my $sha1_short = qr/[a-f\d]{4,40}/;
my ($_revision,$_stdin,$_no_ignore_ext,$_no_stop_copy,$_help,$_rmdir,$_edit,
$_find_copies_harder, $_l, $_cp_similarity, $_cp_remote,
- $_repack, $_repack_nr, $_repack_flags,
+ $_repack, $_repack_nr, $_repack_flags, $_q,
$_message, $_file, $_follow_parent, $_no_metadata,
$_template, $_shared, $_no_default_regex, $_no_graft_copy,
$_limit, $_verbose, $_incremental, $_oneline, $_l_fmt, $_show_commit,
'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors,
'repack:i' => \$_repack,
'no-metadata' => \$_no_metadata,
+ 'quiet|q' => \$_q,
'repack-flags|repack-args|repack-opts=s' => \$_repack_flags);
my ($_trunk, $_tags, $_branches);
sub init {
- $SVN_URL = shift or die "SVN repository location required " .
+ my $url = shift or die "SVN repository location required " .
"as a command-line argument\n";
- $SVN_URL =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
+ $url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
+ if (my $repo_path = shift) {
+ unless (-d $repo_path) {
+ mkpath([$repo_path]);
+ }
+ $GIT_DIR = $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $repo_path . "/.git";
+ init_vars();
+ }
+ $SVN_URL = $url;
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
my @init_db = ('git-init-db');
push @init_db, "--template=$_template" if defined $_template;
foreach my $m (sort { $o{$a->{chg}} <=> $o{$b->{chg}} } @$mods) {
my $f = $m->{chg};
if (defined $o{$f}) {
- $ed->$f($m);
+ $ed->$f($m, $_q);
} else {
croak "Invalid change type: $f\n";
- $ed->rmdirs if $_rmdir;
+ $ed->rmdirs($_q) if $_rmdir;
return $mods;
my $m = $paths->{$f}->action();
$f =~ s#^/+##;
if ($m =~ /^[DR]$/) {
+ print "\t$m\t$f\n" unless $_q;
process_rm($gui, $last_commit, $f);
next if $m eq 'D';
# 'R' can be file replacements, too, right?
my $t = $SVN->check_path($f, $rev, $pool);
if ($t == $SVN::Node::file) {
if ($m =~ /^[AMR]$/) {
- push @amr, $f;
+ push @amr, [ $m, $f ];
} else {
die "Unrecognized action: $m, ($f r$rev)\n";
- libsvn_get_file($gui, $_, $rev) foreach (@amr);
+ foreach (@amr) {
+ print "\t$_->[0]\t$_->[1]\n" unless $_q;
+ libsvn_get_file($gui, $_->[1], $rev)
+ }
close $gui or croak $?;
return libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [$last_commit]);
if ($t == $SVN::Node::dir) {
libsvn_traverse($gui, $cwd, $d, $rev);
} elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::file) {
+ print "\tA\t$cwd/$d\n" unless $_q;
libsvn_get_file($gui, "$cwd/$d", $rev);
sub rmdirs {
- my ($self) = @_;
+ my ($self, $q) = @_;
my $rm = $self->{rm};
delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking
return unless %$rm;
foreach my $d (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$rm) {
$self->close_directory($bat->{$d}, $p);
my ($dn) = ($d =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
+ print "\tD+\t/$d/\n" unless $q;
$self->SUPER::delete_entry($d, $r, $bat->{$dn}, $p);
delete $bat->{$d};
sub A {
- my ($self, $m) = @_;
+ my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
undef, -1);
+ print "\tA\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub C {
- my ($self, $m) = @_;
+ my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
$self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
+ print "\tC\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub R {
- my ($self, $m) = @_;
+ my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
$self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
+ print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub M {
- my ($self, $m) = @_;
+ my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->open_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}),
+ print "\t$m->{chg}\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub D {
- my ($self, $m) = @_;
+ my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
+ print "\tD\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->delete_entry($m->{file_b}, $pbat);