
+ $svnpath =~ s#^/*##;
my $kind = $svn->{'svn'}->check_path($svnpath,$revision,$pool);
return $kind;
+sub project_path($$)
+ my ($path, $project) = @_;
+ $path = "/".$path unless ($path =~ m#^\/#) ;
+ return $1 if ($path =~ m#^$project\/(.*)$#);
+ $path =~ s#\.#\\\.#g;
+ $path =~ s#\+#\\\+#g;
+ return "/" if ($project =~ m#^$path.*$#);
+ return undef;
sub split_path($$) {
my($rev,$path) = @_;
my $branch;
print STDERR "$rev: Unrecognized path: $path\n" unless (defined $no_error{$path});
return ()
- $path = "/" if $path eq "";
+ if ($path eq "") {
+ $path = "/";
+ } elsif ($project_name) {
+ $path = project_path($path, $project_name);
+ }
return ($branch,$path);
if ($node_kind eq $SVN::Node::dir) {
$srcpath =~ s#/*$#/#;
my $pid = open my $f,'-|';
die $! unless defined $pid;
if (!$pid) {
} else {
$p = $path;
- push(@$new,[$mode,$sha1,$p]);
+ push(@$new,[$mode,$sha1,$p]);
close($f) or
print STDERR "$newrev:$newbranch: could not list files in $oldpath \@ $rev\n";
my $rev;
if($revision > $opt_s and defined $parent) {
- open(H,"git-rev-parse --verify $parent |");
+ open(H,'-|',"git-rev-parse","--verify",$parent);
$rev = <H>;
close(H) or do {
print STDERR "$revision: cannot find commit '$parent'!\n";
or die "Cannot write branch $dest for update: $!\n";
- if($tag) {
- my($in, $out) = ('','');
+ if ($tag) {
$last_rev = "-" if %$changed_paths;
# the tag was 'complex', i.e. did not refer to a "real" revision
$dest =~ tr/_/\./ if $opt_u;
- $branch = $dest;
- my $pid = open2($in, $out, 'git-mktag');
- print $out ("object $cid\n".
- "type commit\n".
- "tag $dest\n".
- "tagger $committer_name <$committer_email>\n") and
- close($out)
- or die "Cannot create tag object $dest: $!\n";
- my $tagobj = <$in>;
- chomp $tagobj;
- if ( !close($in) or waitpid($pid, 0) != $pid or
- $? != 0 or $tagobj !~ /^[0123456789abcdef]{40}$/ ) {
- die "Cannot create tag object $dest: $!\n";
- }
- open(C,">$git_dir/refs/tags/$dest") and
- print C ("$tagobj\n") and
- close(C)
- or die "Cannot create tag $branch: $!\n";
+ system('git-tag', '-f', $dest, $cid) == 0
+ or die "Cannot create tag $dest: $!\n";
print "Created tag '$dest' on '$branch'\n" if $opt_v;
while(my($path,$action) = each %$changed_paths) {
($branch,$path) = split_path($revision,$path);
next if not defined $branch;
+ next if not defined $path;
$done{$branch}{$path} = $action;
while(($branch,$changed_paths) = each %done) {
-print "Fetching from $current_rev to $opt_l ...\n" if $opt_v;
+print "Processing from $current_rev to $opt_l ...\n" if $opt_v;
-my $pool=SVN::Pool->new;
+my $from_rev;
+my $to_rev = $current_rev - 1;
+while ($to_rev < $opt_l) {
+ $from_rev = $to_rev + 1;
+ $to_rev = $from_rev + $repack_after;
+ $to_rev = $opt_l if $opt_l < $to_rev;
+ print "Fetching from $from_rev to $to_rev ...\n" if $opt_v;
+ my $pool=SVN::Pool->new;
+ $svn->{'svn'}->get_log("/",$from_rev,$to_rev,0,1,1,\&commit_all,$pool);
+ $pool->clear;
+ my $pid = fork();
+ die "Fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
+ unless($pid) {
+ exec("git-repack", "-d")
+ or die "Cannot repack: $!\n";
+ }
+ waitpid($pid, 0);