+test_expect_success 'prune: do not prune detached HEAD with no reflog' '
+ git checkout --detach --quiet &&
+ git commit --allow-empty -m "detached commit" &&
+ # verify that there is no reflogs
+ # (should be removed and disabled by previous test)
+ test ! -e .git/logs &&
+ git prune -n >prune_actual &&
+ : >prune_expected &&
+ test_cmp prune_actual prune_expected
+test_expect_success 'prune: prune former HEAD after checking out branch' '
+ head_sha1=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
+ git checkout --quiet master &&
+ git prune -v >prune_actual &&
+ grep "$head_sha1" prune_actual
test_expect_success 'prune: do not prune heads listed as an argument' '
: > file2 &&
+test_expect_success 'garbage report in count-objects -v' '
+ : >.git/objects/pack/foo &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/foo.bar &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/foo.keep &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/foo.pack &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake.bar &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake.keep &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake.pack &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake.idx &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake2.keep &&
+ : >.git/objects/pack/fake3.idx &&
+ git count-objects -v 2>stderr &&
+ grep "index file .git/objects/pack/fake.idx is too small" stderr &&
+ grep "^warning:" stderr | sort >actual &&
+ cat >expected <<\EOF &&
+warning: garbage found: .git/objects/pack/fake.bar
+warning: garbage found: .git/objects/pack/foo
+warning: garbage found: .git/objects/pack/foo.bar
+warning: no corresponding .idx or .pack: .git/objects/pack/fake2.keep
+warning: no corresponding .idx: .git/objects/pack/foo.keep
+warning: no corresponding .idx: .git/objects/pack/foo.pack
+warning: no corresponding .pack: .git/objects/pack/fake3.idx
+ test_cmp expected actual
+test_expect_success 'prune .git/shallow' '
+ SHA1=`echo hi|git commit-tree HEAD^{tree}` &&
+ echo $SHA1 >.git/shallow &&
+ git prune --dry-run >out &&
+ grep $SHA1 .git/shallow &&
+ grep $SHA1 out &&
+ git prune &&
+ ! test -f .git/shallow