- if (@ARGV == 0) {
- chomp(my $module = `git-repo-config --get cvsimport.module`);
- push(@ARGV, $module);
- }
my $opts = "haivmkuo:d:p:r:C:z:s:M:P:A:S:L:";
getopts($opts) or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
+if (@ARGV == 0) {
+ chomp(my $module = `git-repo-config --get cvsimport.module`);
+ push(@ARGV, $module) if $? == 0;
@ARGV <= 1 or usage("You can't specify more than one CVS module");
if ($opt_d) {
- $user="anonymous" unless defined $user;
+ # if username is not explicit in CVSROOT, then use current user, as cvs would
+ $user=(getlogin() || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'} || "anonymous") unless $user;
my $rr2 = "-";
unless ($port) {
$rr2 = ":pserver:$user\@$serv:$repo";
print $cvspsfh $_;
close CVSPS;
+ $? == 0 or die "git-cvsimport: fatal: cvsps reported error\n";
close $cvspsfh;
} else {
$cvspsfile = $opt_P;
if (!$opt_a && $starttime - 300 - (defined $opt_z ? $opt_z : 300) <= $date) {
# skip if the commit is too recent
- # that the cvsps default fuzz is 300s, we give ourselves another
+ # given that the cvsps default fuzz is 300s, we give ourselves another
# 300s just in case -- this also prevents skipping commits
# due to server clock drift
print "skip patchset $patchset: $date too recent\n" if $opt_v;