if {$repo_config(gui.partialinclude) ne {true}} {
- set pathList [list]
+ set pathList [list]
foreach path [array names file_states] {
switch -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
AM -
if {$pathList ne {}} {
- update_index $pathList
+ update_index \
+ "Updating included files" \
+ $pathList \
+ [concat {reshow_diff;} $after]
proc commit_tree {} {
- global tcl_platform HEAD gitdir commit_type file_states
- global pch_error
- global ui_status_value ui_comm
+ global HEAD commit_type file_states ui_comm repo_config
if {![lock_index update]} return
error_popup {Last scanned state does not match repository state.
Its highly likely that another Git program modified the
-repository since our last scan. A rescan is required
+repository since the last scan. A rescan is required
before committing.
+A rescan will be automatically started now.
rescan {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}
set files_ready 0
foreach path [array names file_states] {
- set s $file_states($path)
- switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
_? {continue}
A? -
D? -
- # -- Ask the pre-commit hook for the go-ahead.
+ # -- Update included files if partialincludes are off.
+ if {$repo_config(gui.partialinclude) ne {true}} {
+ set pathList [list]
+ foreach path [array names file_states] {
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
+ A? -
+ M? {lappend pathList $path}
+ }
+ }
+ if {$pathList ne {}} {
+ unlock_index
+ update_index \
+ "Updating included files" \
+ $pathList \
+ [concat {lock_index update;} \
+ [list commit_prehook $curHEAD $msg]]
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ commit_prehook $curHEAD $msg
+proc commit_prehook {curHEAD msg} {
+ global tcl_platform gitdir ui_status_value pch_error
+ # On Cygwin [file executable] might lie so we need to ask
+ # the shell if the hook is executable. Yes that's annoying.
set pchook [file join $gitdir hooks pre-commit]
- if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows} && [file isfile $pchook]} {
+ if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq {windows}
+ && [file isfile $pchook]} {
set pchook [list sh -c [concat \
"if test -x \"$pchook\";" \
"then exec \"$pchook\" 2>&1;" \
} elseif {[file executable $pchook]} {
set pchook [list $pchook |& cat]
} else {
- set pchook {}
- }
- if {$pchook ne {}} {
- set ui_status_value {Calling pre-commit hook...}
- set pch_error {}
- set fd_ph [open "| $pchook" r]
- fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary
- fileevent $fd_ph readable \
- [list commit_stage1 $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg]
- } else {
- commit_stage2 $curHEAD $msg
+ commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg
+ return
+ set ui_status_value {Calling pre-commit hook...}
+ set pch_error {}
+ set fd_ph [open "| $pchook" r]
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary
+ fileevent $fd_ph readable \
+ [list commit_prehook_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg]
-proc commit_stage1 {fd_ph curHEAD msg} {
+proc commit_prehook_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg} {
global pch_error ui_status_value
append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
hook_failed_popup pre-commit $pch_error
} else {
- commit_stage2 $curHEAD $msg
+ commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg
set pch_error {}
- } else {
- fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
+ return
+ fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-proc commit_stage2 {curHEAD msg} {
+proc commit_writetree {curHEAD msg} {
global ui_status_value
- # -- Write the tree in the background.
- #
set ui_status_value {Committing changes...}
set fd_wt [open "| git write-tree" r]
- fileevent $fd_wt readable [list commit_stage3 $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg]
+ fileevent $fd_wt readable \
+ [list commit_committree $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg]
-proc commit_stage3 {fd_wt curHEAD msg} {
+proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg} {
global single_commit gitdir HEAD PARENT commit_type tcl_platform
global ui_status_value ui_comm
global file_states selected_paths
$ui_other conf -state disabled
-proc update_index {pathList} {
+proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp update_index_rsd ui_status_value
if {![lock_index update]} return
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
set ui_status_value [format \
- "Including files ... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
+ "$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
$pathList \
$totalCnt \
$batch \
+ $msg \
+ $after \
-proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch} {
+proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch msg after} {
global update_index_cp update_index_rsd ui_status_value
global file_states ui_fname_value
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
close $fd
- set ui_status_value {Ready.}
- if {$update_index_rsd} {
- reshow_diff
- }
+ if {$update_index_rsd} reshow_diff
+ uplevel #0 $after
set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
incr update_index_cp
- switch -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
- AM -
- _O {set new A*}
- _M -
- MM {set new M*}
+ switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
AD -
+ MD -
_D {set new D*}
- default {continue}
+ _M -
+ MM -
+ M_ {set new M*}
+ _O -
+ AM -
+ A_ {set new A*}
+ ?? {continue}
puts -nonewline $fd $path
set ui_status_value [format \
- "Including files ... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
+ "$msg... %i/%i files (%.2f%%)" \
$update_index_cp \
$totalCnt \
[expr {100.0 * $update_index_cp / $totalCnt}]]
if {$pathList eq {}} {
} else {
- update_index $pathList
+ update_index \
+ "Including all modified files" \
+ $pathList \
+ {set ui_status_value {Ready to commit.}}
$ui_other tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
if {$col == 0} {
- update_index [list $path]
+ update_index \
+ "Including [short_path $path]" \
+ [list $path] \
+ {set ui_status_value {Ready.}}
} else {
show_diff $path $w $lno