-ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a asciidoc7compatible
+ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a asciidoc7compatible -a no-inline-literal
ifdef DOCBOOK_XSL_172
ASCIIDOC_EXTRA += -a git-asciidoc-no-roff
XMLTO_EXTRA += -m manpage-suppress-sp.xsl
+# Newer DocBook stylesheet emits warning cruft in the output when
+# this is not set, and if set it shows an absolute link. We can
+# use MAN_BASE_URL=http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/
+# but distros may want to set it to /usr/share/doc/git-core/docs/ or
+# something like that.
+# As older stylesheets simply ignore this parameter, it ought to be
+# safe to set it to empty string when the base URL is not specified,
+# but unfortunately we cannot do so unconditionally because at least
+# xmlto 0.0.18 is reported to lack --stringparam option.
+XMLTO_EXTRA += --stringparam man.base.url.for.relative.links=$(MAN_BASE_URL)
+# If your target system uses GNU groff, it may try to render
+# apostrophes as a "pretty" apostrophe using unicode. This breaks
+# cut&paste, so you should set GNU_ROFF to force them to be ASCII
+# apostrophes. Unfortunately does not work with non-GNU roff.
+ifdef GNU_ROFF
+XMLTO_EXTRA += -m manpage-quote-apos.xsl
+# Shell quote;
+SHELL_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(SHELL_PATH))
# Please note that there is a minor bug in asciidoc.
# The version after 6.0.3 _will_ include the patch found here:
$(INSTALL) -m 644 user-manual.pdf $(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir)
install-html: html
- sh ./install-webdoc.sh $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
+ '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./install-webdoc.sh $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
mv $@+ $@
user-manual.xml: user-manual.txt user-manual.conf
- $(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(ASCIIDOC) -b docbook -d book $<
+ $(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(ASCIIDOC) $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) -b docbook -d book $<
technical/api-index.txt: technical/api-index-skel.txt \
technical/api-index.sh $(patsubst %,%.txt,$(API_DOCS))
- $(QUIET_GEN)cd technical && sh ./api-index.sh
+ $(QUIET_GEN)cd technical && '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./api-index.sh
$(patsubst %,%.html,$(API_DOCS) technical/api-index): %.html : %.txt
$(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 -f asciidoc.conf \
howto-index.txt: howto-index.sh $(wildcard howto/*.txt)
$(QUIET_GEN)$(RM) $@+ $@ && \
- sh ./howto-index.sh $(wildcard howto/*.txt) >$@+ && \
+ '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./howto-index.sh $(wildcard howto/*.txt) >$@+ && \
mv $@+ $@
$(patsubst %,%.html,$(ARTICLES)) : %.html : %.txt
- $(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 $*.txt
WEBDOC_DEST = /pub/software/scm/git/docs
$(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(wildcard howto/*.txt)): %.html : %.txt
$(QUIET_ASCIIDOC)$(RM) $@+ $@ && \
- sed -e '1,/^$$/d' $< | $(ASCIIDOC) -b xhtml11 - >$@+ && \
+ sed -e '1,/^$$/d' $< | $(ASCIIDOC) $(ASCIIDOC_EXTRA) -b xhtml11 - >$@+ && \
mv $@+ $@
install-webdoc : html
- sh ./install-webdoc.sh $(WEBDOC_DEST)
+ '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./install-webdoc.sh $(WEBDOC_DEST)
quick-install: quick-install-man
- sh ./install-doc-quick.sh $(DOC_REF) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)
+ '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./install-doc-quick.sh $(DOC_REF) $(DESTDIR)$(mandir)
- sh ./install-doc-quick.sh $(HTML_REF) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)
+ '$(SHELL_PATH_SQ)' ./install-doc-quick.sh $(HTML_REF) $(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)