--[no-]bcc <str> * Email Bcc:
--subject <str> * Email "Subject:"
--in-reply-to <str> * Email "In-Reply-To:"
- --annotate * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor.
+ --[no-]xmailer * Add "X-Mailer:" header (default).
+ --[no-]annotate * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor.
--compose * Open an editor for introduction.
--compose-encoding <str> * Encoding to assume for introduction.
--8bit-encoding <str> * Encoding to assume 8bit mails if undeclared
+ --transfer-encoding <str> * Transfer encoding to use (quoted-printable, 8bit, base64)
--envelope-sender <str> * Email envelope sender.
--smtp-pass <str> * Password for SMTP-AUTH; not necessary.
--smtp-encryption <str> * tls or ssl; anything else disables.
--smtp-ssl * Deprecated. Use '--smtp-encryption ssl'.
+ --smtp-ssl-cert-path <str> * Path to ca-certificates (either directory or file).
+ Pass an empty string to disable certificate
+ verification.
--smtp-domain <str> * The domain name sent to HELO/EHLO handshake
--smtp-debug <0|1> * Disable, enable Net::SMTP debug.
--to-cmd <str> * Email To: via `<str> \$patch_path`
--cc-cmd <str> * Email Cc: via `<str> \$patch_path`
--suppress-cc <str> * author, self, sob, cc, cccmd, body, bodycc, all.
+ --[no-]cc-cover * Email Cc: addresses in the cover letter.
+ --[no-]to-cover * Email To: addresses in the cover letter.
--[no-]signed-off-by-cc * Send to Signed-off-by: addresses. Default on.
--[no-]suppress-from * Send to self. Default off.
--[no-]chain-reply-to * Chain In-Reply-To: fields. Default off.
my $smtp;
my $auth;
+# Regexes for RFC 2047 productions.
+my $re_token = qr/[^][()<>@,;:\\"\/?.= \000-\037\177-\377]+/;
+my $re_encoded_text = qr/[^? \000-\037\177-\377]+/;
+my $re_encoded_word = qr/=\?($re_token)\?($re_token)\?($re_encoded_text)\?=/;
# Variables we fill in automatically, or via prompting:
my (@to,$no_to,@initial_to,@cc,$no_cc,@initial_cc,@bcclist,$no_bcc,@xh,
- $author,$sender,$smtp_authpass,$annotate,$compose,$time);
+ $author,$sender,$smtp_authpass,$annotate,$use_xmailer,$compose,$time);
my $envelope_sender;
# Variables with corresponding config settings
my ($thread, $chain_reply_to, $suppress_from, $signed_off_by_cc);
+my ($cover_cc, $cover_to);
my ($to_cmd, $cc_cmd);
my ($smtp_server, $smtp_server_port, @smtp_server_options);
-my ($smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption);
+my ($smtp_authuser, $smtp_encryption, $smtp_ssl_cert_path);
my ($identity, $aliasfiletype, @alias_files, $smtp_domain);
my ($validate, $confirm);
my (@suppress_cc);
my ($auto_8bit_encoding);
my ($compose_encoding);
+my ($target_xfer_encoding);
my ($debug_net_smtp) = 0; # Net::SMTP, see send_message()
-my $not_set_by_user = "true but not set by the user";
my %config_bool_settings = (
"thread" => [\$thread, 1],
- "chainreplyto" => [\$chain_reply_to, $not_set_by_user],
+ "chainreplyto" => [\$chain_reply_to, 0],
"suppressfrom" => [\$suppress_from, undef],
"signedoffbycc" => [\$signed_off_by_cc, undef],
+ "cccover" => [\$cover_cc, undef],
+ "tocover" => [\$cover_to, undef],
"signedoffcc" => [\$signed_off_by_cc, undef], # Deprecated
"validate" => [\$validate, 1],
- "multiedit" => [\$multiedit, undef]
+ "multiedit" => [\$multiedit, undef],
+ "annotate" => [\$annotate, undef],
+ "xmailer" => [\$use_xmailer, 1]
my %config_settings = (
"smtpserveroption" => \@smtp_server_options,
"smtpuser" => \$smtp_authuser,
"smtppass" => \$smtp_authpass,
+ "smtpsslcertpath" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path,
"smtpdomain" => \$smtp_domain,
"to" => \@initial_to,
"tocmd" => \$to_cmd,
"from" => \$sender,
"assume8bitencoding" => \$auto_8bit_encoding,
"composeencoding" => \$compose_encoding,
+ "transferencoding" => \$target_xfer_encoding,
my %config_path_settings = (
"aliasesfile" => \@alias_files,
-# Help users prepare for 1.7.0
-sub chain_reply_to {
- if (defined $chain_reply_to &&
- $chain_reply_to eq $not_set_by_user) {
- print STDERR
- "In git 1.7.0, the default has changed to --no-chain-reply-to\n" .
- "Set sendemail.chainreplyto configuration variable to true if\n" .
- "you want to keep --chain-reply-to as your default.\n";
- $chain_reply_to = 0;
- }
- return $chain_reply_to;
# Handle Uncouth Termination
sub signal_handler {
"smtp-pass:s" => \$smtp_authpass,
"smtp-ssl" => sub { $smtp_encryption = 'ssl' },
"smtp-encryption=s" => \$smtp_encryption,
+ "smtp-ssl-cert-path=s" => \$smtp_ssl_cert_path,
"smtp-debug:i" => \$debug_net_smtp,
"smtp-domain:s" => \$smtp_domain,
"identity=s" => \$identity,
- "annotate" => \$annotate,
+ "annotate!" => \$annotate,
"compose" => \$compose,
"quiet" => \$quiet,
"cc-cmd=s" => \$cc_cmd,
"suppress-from!" => \$suppress_from,
"suppress-cc=s" => \@suppress_cc,
"signed-off-cc|signed-off-by-cc!" => \$signed_off_by_cc,
+ "cc-cover|cc-cover!" => \$cover_cc,
+ "to-cover|to-cover!" => \$cover_to,
"confirm=s" => \$confirm,
"dry-run" => \$dry_run,
"envelope-sender=s" => \$envelope_sender,
"thread!" => \$thread,
"validate!" => \$validate,
+ "transfer-encoding=s" => \$target_xfer_encoding,
"format-patch!" => \$format_patch,
"8bit-encoding=s" => \$auto_8bit_encoding,
"compose-encoding=s" => \$compose_encoding,
"force" => \$force,
+ "xmailer!" => \$use_xmailer,
usage() if $help;
$sender = $repoauthor || $repocommitter || '';
+# $sender could be an already sanitized address
+# (e.g. sendemail.from could be manually sanitized by user).
+# But it's a no-op to run sanitize_address on an already sanitized address.
+$sender = sanitize_address($sender);
my $prompting = 0;
if (!@initial_to && !defined $to_cmd) {
my $to = ask("Who should the emails be sent to (if any)? ",
sub unquote_rfc2047 {
local ($_) = @_;
- my $encoding;
- s{=\?([^?]+)\?q\?(.*?)\?=}{
- $encoding = $1;
- my $e = $2;
- $e =~ s/_/ /g;
- $e =~ s/=([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/eg;
- $e;
+ my $charset;
+ my $sep = qr/[ \t]+/;
+ s{$re_encoded_word(?:$sep$re_encoded_word)*}{
+ my @words = split $sep, $&;
+ foreach (@words) {
+ m/$re_encoded_word/;
+ $charset = $1;
+ my $encoding = $2;
+ my $text = $3;
+ if ($encoding eq 'q' || $encoding eq 'Q') {
+ $_ = $text;
+ s/_/ /g;
+ s/=([0-9A-F]{2})/chr(hex($1))/egi;
+ } else {
+ # other encodings not supported yet
+ }
+ }
+ join '', @words;
- return wantarray ? ($_, $encoding) : $_;
+ return wantarray ? ($_, $charset) : $_;
sub quote_rfc2047 {
sub is_rfc2047_quoted {
my $s = shift;
- my $token = qr/[^][()<>@,;:"\/?.= \000-\037\177-\377]+/;
- my $encoded_text = qr/[!->@-~]+/;
length($s) <= 75 &&
- $s =~ m/^(?:"[[:ascii:]]*"|=\?$token\?$token\?$encoded_text\?=)$/o;
+ $s =~ m/^(?:"[[:ascii:]]*"|$re_encoded_word)$/o;
sub subject_needs_rfc2047_quoting {
return maildomain_net() || maildomain_mta() || 'localhost.localdomain';
+sub smtp_host_string {
+ if (defined $smtp_server_port) {
+ return "$smtp_server:$smtp_server_port";
+ } else {
+ return $smtp_server;
+ }
+# Returns 1 if authentication succeeded or was not necessary
+# (smtp_user was not specified), and 0 otherwise.
+sub smtp_auth_maybe {
+ if (!defined $smtp_authuser || $auth) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # Workaround AUTH PLAIN/LOGIN interaction defect
+ # with Authen::SASL::Cyrus
+ eval {
+ require Authen::SASL;
+ Authen::SASL->import(qw(Perl));
+ };
+ # TODO: Authentication may fail not because credentials were
+ # invalid but due to other reasons, in which we should not
+ # reject credentials.
+ $auth = Git::credential({
+ 'protocol' => 'smtp',
+ 'host' => smtp_host_string(),
+ 'username' => $smtp_authuser,
+ # if there's no password, "git credential fill" will
+ # give us one, otherwise it'll just pass this one.
+ 'password' => $smtp_authpass
+ }, sub {
+ my $cred = shift;
+ return !!$smtp->auth($cred->{'username'}, $cred->{'password'});
+ });
+ return $auth;
+sub ssl_verify_params {
+ eval {
+ require IO::Socket::SSL;
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ print STDERR "Not using SSL_VERIFY_PEER due to out-of-date IO::Socket::SSL.\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!defined $smtp_ssl_cert_path) {
+ # use the OpenSSL defaults
+ return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER());
+ }
+ if ($smtp_ssl_cert_path eq "") {
+ return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE());
+ } elsif (-d $smtp_ssl_cert_path) {
+ return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
+ SSL_ca_path => $smtp_ssl_cert_path);
+ } elsif (-f $smtp_ssl_cert_path) {
+ return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
+ SSL_ca_file => $smtp_ssl_cert_path);
+ } else {
+ print STDERR "Not using SSL_VERIFY_PEER because the CA path does not exist.\n";
+ return (SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_NONE());
+ }
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my ($path) = @_;
+ # msys does not grok DOS drive-prefixes
+ if ($^O eq 'msys') {
+ return ($path =~ m#^/# || $path =~ m#^[a-zA-Z]\:#)
+ }
+ require File::Spec::Functions;
+ return File::Spec::Functions::file_name_is_absolute($path);
# Returns 1 if the message was sent, and 0 otherwise.
# In actuality, the whole program dies when there
# is an error sending a message.
if ($cc ne '') {
$ccline = "\nCc: $cc";
- my $sanitized_sender = sanitize_address($sender);
make_message_id() unless defined($message_id);
- my $header = "From: $sanitized_sender
+ my $header = "From: $sender
To: $to${ccline}
Subject: $subject
Date: $date
Message-Id: $message_id
-X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion
+ if ($use_xmailer) {
+ $header .= "X-Mailer: git-send-email $gitversion\n";
+ }
if ($reply_to) {
$header .= "In-Reply-To: $reply_to\n";
my @sendmail_parameters = ('-i', @recipients);
- my $raw_from = $sanitized_sender;
+ my $raw_from = $sender;
if (defined $envelope_sender && $envelope_sender ne "auto") {
$raw_from = $envelope_sender;
if ($dry_run) {
# We don't want to send the email.
- } elsif ($smtp_server =~ m#^/#) {
+ } elsif (file_name_is_absolute($smtp_server)) {
my $pid = open my $sm, '|-';
defined $pid or die $!;
if (!$pid) {
$smtp_server_port ||= 465; # ssmtp
require Net::SMTP::SSL;
$smtp_domain ||= maildomain();
+ require IO::Socket::SSL;
+ # Net::SMTP::SSL->new() does not forward any SSL options
+ IO::Socket::SSL::set_client_defaults(
+ ssl_verify_params());
$smtp ||= Net::SMTP::SSL->new($smtp_server,
Hello => $smtp_domain,
- Port => $smtp_server_port);
+ Port => $smtp_server_port,
+ Debug => $debug_net_smtp);
else {
require Net::SMTP;
$smtp_domain ||= maildomain();
- $smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new((defined $smtp_server_port)
- ? "$smtp_server:$smtp_server_port"
- : $smtp_server,
+ $smtp_server_port ||= 25;
+ $smtp ||= Net::SMTP->new($smtp_server,
Hello => $smtp_domain,
- Debug => $debug_net_smtp);
+ Debug => $debug_net_smtp,
+ Port => $smtp_server_port);
if ($smtp_encryption eq 'tls' && $smtp) {
require Net::SMTP::SSL;
if ($smtp->code == 220) {
- $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->start_SSL($smtp)
- or die "STARTTLS failed! ".$smtp->message;
+ $smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->start_SSL($smtp,
+ ssl_verify_params())
+ or die "STARTTLS failed! ".IO::Socket::SSL::errstr();
$smtp_encryption = '';
# Send EHLO again to receive fresh
# supported commands
defined $smtp_server_port ? " port=$smtp_server_port" : "";
- if (defined $smtp_authuser) {
- # Workaround AUTH PLAIN/LOGIN interaction defect
- # with Authen::SASL::Cyrus
- eval {
- require Authen::SASL;
- Authen::SASL->import(qw(Perl));
- };
- if (!defined $smtp_authpass) {
- system "stty -echo";
- do {
- print "Password: ";
- $_ = <STDIN>;
- print "\n";
- } while (!defined $_);
- chomp($smtp_authpass = $_);
- system "stty echo";
- }
- $auth ||= $smtp->auth( $smtp_authuser, $smtp_authpass ) or die $smtp->message;
- }
+ smtp_auth_maybe or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->mail( $raw_from ) or die $smtp->message;
$smtp->to( @recipients ) or die $smtp->message;
printf (($dry_run ? "Dry-" : "")."Sent %s\n", $subject);
} else {
print (($dry_run ? "Dry-" : "")."OK. Log says:\n");
- if ($smtp_server !~ m#^/#) {
+ if (!file_name_is_absolute($smtp_server)) {
print "Server: $smtp_server\n";
print "MAIL FROM:<$raw_from>\n";
foreach my $entry (@recipients) {
open my $fh, "<", $t or die "can't open file $t";
my $author = undef;
+ my $sauthor = undef;
my $author_encoding;
my $has_content_type;
my $body_encoding;
+ my $xfer_encoding;
+ my $has_mime_version;
@to = ();
@cc = ();
@xh = ();
elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/i) {
($author, $author_encoding) = unquote_rfc2047($1);
+ $sauthor = sanitize_address($author);
next if $suppress_cc{'author'};
- next if $suppress_cc{'self'} and $author eq $sender;
+ next if $suppress_cc{'self'} and $sauthor eq $sender;
printf("(mbox) Adding cc: %s from line '%s'\n",
$1, $_) unless $quiet;
push @cc, $1;
elsif (/^Cc:\s+(.*)$/i) {
foreach my $addr (parse_address_line($1)) {
- if (unquote_rfc2047($addr) eq $sender) {
+ my $qaddr = unquote_rfc2047($addr);
+ my $saddr = sanitize_address($qaddr);
+ if ($saddr eq $sender) {
next if ($suppress_cc{'self'});
} else {
next if ($suppress_cc{'cc'});
push @xh, $_;
+ elsif (/^MIME-Version/i) {
+ $has_mime_version = 1;
+ push @xh, $_;
+ }
elsif (/^Message-Id: (.*)/i) {
$message_id = $1;
+ elsif (/^Content-Transfer-Encoding: (.*)/i) {
+ $xfer_encoding = $1 if not defined $xfer_encoding;
+ }
elsif (!/^Date:\s/i && /^[-A-Za-z]+:\s+\S/) {
push @xh, $_;
my ($what, $c) = ($1, $2);
chomp $c;
- if ($c eq $sender) {
+ my $sc = sanitize_address($c);
+ if ($sc eq $sender) {
next if ($suppress_cc{'self'});
} else {
next if $suppress_cc{'sob'} and $what =~ /Signed-off-by/i;
if defined $cc_cmd && !$suppress_cc{'cccmd'};
if ($broken_encoding{$t} && !$has_content_type) {
+ $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding;
$has_content_type = 1;
- push @xh, "MIME-Version: 1.0",
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$auto_8bit_encoding",
- "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit";
+ push @xh, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$auto_8bit_encoding";
$body_encoding = $auto_8bit_encoding;
$subject = quote_subject($subject, $auto_8bit_encoding);
- if (defined $author and $author ne $sender) {
+ if (defined $sauthor and $sauthor ne $sender) {
$message = "From: $author\n\n$message";
if (defined $author_encoding) {
if ($has_content_type) {
else {
+ $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding;
$has_content_type = 1;
push @xh,
- 'MIME-Version: 1.0',
- "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$author_encoding",
- 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit';
+ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=$author_encoding";
+ if (defined $target_xfer_encoding) {
+ $xfer_encoding = '8bit' if not defined $xfer_encoding;
+ $message = apply_transfer_encoding(
+ $message, $xfer_encoding, $target_xfer_encoding);
+ $xfer_encoding = $target_xfer_encoding;
+ }
+ if (defined $xfer_encoding) {
+ push @xh, "Content-Transfer-Encoding: $xfer_encoding";
+ }
+ if (defined $xfer_encoding or $has_content_type) {
+ unshift @xh, 'MIME-Version: 1.0' unless $has_mime_version;
+ }
$needs_confirm = (
$confirm eq "always" or
@to = (@initial_to, @to);
@cc = (@initial_cc, @cc);
+ if ($message_num == 1) {
+ if (defined $cover_cc and $cover_cc) {
+ @initial_cc = @cc;
+ }
+ if (defined $cover_to and $cover_to) {
+ @initial_to = @to;
+ }
+ }
my $message_was_sent = send_message();
# set up for the next message
if ($thread && $message_was_sent &&
- (chain_reply_to() || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0 ||
+ ($chain_reply_to || !defined $reply_to || length($reply_to) == 0 ||
$message_num == 1)) {
$reply_to = $message_id;
if (length $references > 0) {
sub recipients_cmd {
my ($prefix, $what, $cmd, $file) = @_;
- my $sanitized_sender = sanitize_address($sender);
my @addresses = ();
open my $fh, "-|", "$cmd \Q$file\E"
or die "($prefix) Could not execute '$cmd'";
$address =~ s/^\s*//g;
$address =~ s/\s*$//g;
$address = sanitize_address($address);
- next if ($address eq $sanitized_sender and $suppress_from);
+ next if ($address eq $sender and $suppress_cc{'self'});
push @addresses, $address;
printf("($prefix) Adding %s: %s from: '%s'\n",
$what, $address, $cmd) unless $quiet;
$smtp->quit if $smtp;
+sub apply_transfer_encoding {
+ my $message = shift;
+ my $from = shift;
+ my $to = shift;
+ return $message if ($from eq $to and $from ne '7bit');
+ require MIME::QuotedPrint;
+ require MIME::Base64;
+ $message = MIME::QuotedPrint::decode($message)
+ if ($from eq 'quoted-printable');
+ $message = MIME::Base64::decode($message)
+ if ($from eq 'base64');
+ die "cannot send message as 7bit"
+ if ($to eq '7bit' and $message =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/);
+ return $message
+ if ($to eq '7bit' or $to eq '8bit');
+ return MIME::QuotedPrint::encode($message, "\n", 0)
+ if ($to eq 'quoted-printable');
+ return MIME::Base64::encode($message, "\n")
+ if ($to eq 'base64');
+ die "invalid transfer encoding";
sub unique_email_list {
my %seen;
my @emails;