All of the fixes in v1.5.6 maintenance series are included in
this release, unless otherwise noted.
-* git-clone ignored its -u option; the fix needs to be backported to
- 'maint';
-* git-mv used to lose the distinction between changes that are staged
- and that are only in the working tree, by staging both in the index
- after moving such a path.
-exec >/var/tmp/1
-echo O=$(git describe refs/heads/master)
-git shortlog --no-merges $O..refs/heads/master ^refs/heads/maint
+ * git-clone ignored its -u option; the fix needs to be backported to
+ 'maint';
+ * git-mv used to lose the distinction between changes that are staged
+ and that are only in the working tree, by staging both in the index
+ after moving such a path.
+ * "git-rebase -i -p" rewrote the parents to wrong ones when amending
+ (either edit or squash) was involved, and did not work correctly
+ when fast forwarding.