use strict;
use Git;
+binmode(STDOUT, ":raw");
my $repo = Git->repository();
my $menu_use_color = $repo->get_colorbool('color.interactive');
$repo->get_color('color.interactive.header', 'bold'),
$repo->get_color('', 'red bold'),
) : ();
+my $error_color = ();
+if ($menu_use_color) {
+ my $help_color_spec = ($repo->config('') or
+ 'red bold');
+ $error_color = $repo->get_color('color.interactive.error',
+ $help_color_spec);
my $diff_use_color = $repo->get_colorbool('color.diff');
my ($fraginfo_color) =
my $normal_color = $repo->get_color("", "reset");
+my $use_readkey = 0;
+sub ReadMode;
+sub ReadKey;
+if ($repo->config_bool("interactive.singlekey")) {
+ eval {
+ require Term::ReadKey;
+ Term::ReadKey->import;
+ $use_readkey = 1;
+ };
sub colored {
my $color = shift;
my $string = join("", @_);
+my %cquote_map = (
+ "b" => chr(8),
+ "t" => chr(9),
+ "n" => chr(10),
+ "v" => chr(11),
+ "f" => chr(12),
+ "r" => chr(13),
+ "\\" => "\\",
+ "\042" => "\042",
+sub unquote_path {
+ local ($_) = @_;
+ my ($retval, $remainder);
+ if (!/^\042(.*)\042$/) {
+ return $_;
+ }
+ ($_, $retval) = ($1, "");
+ while (/^([^\\]*)\\(.*)$/) {
+ $remainder = $2;
+ $retval .= $1;
+ for ($remainder) {
+ if (/^([0-3][0-7][0-7])(.*)$/) {
+ $retval .= chr(oct($1));
+ $_ = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ if (/^([\\\042btnvfr])(.*)$/) {
+ $retval .= $cquote_map{$1};
+ $_ = $2;
+ last;
+ }
+ # This is malformed -- just return it as-is for now.
+ return $_[0];
+ }
+ $_ = $remainder;
+ }
+ $retval .= $_;
+ return $retval;
sub refresh {
my $fh;
open $fh, 'git update-index --refresh |'
sub list_untracked {
map {
chomp $_;
- $_;
+ unquote_path($_);
run_cmd_pipe(qw(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard --), @ARGV);
if (@ARGV) {
@tracked = map {
- chomp $_; $_;
+ chomp $_;
+ unquote_path($_);
} run_cmd_pipe(qw(git ls-files --exclude-standard --), @ARGV);
return if (!@tracked);
if (($add, $del, $file) =
/^([-\d]+) ([-\d]+) (.*)/) {
my ($change, $bin);
+ $file = unquote_path($file);
if ($add eq '-' && $del eq '-') {
$change = 'binary';
$bin = 1;
elsif (($adddel, $file) =
/^ (create|delete) mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/) {
+ $file = unquote_path($file);
$data{$file}{INDEX_ADDDEL} = $adddel;
for (run_cmd_pipe(qw(git diff-files --numstat --summary --), @tracked)) {
if (($add, $del, $file) =
/^([-\d]+) ([-\d]+) (.*)/) {
+ $file = unquote_path($file);
if (!exists $data{$file}) {
$data{$file} = +{
INDEX => 'unchanged',
elsif (($adddel, $file) =
/^ (create|delete) mode [0-7]+ (.*)$/) {
+ $file = unquote_path($file);
$data{$file}{FILE_ADDDEL} = $adddel;
%search = %{$search{$letter}};
- if ($soft_limit && $j + 1 > $soft_limit) {
+ if (ord($letters[0]) > 127 ||
+ ($soft_limit && $j + 1 > $soft_limit)) {
$prefix = undef;
$remainder = $ret;
return "$prompt_color$prefix$normal_color$remainder";
+sub error_msg {
+ print STDERR colored $error_color, @_;
sub list_and_choose {
my ($opts, @stuff) = @_;
my (@chosen, @return);
else {
$bottom = $top = find_unique($choice, @stuff);
if (!defined $bottom) {
- print "Huh ($choice)?\n";
+ error_msg "Huh ($choice)?\n";
if ($opts->{SINGLETON} && $bottom != $top) {
- print "Huh ($choice)?\n";
+ error_msg "Huh ($choice)?\n";
for ($i = $bottom-1; $i <= $top-1; $i++) {
if ($diff_use_color) {
@colored = run_cmd_pipe(qw(git diff-files -p --color --), $path);
- my (@hunk) = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [] };
+ my (@hunk) = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'header' };
for (my $i = 0; $i < @diff; $i++) {
if ($diff[$i] =~ /^@@ /) {
- push @hunk, { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [] };
+ push @hunk, { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [],
+ TYPE => 'hunk' };
push @{$hunk[-1]{TEXT}}, $diff[$i];
push @{$hunk[-1]{DISPLAY}},
sub parse_diff_header {
my $src = shift;
- my $head = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [] };
- my $mode = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [] };
+ my $head = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'header' };
+ my $mode = { TEXT => [], DISPLAY => [], TYPE => 'mode' };
for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$src->{TEXT}}; $i++) {
my $dest = $src->{TEXT}->[$i] =~ /^(old|new) mode (\d+)$/ ?
my $this = +{
TEXT => [],
DISPLAY => [],
+ TYPE => 'hunk',
OLD => $o_ofs,
NEW => $n_ofs,
OCNT => 0,
|| $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || "vi";
system('sh', '-c', $editor.' "$@"', $editor, $hunkfile);
+ if ($? != 0) {
+ return undef;
+ }
open $fh, '<', $hunkfile
or die "failed to open hunk edit file for reading: " . $!;
my @newtext = grep { !/^#/ } <$fh>;
return close $fh;
+sub _restore_terminal_and_die {
+ ReadMode 'restore';
+ print "\n";
+ exit 1;
+sub prompt_single_character {
+ if ($use_readkey) {
+ local $SIG{TERM} = \&_restore_terminal_and_die;
+ local $SIG{INT} = \&_restore_terminal_and_die;
+ ReadMode 'cbreak';
+ my $key = ReadKey 0;
+ ReadMode 'restore';
+ print "$key" if defined $key;
+ print "\n";
+ return $key;
+ } else {
+ return <STDIN>;
+ }
sub prompt_yesno {
my ($prompt) = @_;
while (1) {
print colored $prompt_color, $prompt;
- my $line = <STDIN>;
+ my $line = prompt_single_character;
return 0 if $line =~ /^n/i;
return 1 if $line =~ /^y/i;
if (!defined $text) {
return undef;
- my $newhunk = { TEXT => $text, USE => 1 };
+ my $newhunk = {
+ TEXT => $text,
+ TYPE => $hunk->[$ix]->{TYPE},
+ USE => 1
+ };
if (diff_applies($head,
print colored $help_color, <<\EOF ;
y - stage this hunk
n - do not stage this hunk
+q - quit, do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining ones
a - stage this and all the remaining hunks in the file
d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining hunks in the file
g - select a hunk to go to
for (@them) {
- patch_update_file($_->{VALUE});
+ return 0 if patch_update_file($_->{VALUE});
sub patch_update_file {
+ my $quit = 0;
my ($ix, $num);
my $path = shift;
my ($head, @hunk) = parse_diff($path);
if (@{$mode->{TEXT}}) {
- while (1) {
- print @{$mode->{DISPLAY}};
- print colored $prompt_color,
- "Stage mode change [y/n/a/d/?]? ";
- my $line = <STDIN>;
- if ($line =~ /^y/i) {
- $mode->{USE} = 1;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^n/i) {
- $mode->{USE} = 0;
- last;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^a/i) {
- $_->{USE} = 1 foreach ($mode, @hunk);
- last;
- }
- elsif ($line =~ /^d/i) {
- $_->{USE} = 0 foreach ($mode, @hunk);
- last;
- }
- else {
- help_patch_cmd('');
- next;
- }
- }
+ unshift @hunk, $mode;
$num = scalar @hunk;
$other .= ',J';
if ($num > 1) {
- $other .= '/g';
+ $other .= ',g';
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
if (!defined $hunk[$i]{USE}) {
last if (!$undecided);
- if (hunk_splittable($hunk[$ix]{TEXT})) {
+ if ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'hunk' &&
+ hunk_splittable($hunk[$ix]{TEXT})) {
$other .= ',s';
- $other .= ',e';
+ if ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'hunk') {
+ $other .= ',e';
+ }
for (@{$hunk[$ix]{DISPLAY}}) {
- print colored $prompt_color, "Stage this hunk [y,n,a,d,/$other,?]? ";
- my $line = <STDIN>;
+ print colored $prompt_color, 'Stage ',
+ ($hunk[$ix]{TYPE} eq 'mode' ? 'mode change' : 'this hunk'),
+ " [y,n,q,a,d,/$other,?]? ";
+ my $line = prompt_single_character;
if ($line) {
if ($line =~ /^y/i) {
$hunk[$ix]{USE} = 1;
print "go to which hunk$extra? ";
$response = <STDIN>;
+ if (!defined $response) {
+ $response = '';
+ }
chomp $response;
if ($response !~ /^\s*\d+\s*$/) {
- print STDERR "Invalid number: '$response'\n";
+ error_msg "Invalid number: '$response'\n";
} elsif (0 < $response && $response <= $num) {
$ix = $response - 1;
} else {
- print STDERR "Sorry, only $num hunks available.\n";
+ error_msg "Sorry, only $num hunks available.\n";
+ elsif ($line =~ /^q/i) {
+ while ($ix < $num) {
+ if (!defined $hunk[$ix]{USE}) {
+ $hunk[$ix]{USE} = 0;
+ }
+ $ix++;
+ }
+ $quit = 1;
+ next;
+ }
elsif ($line =~ m|^/(.*)|) {
+ my $regex = $1;
+ if ($1 eq "") {
+ print colored $prompt_color, "search for regex? ";
+ $regex = <STDIN>;
+ if (defined $regex) {
+ chomp $regex;
+ }
+ }
my $search_string;
eval {
- $search_string = qr{$1}m;
+ $search_string = qr{$regex}m;
if ($@) {
my ($err,$exp) = ($@, $1);
$err =~ s/ at .*git-add--interactive line \d+, <STDIN> line \d+.*$//;
- print STDERR "Malformed search regexp $exp: $err\n";
+ error_msg "Malformed search regexp $exp: $err\n";
my $iy = $ix;
$iy = 0 if ($iy >= $num);
if ($ix == $iy) {
- print STDERR "No hunk matches the given pattern\n";
+ error_msg "No hunk matches the given pattern\n";
else {
- print STDERR "No previous hunk\n";
+ error_msg "No previous hunk\n";
else {
- print STDERR "No next hunk\n";
+ error_msg "No next hunk\n";
else {
- print STDERR "No previous hunk\n";
+ error_msg "No previous hunk\n";
elsif ($line =~ /^j/) {
if ($other !~ /j/) {
- print STDERR "No next hunk\n";
+ error_msg "No next hunk\n";
$num = scalar @hunk;
- elsif ($line =~ /^e/) {
+ elsif ($other =~ /e/ && $line =~ /^e/) {
my $newhunk = edit_hunk_loop($head, \@hunk, $ix);
if (defined $newhunk) {
splice @hunk, $ix, 1, $newhunk;
my $n_lofs = 0;
my @result = ();
- if ($mode->{USE}) {
- push @result, @{$mode->{TEXT}};
- }
for (@hunk) {
if ($_->{USE}) {
push @result, @{$_->{TEXT}};
print "\n";
+ return $quit;
sub diff_cmd {