frame $w
label $w.l -text [mc Find:]
+ entry $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
button $ -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
button $w.bp -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case-Sensitive] \
-variable ${__this}::casesensitive -command [cb _incrsearch]
- entry $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
pack $w.l -side left
pack $w.cs -side right
pack $w.bp -side right
method show {} {
- if {![winfo ismapped $w]} {
+ if {![visible $this]} {
grid $w
focus -force $w.ent
method hide {} {
- if {[winfo ismapped $w]} {
+ if {[visible $this]} {
focus $ctext
grid remove $w
+method visible {} {
+ return [winfo ismapped $w]
+method editor {} {
+ return $w.ent
method _get_new_anchor {} {
# use start of selection if it is visible,
# or the bounds of the visible area