# The original idea comes from Eric W. Biederman, in
# http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/22407
-. git-sh-setup
# The file containing rebase commands, comments, and empty lines.
# This file is created by "git rebase -i" then edited by the user. As
# the lines are processed, they are removed from the front of this
+append_todo_help () {
+ cat >> "$todo" << EOF
+# Commands:
+# p, pick = use commit
+# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
+# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
+# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
+# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
+# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
+# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
+# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
make_patch () {
sha1_and_parents="$(git rev-list --parents -1 "$1")"
case "$sha1_and_parents" in
+do_pick () {
+ if test "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" = "$squash_onto"
+ then
+ # Set the correct commit message and author info on the
+ # sentinel root before cherry-picking the original changes
+ # without committing (-n). Finally, update the sentinel again
+ # to include these changes. If the cherry-pick results in a
+ # conflict, this means our behaviour is similar to a standard
+ # failed cherry-pick during rebase, with a dirty index to
+ # resolve before manually running git commit --amend then git
+ # rebase --continue.
+ git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message --amend \
+ --no-post-rewrite -n -q -C $1 &&
+ pick_one -n $1 &&
+ git commit --allow-empty --allow-empty-message \
+ --amend --no-post-rewrite -n -q -C $1 ||
+ die_with_patch $1 "Could not apply $1... $2"
+ else
+ pick_one $1 ||
+ die_with_patch $1 "Could not apply $1... $2"
+ fi
do_next () {
rm -f "$msg" "$author_script" "$amend" || exit
read -r command sha1 rest < "$todo"
comment_for_reflog pick
- pick_one $sha1 ||
- die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
+ do_pick $sha1 "$rest"
record_in_rewritten $sha1
comment_for_reflog reword
- pick_one $sha1 ||
- die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
+ do_pick $sha1 "$rest"
git commit --amend --no-post-rewrite || {
warn "Could not amend commit after successfully picking $sha1... $rest"
warn "This is most likely due to an empty commit message, or the pre-commit hook"
comment_for_reflog edit
- pick_one $sha1 ||
- die_with_patch $sha1 "Could not apply $sha1... $rest"
+ do_pick $sha1 "$rest"
warn "Stopped at $sha1... $rest"
exit_with_patch $sha1 0
author_script_content=$(get_author_ident_from_commit HEAD)
echo "$author_script_content" > "$author_script"
eval "$author_script_content"
- output git reset --soft HEAD^
- pick_one -n $sha1 || die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest"
+ if ! pick_one -n $sha1
+ then
+ git rev-parse --verify HEAD >"$amend"
+ die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest"
+ fi
case "$(peek_next_command)" in
# This is an intermediate commit; its message will only be
# used in case of trouble. So use the long version:
- do_with_author output git commit --no-verify -F "$squash_msg" ||
+ do_with_author output git commit --amend --no-verify -F "$squash_msg" ||
die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest"
# This is the final command of this squash/fixup group
if test -f "$fixup_msg"
- do_with_author git commit --no-verify -F "$fixup_msg" ||
+ do_with_author git commit --amend --no-verify -F "$fixup_msg" ||
die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest"
cp "$squash_msg" "$GIT_DIR"/SQUASH_MSG || exit
- do_with_author git commit --no-verify -e ||
+ do_with_author git commit --amend --no-verify -F "$GIT_DIR"/SQUASH_MSG -e ||
die_failed_squash $sha1 "$rest"
rm -f "$squash_msg" "$fixup_msg"
warn " git rebase --continue"
+ if test $status -eq 127 # command not found
+ then
+ status=1
+ fi
exit "$status"
elif test "$dirty" = t
warn "Unknown command: $command $sha1 $rest"
+ fixtodo="Please fix this using 'git rebase --edit-todo'."
if git rev-parse --verify -q "$sha1" >/dev/null
- die_with_patch $sha1 "Please fix this in the file $todo."
+ die_with_patch $sha1 "$fixtodo"
- die "Please fix this in the file $todo."
+ die "$fixtodo"
test -s "$todo" && return
comment_for_reflog finish &&
- shortonto=$(git rev-parse --short $onto) &&
newhead=$(git rev-parse HEAD) &&
case $head_name in
- message="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $head_name onto $shortonto" &&
+ message="$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: $head_name onto $onto" &&
git update-ref -m "$message" $head_name $newhead $orig_head &&
git symbolic-ref \
-m "$GIT_REFLOG_ACTION: returning to $head_name" \
rm -f "$1.sq" "$1.rearranged"
+# Add commands after a pick or after a squash/fixup serie
+# in the todo list.
+add_exec_commands () {
+ {
+ first=t
+ while read -r insn rest
+ do
+ case $insn in
+ pick)
+ test -n "$first" ||
+ printf "%s" "$cmd"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ printf "%s %s\n" "$insn" "$rest"
+ first=
+ done
+ printf "%s" "$cmd"
+ } <"$1" >"$1.new" &&
+ mv "$1.new" "$1"
case "$action" in
# do we have anything to commit?
- if git diff-index --cached --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD --
+ if git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --
: Nothing to commit -- skip this
. "$author_script" ||
die "Error trying to find the author identity to amend commit"
- current_head=
if test -f "$amend"
current_head=$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)
die "\
You have uncommitted changes in your working tree. Please, commit them
first and then run 'git rebase --continue' again."
- git reset --soft HEAD^ ||
- die "Cannot rewind the HEAD"
+ do_with_author git commit --amend --no-verify -F "$msg" -e ||
+ die "Could not commit staged changes."
+ else
+ do_with_author git commit --no-verify -F "$msg" -e ||
+ die "Could not commit staged changes."
- do_with_author git commit --no-verify -F "$msg" -e || {
- test -n "$current_head" && git reset --soft $current_head
- die "Could not commit staged changes."
- }
record_in_rewritten "$(cat "$state_dir"/stopped-sha)"
+ sed -e '/^#/d' < "$todo" > "$todo".new
+ mv -f "$todo".new "$todo"
+ append_todo_help
+ cat >> "$todo" << EOF
+# You are editing the todo file of an ongoing interactive rebase.
+# To continue rebase after editing, run:
+# git rebase --continue
+ git_sequence_editor "$todo" ||
+ die "Could not execute editor"
+ exit
+ ;;
git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT >/dev/null ||
test -s "$todo" || echo noop >> "$todo"
test -n "$autosquash" && rearrange_squash "$todo"
+test -n "$cmd" && add_exec_commands "$todo"
cat >> "$todo" << EOF
# Rebase $shortrevisions onto $shortonto
+cat >> "$todo" << EOF
-# Commands:
-# p, pick = use commit
-# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
-# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
-# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
-# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
-# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
-# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.