# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc load_last_commit {} {
- global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type ui_comm
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type ui_comm commit_author
global repo_config
if {[llength $PARENT] == 0} {
lappend parents [string range $line 7 end]
} elseif {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
+ } elseif {[regexp "author (.*)\\s<(.*)>\\s(\\d.*$)" $line all name email time]} {
+ set commit_author [list name $name email $email date $time]
set msg [read $fd]
proc create_new_commit {} {
- global commit_type ui_comm
+ global commit_type ui_comm commit_author
set commit_type normal
+ unset -nocomplain commit_author
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm edit reset
$ui_comm edit modified false
&& [is_config_true gui.warndetachedcommit]} {
set msg [mc "You are about to commit on a detached head.\
This is a potentially dangerous thing to do because if you switch\
-to another branch you will loose your changes and it can be difficult\
+to another branch you will lose your changes and it can be difficult\
to retrieve them later from the reflog. You should probably cancel this\
commit and create a new branch to continue.\n\
proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg_p} {
- global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type
+ global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type commit_author
global current_branch
global ui_comm selected_commit_type
global file_states selected_paths rescan_active
global repo_config
+ global env
gets $fd_wt tree_id
if {[catch {close $fd_wt} err]} {
+ if {[info exists commit_author]} {
+ set old_author [commit_author_ident $commit_author]
+ }
# -- Create the commit.
set cmd [list commit-tree $tree_id]
+ if {[is_config_true commit.gpgsign]} {
+ lappend cmd -S
+ }
foreach p [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD] {
lappend cmd -p $p
error_popup [strcat [mc "commit-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
+ unset -nocomplain commit_author
+ commit_author_reset $old_author
+ if {[info exists commit_author]} {
+ unset -nocomplain commit_author
+ commit_author_reset $old_author
+ }
# -- Update the HEAD ref.
catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
+ catch {file delete [gitdir CHERRY_PICK_HEAD]}
# -- Let rerere do its thing.
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
+proc commit_author_ident {details} {
+ global env
+ array set author $details
+ set old [array get env GIT_AUTHOR_*]
+ set env(GIT_AUTHOR_NAME) $author(name)
+ set env(GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) $author(email)
+ set env(GIT_AUTHOR_DATE) $author(date)
+ return $old
+proc commit_author_reset {details} {
+ global env
+ if {$details ne {}} {
+ array set env $details
+ }