global all_remotes M1B
make_toplevel top w
- wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): Delete Remote Branch"
+ wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"]]
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text {Delete Remote Branch} -font font_uibold
+ label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"] -font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.delete -text Delete \
+ button $w.buttons.delete -text [mc Delete] \
-default active \
-command [cb _delete]
pack $w.buttons.delete -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
+ button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.dest -text {From Repository}
+ labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "From Repository"]
if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
- -text {Remote:} \
+ -text [mc "Remote:"] \
-value remote \
-variable @urltype
eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m @remote $all_remotes
set urltype url
radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
- -text {Arbitrary URL:} \
+ -text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable @urltype
entry $w.dest.url_t \
grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.heads -text {Branches}
+ labelframe $w.heads -text [mc "Branches"]
listbox $w.heads.l \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
-anchor w \
-justify left
button $w.heads.footer.rescan \
- -text {Rescan} \
+ -text [mc "Rescan"] \
-command [cb _rescan]
- pack $w.heads.footer.status -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ pack $w.heads.footer.status -side left -fill x
pack $w.heads.footer.rescan -side right
- pack $w.heads.footer -side bottom -fill x -expand 1
+ pack $w.heads.footer -side bottom -fill x
pack $w.heads.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.heads.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.heads -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.validate -text {Delete Only If}
+ labelframe $w.validate -text [mc "Delete Only If"]
radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
- -text {Merged Into:} \
+ -text [mc "Merged Into:"] \
-value head \
-variable @checktype
set head_m [tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head_m @check_head {}]
trace add variable @check_head write [cb _write_check_head]
grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
- -text {Always (Do not perform merge checks)} \
+ -text [mc "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"] \
-value always \
-variable @checktype
grid $w.validate.always_r -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
- -message "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."
+ -message [mc "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."]
set crev $full_cache("$cache\nrefs/heads/$check_head")
if {$not_merged ne {}} {
- set msg "The following branches are not completely merged into $check_head:
+ set msg [mc "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:
- - [join $not_merged "\n - "]"
+ - %s" $check_head [join $not_merged "\n - "]]
if {$need_fetch} {
- append msg "
-One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the necessary commits. Try fetching from $uri first."
+ append msg "\n\n" [mc "One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the necessary commits. Try fetching from %s first." $uri]
tk_messageBox \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
- -message "Please select one or more branches to delete."
+ -message [mc "Please select one or more branches to delete."]
-type yesno \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
- -message {Recovering deleted branches is difficult.
-Delete the selected branches?}] ne yes} {
+ -message [mc "Recovering deleted branches is difficult.\n\nDelete the selected branches?"]] ne yes} {
set cons [console::new \
"push $uri" \
- "Deleting branches from $uri"]
+ [mc "Deleting branches from %s" $uri]]
console::exec $cons $push_cmd
$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
set head_list [list]
set full_list [list]
- set status {No repository selected.}
+ set status [mc "No repository selected."]
if {[catch {set x $cached($cache)}]} {
- set status "Scanning $uri..."
+ set status [mc "Scanning %s..." $uri]
$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
set head_list [list]
set full_list [list]
set head_cache($cache) [list]
set full_cache($cache) [list]
- set active_ls [open "| [list git ls-remote $uri]" r]
+ set active_ls [git_read ls-remote $uri]
fconfigure $active_ls \
-blocking 0 \
-translation lf \