-MAN1_TXT=$(wildcard git-*.txt)
+MAN1_TXT= \
+ $(filter-out $(addsuffix .txt, $(ARTICLES) $(SP_ARTICLES)), \
+ $(wildcard git-*.txt)) \
+ gitk.txt
DOC_HTML=$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(MAN1_TXT) $(MAN7_TXT))
+ARTICLES = tutorial
+ARTICLES += tutorial-2
+ARTICLES += core-tutorial
+ARTICLES += cvs-migration
+ARTICLES += diffcore
+ARTICLES += howto-index
+ARTICLES += repository-layout
+ARTICLES += hooks
+ARTICLES += everyday
+ARTICLES += git-tools
+ARTICLES += glossary
+# with their own formatting rules.
+SP_ARTICLES = howto/revert-branch-rebase user-manual
+DOC_HTML += $(patsubst %,%.html,$(ARTICLES) $(SP_ARTICLES))
DOC_MAN1=$(patsubst %.txt,%.1,$(MAN1_TXT))
DOC_MAN7=$(patsubst %.txt,%.7,$(MAN7_TXT))
+DOC_REF = origin/man
+-include ../config.mak.autogen
+-include ../config.mak
# Please note that there is a minor bug in asciidoc.
html: $(DOC_HTML)
+$(DOC_HTML) $(DOC_MAN1) $(DOC_MAN7): asciidoc.conf
man: man1 man7
man1: $(DOC_MAN1)
man7: $(DOC_MAN7)
- $(INSTALL) -m755 -d $(DESTDIR)/$(man1) $(DESTDIR)/$(man7)
- $(INSTALL) $(DOC_MAN1) $(DESTDIR)/$(man1)
- $(INSTALL) $(DOC_MAN7) $(DESTDIR)/$(man7)
+install: man
+ $(INSTALL) -d -m755 $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+ $(INSTALL) -m644 $(DOC_MAN1) $(DESTDIR)$(man1dir)
+ $(INSTALL) -m644 $(DOC_MAN7) $(DESTDIR)$(man7dir)
+-include ../GIT-VERSION-FILE
+# Determine "include::" file references in asciidoc files.
+doc.dep : $(wildcard *.txt) build-docdep.perl
+ rm -f $@+ $@
+ perl ./build-docdep.perl >$@+
+ mv $@+ $@
+-include doc.dep
+cmds_txt = cmds-ancillaryinterrogators.txt \
+ cmds-ancillarymanipulators.txt \
+ cmds-mainporcelain.txt \
+ cmds-plumbinginterrogators.txt \
+ cmds-plumbingmanipulators.txt \
+ cmds-synchingrepositories.txt \
+ cmds-synchelpers.txt \
+ cmds-purehelpers.txt \
+ cmds-foreignscminterface.txt
+$(cmds_txt): cmd-list.made
-# 'include' dependencies
-git-diff-%.txt: diff-format.txt diff-options.txt
- touch $@
+cmd-list.made: cmd-list.perl $(MAN1_TXT)
+ perl ./cmd-list.perl
+ date >$@
+git.7 git.html: git.txt core-intro.txt
- rm -f *.xml *.html *.1 *.7
+ rm -f *.xml *.xml+ *.html *.html+ *.1 *.7 howto-index.txt howto/*.html doc.dep
+ rm -f $(cmds_txt) *.made
%.html : %.txt
- asciidoc -b xhtml11 -d manpage $<
+ rm -f $@+ $@
+ $(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 -d manpage -f asciidoc.conf \
+ $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) -o - $< | \
+ sed -e 's/@@GIT_VERSION@@/$(GIT_VERSION)/g' >$@+
+ mv $@+ $@
%.1 %.7 : %.xml
- xmlto man $<
+ xmlto -m callouts.xsl man $<
%.xml : %.txt
- asciidoc -b docbook -d manpage $<
+ rm -f $@+ $@
+ $(ASCIIDOC) -b docbook -d manpage -f asciidoc.conf \
+ $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) -o - $< | \
+ sed -e 's/@@GIT_VERSION@@/$(GIT_VERSION)/g' >$@+
+ mv $@+ $@
+user-manual.xml: user-manual.txt user-manual.conf
+ $(ASCIIDOC) -b docbook -d book $<
+XSLT = http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/html/docbook.xsl
+XSLTOPTS = --xinclude --stringparam html.stylesheet docbook-xsl.css
+user-manual.html: user-manual.xml
+ xsltproc $(XSLTOPTS) -o $@ $(XSLT) $<
+howto-index.txt: howto-index.sh $(wildcard howto/*.txt)
+ rm -f $@+ $@
+ sh ./howto-index.sh $(wildcard howto/*.txt) >$@+
+ mv $@+ $@
+$(patsubst %,%.html,$(ARTICLES)) : %.html : %.txt
+ $(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 $*.txt
+WEBDOC_DEST = /pub/software/scm/git/docs
+$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(wildcard howto/*.txt)): %.html : %.txt
+ rm -f $@+ $@
+ sed -e '1,/^$$/d' $< | $(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 - >$@+
+ mv $@+ $@
+install-webdoc : html
+ sh ./install-webdoc.sh $(WEBDOC_DEST)
+ sh ./install-doc-quick.sh $(DOC_REF) $(mandir)