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Git - fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
See [Documentation/gittutorial.txt][] to get started, then see
[Documentation/giteveryday.txt][] for a useful minimum set of commands, and
-Documentation/git-<commandname>.txt for documentation of each command.
+`Documentation/git-<commandname>.txt` for documentation of each command.
If git has been correctly installed, then the tutorial can also be
read with `man gittutorial` or `git help tutorial`, and the
documentation of each command with `man git-<commandname>` or `git help
available at <https://public-inbox.org/git/>,
<http://marc.info/?l=git> and other archival sites.
+Issues which are security relevant should be disclosed privately to
+the Git Security mailing list <git-security@googlegroups.com>.
The maintainer frequently sends the "What's cooking" reports that
list the current status of various development topics to the mailing
list. The discussion following them give a good reference for