my $response = $mediawiki->{ua}->get($download_url);
if ($response->code == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
- return $response->decoded_content;
+ # It is tempting to return
+ # $response->decoded_content({charset => "none"}), but
+ # when doing so, utf8::downgrade($content) fails with
+ # "Wide character in subroutine entry".
+ $response->decode();
+ return $response->content();
} else {
print {*STDERR} "Error downloading mediafile from :\n";
print {*STDERR} "URL: ${download_url}\n";
print {*STDERR} "Check the configuration of file uploads in your mediawiki.\n";
return $newrevid;
- # Deleting and uploading a file requires a priviledged user
+ # Deleting and uploading a file requires a privileged user
if ($file_deleted) {
$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
my $query = {
# Store "notANameSpace" as special value for inexisting namespaces
my $store_id = ($id || 'notANameSpace');
- # Store explicitely requested namespaces on disk
+ # Store explicitly requested namespaces on disk
if (!exists $cached_mw_namespace_id{$name}) {
run_git(qq(config --add remote.${remotename}.namespaceCache "${name}:${store_id}"));
$cached_mw_namespace_id{$name} = 1;