use strict;
use warnings;
-use Getopt::Std;
+use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tmpnam);
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
-our ($opt_h,$opt_o,$opt_v,$opt_k,$opt_u,$opt_d,$opt_p,$opt_C,$opt_z,$opt_i,$opt_P, $opt_s,$opt_m,$opt_M,$opt_A,$opt_S,$opt_L, $opt_a, $opt_r);
+our ($opt_h,$opt_o,$opt_v,$opt_k,$opt_u,$opt_d,$opt_p,$opt_C,$opt_z,$opt_i,$opt_P, $opt_s,$opt_m,@opt_M,$opt_A,$opt_S,$opt_L, $opt_a, $opt_r);
my (%conv_author_name, %conv_author_email);
sub usage(;$) {
my $msg = shift;
print(STDERR "Error: $msg\n") if $msg;
print STDERR <<END;
-Usage: ${\basename $0} # fetch/update GIT from CVS
+Usage: git cvsimport # fetch/update GIT from CVS
[-o branch-for-HEAD] [-h] [-v] [-d CVSROOT] [-A author-conv-file]
[-p opts-for-cvsps] [-P file] [-C GIT_repository] [-z fuzz] [-i] [-k]
[-u] [-s subst] [-a] [-m] [-M regex] [-S regex] [-L commitlimit]
close ($f);
-# convert getopts specs for use by git-repo-config
+# convert getopts specs for use by git config
sub read_repo_config {
# Split the string between characters, unless there is a ':'
# So "abc:de" becomes ["a", "b", "c:", "d", "e"]
foreach my $o (@opts) {
my $key = $o;
$key =~ s/://g;
- my $arg = 'git-repo-config';
+ my $arg = 'git config';
$arg .= ' --bool' if ($o !~ /:$/);
chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get cvsimport.$key`);
my $opts = "haivmkuo:d:p:r:C:z:s:M:P:A:S:L:";
-getopts($opts) or usage();
+Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case', 'bundling' );
+# turn the Getopt::Std specification in a Getopt::Long one,
+# with support for multiple -M options
+GetOptions( map { s/:/=s/; /M/ ? "$_\@" : $_ } split( /(?!:)/, $opts ) )
+ or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
if (@ARGV == 0) {
- chomp(my $module = `git-repo-config --get cvsimport.module`);
+ chomp(my $module = `git config --get cvsimport.module`);
push(@ARGV, $module) if $? == 0;
@ARGV <= 1 or usage("You can't specify more than one CVS module");
our @mergerx = ();
if ($opt_m) {
- @mergerx = ( qr/\W(?:from|of|merge|merging|merged) (\w+)/i );
+ @mergerx = ( qr/\b(?:from|of|merge|merging|merged) ([-\w]+)/i );
-if ($opt_M) {
- push (@mergerx, qr/$opt_M/);
+if (@opt_M) {
+ push (@mergerx, map { qr/$_/ } @opt_M);
# Remember UTC of our starting time
$proxyport = $1;
+ $repo ||= '/';
# if username is not explicit in CVSROOT, then use current user, as cvs would
$user=(getlogin() || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'} || "anonymous") unless $user;
my $rr = ":pserver:$user\@$serv:$port$repo";
- unless ($pass) {
+ if ($pass) {
+ $pass = $self->_scramble($pass);
+ } else {
open(H,$ENV{'HOME'}."/.cvspass") and do {
# Ah<Z
while (<H>) {
+ $pass = "A" unless $pass;
- $pass="A" unless $pass;
my ($s, $rep);
if ($proxyhost) {
return $res;
+sub _scramble {
+ my ($self, $pass) = @_;
+ my $scrambled = "A";
+ return $scrambled unless $pass;
+ my $pass_len = length($pass);
+ my @pass_arr = split("", $pass);
+ my $i;
+ # from cvs/src/scramble.c
+ my @shifts = (
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
+ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
+ 114,120, 53, 79, 96,109, 72,108, 70, 64, 76, 67,116, 74, 68, 87,
+ 111, 52, 75,119, 49, 34, 82, 81, 95, 65,112, 86,118,110,122,105,
+ 41, 57, 83, 43, 46,102, 40, 89, 38,103, 45, 50, 42,123, 91, 35,
+ 125, 55, 54, 66,124,126, 59, 47, 92, 71,115, 78, 88,107,106, 56,
+ 36,121,117,104,101,100, 69, 73, 99, 63, 94, 93, 39, 37, 61, 48,
+ 58,113, 32, 90, 44, 98, 60, 51, 33, 97, 62, 77, 84, 80, 85,223,
+ 225,216,187,166,229,189,222,188,141,249,148,200,184,136,248,190,
+ 199,170,181,204,138,232,218,183,255,234,220,247,213,203,226,193,
+ 174,172,228,252,217,201,131,230,197,211,145,238,161,179,160,212,
+ 207,221,254,173,202,146,224,151,140,196,205,130,135,133,143,246,
+ 192,159,244,239,185,168,215,144,139,165,180,157,147,186,214,176,
+ 227,231,219,169,175,156,206,198,129,164,150,210,154,177,134,127,
+ 182,128,158,208,162,132,167,209,149,241,153,251,237,236,171,195,
+ 243,233,253,240,194,250,191,155,142,137,245,235,163,242,178,152
+ );
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $pass_len; $i++) {
+ $scrambled .= pack("C", $shifts[ord($pass_arr[$i])]);
+ }
+ return $scrambled;
package main;
print $cvspsfh $_;
close CVSPS;
+ $? == 0 or die "git-cvsimport: fatal: cvsps reported error\n";
close $cvspsfh;
} else {
$cvspsfile = $opt_P;
next unless $logmsg =~ $rx && $1;
my $mparent = $1 eq 'HEAD' ? $opt_o : $1;
if (my $sha1 = get_headref("$remote/$mparent")) {
- push @commit_args, '-p', $mparent;
+ push @commit_args, '-p', "$remote/$mparent";
print "Merge parent branch: $mparent\n" if $opt_v;
die "Error running git-commit-tree: $?\n" if $?;
- system("git-update-ref $remote/$branch $cid") == 0
+ system('git-update-ref', "$remote/$branch", $cid) == 0
or die "Cannot write branch $branch for update: $!\n";
if ($tag) {
$xtag =~ s/\s+\*\*.*$//; # Remove stuff like ** INVALID ** and ** FUNKY **
$xtag =~ tr/_/\./ if ( $opt_u );
$xtag =~ s/[\/]/$opt_s/g;
+ $xtag =~ s/\[//g;
system('git-tag', '-f', $xtag, $cid) == 0
or die "Cannot create tag $xtag: $!\n";
if (!$opt_a && $starttime - 300 - (defined $opt_z ? $opt_z : 300) <= $date) {
# skip if the commit is too recent
- # that the cvsps default fuzz is 300s, we give ourselves another
+ # given that the cvsps default fuzz is 300s, we give ourselves another
# 300s just in case -- this also prevents skipping commits
# due to server clock drift
print "skip patchset $patchset: $date too recent\n" if $opt_v;
} elsif (/^-+$/) { # end of unknown-line processing
$state = 1;
} elsif ($state != 11) { # ignore stuff when skipping
- print "* UNKNOWN LINE * $_\n";
+ print STDERR "* UNKNOWN LINE * $_\n";
commit() if $branch and $state != 11;