proc load_all_heads {} {
global all_heads
+ global some_heads_tracking
+ set rh refs/heads
+ set rh_len [expr {[string length $rh] + 1}]
set all_heads [list]
- set fd [open "| git for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/heads" r]
+ set fd [open "| git for-each-ref --format=%(refname) $rh" r]
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
- if {[is_tracking_branch $line]} continue
- if {![regsub ^refs/heads/ $line {} name]} continue
- lappend all_heads $name
+ if {!$some_heads_tracking || ![is_tracking_branch $line]} {
+ lappend all_heads [string range $line $rh_len end]
+ }
close $fd
proc load_all_tags {} {
set all_tags [list]
- set fd [open "| git for-each-ref --format=%(refname) refs/tags" r]
+ set fd [open "| git for-each-ref --sort=-taggerdate --format=%(refname) refs/tags" r]
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {![regsub ^refs/tags/ $line {} name]} continue
lappend all_tags $name
close $fd
- return [lsort $all_tags]
+ return $all_tags
proc populate_branch_menu {} {
-proc do_create_branch_action {w} {
- global all_heads null_sha1 repo_config
- global create_branch_checkout create_branch_revtype
- global create_branch_head create_branch_trackinghead
- global create_branch_name create_branch_revexp
- global create_branch_tag
- set newbranch $create_branch_name
- if {$newbranch eq {}
- || $newbranch eq $repo_config(gui.newbranchtemplate)} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Please supply a branch name."
- focus $w.desc.name_t
- return
- }
- if {![catch {git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newbranch"}]} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Branch '$newbranch' already exists."
- focus $w.desc.name_t
- return
- }
- if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newbranch"}]} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "We do not like '$newbranch' as a branch name."
- focus $w.desc.name_t
- return
- }
- set rev {}
- switch -- $create_branch_revtype {
- head {set rev $create_branch_head}
- tracking {set rev $create_branch_trackinghead}
- tag {set rev $create_branch_tag}
- expression {set rev $create_branch_revexp}
- }
- if {[catch {set cmt [git rev-parse --verify "${rev}^0"]}]} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Invalid starting revision: $rev"
- return
- }
- if {[catch {
- git update-ref \
- -m "branch: Created from $rev" \
- "refs/heads/$newbranch" \
- $cmt \
- $null_sha1
- } err]} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Failed to create '$newbranch'.\n\n$err"
- return
- }
- lappend all_heads $newbranch
- set all_heads [lsort $all_heads]
- populate_branch_menu
- destroy $w
- if {$create_branch_checkout} {
- switch_branch $newbranch
- }
proc radio_selector {varname value args} {
upvar #0 $varname var
set var $value
-trace add variable create_branch_head write \
- [list radio_selector create_branch_revtype head]
-trace add variable create_branch_trackinghead write \
- [list radio_selector create_branch_revtype tracking]
-trace add variable create_branch_tag write \
- [list radio_selector create_branch_revtype tag]
-trace add variable delete_branch_head write \
- [list radio_selector delete_branch_checktype head]
-trace add variable delete_branch_trackinghead write \
- [list radio_selector delete_branch_checktype tracking]
-proc do_create_branch {} {
- global all_heads current_branch repo_config
- global create_branch_checkout create_branch_revtype
- global create_branch_head create_branch_trackinghead
- global create_branch_name create_branch_revexp
- global create_branch_tag
- set w .branch_editor
- toplevel $w
- wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text {Create New Branch} \
- -font font_uibold
- pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text Create \
- -default active \
- -command [list do_create_branch_action $w]
- pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
- -command [list destroy $w]
- pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.desc -text {Branch Description}
- label $w.desc.name_l -text {Name:}
- entry $w.desc.name_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
- -width 40 \
- -textvariable create_branch_name \
- -validate key \
- -validatecommand {
- if {%d == 1 && [regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} %S]} {return 0}
- return 1
- }
- grid $w.desc.name_l $w.desc.name_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
- pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.from -text {Starting Revision}
- if {$all_heads ne {}} {
- radiobutton $w.from.head_r \
- -text {Local Branch:} \
- -value head \
- -variable create_branch_revtype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.from.head_m create_branch_head $all_heads
- grid $w.from.head_r $w.from.head_m -sticky w
- }
- set all_trackings [all_tracking_branches]
- if {$all_trackings ne {}} {
- set create_branch_trackinghead [lindex $all_trackings 0]
- radiobutton $w.from.tracking_r \
- -text {Tracking Branch:} \
- -value tracking \
- -variable create_branch_revtype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.from.tracking_m \
- create_branch_trackinghead \
- $all_trackings
- grid $w.from.tracking_r $w.from.tracking_m -sticky w
- }
- set all_tags [load_all_tags]
- if {$all_tags ne {}} {
- set create_branch_tag [lindex $all_tags 0]
- radiobutton $w.from.tag_r \
- -text {Tag:} \
- -value tag \
- -variable create_branch_revtype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.from.tag_m create_branch_tag $all_tags
- grid $w.from.tag_r $w.from.tag_m -sticky w
- }
- radiobutton $w.from.exp_r \
- -text {Revision Expression:} \
- -value expression \
- -variable create_branch_revtype
- entry $w.from.exp_t \
- -borderwidth 1 \
- -relief sunken \
- -width 50 \
- -textvariable create_branch_revexp \
- -validate key \
- -validatecommand {
- if {%d == 1 && [regexp {\s} %S]} {return 0}
- if {%d == 1 && [string length %S] > 0} {
- set create_branch_revtype expression
- }
- return 1
- }
- grid $w.from.exp_r $w.from.exp_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
- grid columnconfigure $w.from 1 -weight 1
- pack $w.from -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.postActions -text {Post Creation Actions}
- checkbutton $w.postActions.checkout \
- -text {Checkout after creation} \
- -variable create_branch_checkout
- pack $w.postActions.checkout -anchor nw
- pack $w.postActions -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- set create_branch_checkout 1
- set create_branch_head $current_branch
- set create_branch_revtype head
- set create_branch_name $repo_config(gui.newbranchtemplate)
- set create_branch_revexp {}
- bind $w <Visibility> "
- grab $w
- $w.desc.name_t icursor end
- focus $w.desc.name_t
- "
- bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
- bind $w <Key-Return> "do_create_branch_action $w;break"
- wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): Create Branch"
- tkwait window $w
-proc do_delete_branch_action {w} {
- global all_heads
- global delete_branch_checktype delete_branch_head delete_branch_trackinghead
- set check_rev {}
- switch -- $delete_branch_checktype {
- head {set check_rev $delete_branch_head}
- tracking {set check_rev $delete_branch_trackinghead}
- always {set check_rev {:none}}
- }
- if {$check_rev eq {:none}} {
- set check_cmt {}
- } elseif {[catch {set check_cmt [git rev-parse --verify "${check_rev}^0"]}]} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Invalid check revision: $check_rev"
- return
- }
- set to_delete [list]
- set not_merged [list]
- foreach i [$w.list.l curselection] {
- set b [$w.list.l get $i]
- if {[catch {set o [git rev-parse --verify $b]}]} continue
- if {$check_cmt ne {}} {
- if {$b eq $check_rev} continue
- if {[catch {set m [git merge-base $o $check_cmt]}]} continue
- if {$o ne $m} {
- lappend not_merged $b
- continue
- }
- }
- lappend to_delete [list $b $o]
- }
- if {$not_merged ne {}} {
- set msg "The following branches are not completely merged into $check_rev:
- - [join $not_merged "\n - "]"
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon info \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message $msg
- }
- if {$to_delete eq {}} return
- if {$delete_branch_checktype eq {always}} {
- set msg {Recovering deleted branches is difficult.
-Delete the selected branches?}
- if {[tk_messageBox \
- -icon warning \
- -type yesno \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message $msg] ne yes} {
- return
- }
- }
- set failed {}
- foreach i $to_delete {
- set b [lindex $i 0]
- set o [lindex $i 1]
- if {[catch {git update-ref -d "refs/heads/$b" $o} err]} {
- append failed " - $b: $err\n"
- } else {
- set x [lsearch -sorted -exact $all_heads $b]
- if {$x >= 0} {
- set all_heads [lreplace $all_heads $x $x]
- }
- }
- }
- if {$failed ne {}} {
- tk_messageBox \
- -icon error \
- -type ok \
- -title [wm title $w] \
- -parent $w \
- -message "Failed to delete branches:\n$failed"
- }
- set all_heads [lsort $all_heads]
- populate_branch_menu
- destroy $w
-proc do_delete_branch {} {
- global all_heads tracking_branches current_branch
- global delete_branch_checktype delete_branch_head delete_branch_trackinghead
- set w .branch_editor
- toplevel $w
- wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
- label $w.header -text {Delete Local Branch} \
- -font font_uibold
- pack $w.header -side top -fill x
- frame $w.buttons
- button $w.buttons.create -text Delete \
- -command [list do_delete_branch_action $w]
- pack $w.buttons.create -side right
- button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
- -command [list destroy $w]
- pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
- pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.list -text {Local Branches}
- listbox $w.list.l \
- -height 10 \
- -width 70 \
- -selectmode extended \
- -yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
- foreach h $all_heads {
- if {$h ne $current_branch} {
- $w.list.l insert end $h
- }
- }
- scrollbar $w.list.sby -command [list $w.list.l yview]
- pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
- pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
- pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
- labelframe $w.validate -text {Delete Only If}
- radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
- -text {Merged Into Local Branch:} \
- -value head \
- -variable delete_branch_checktype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head_m delete_branch_head $all_heads
- grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
- set all_trackings [all_tracking_branches]
- if {$all_trackings ne {}} {
- set delete_branch_trackinghead [lindex $all_trackings 0]
- radiobutton $w.validate.tracking_r \
- -text {Merged Into Tracking Branch:} \
- -value tracking \
- -variable delete_branch_checktype
- eval tk_optionMenu $w.validate.tracking_m \
- delete_branch_trackinghead \
- $all_trackings
- grid $w.validate.tracking_r $w.validate.tracking_m -sticky w
- }
- radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
- -text {Always (Do not perform merge checks)} \
- -value always \
- -variable delete_branch_checktype
- grid $w.validate.always_r -columnspan 2 -sticky w
- grid columnconfigure $w.validate 1 -weight 1
- pack $w.validate -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
- set delete_branch_head $current_branch
- set delete_branch_checktype head
- bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
- bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
- wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): Delete Branch"
- tkwait window $w
proc switch_branch {new_branch} {
global HEAD commit_type current_branch repo_config