$AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>';
+my $git_dir_user_set = 1 if defined $ENV{GIT_DIR};
$ENV{GIT_DIR} ||= '.git';
$Git::SVN::default_repo_id = 'svn';
$Git::SVN::default_ref_id = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn';
$_message, $_file,
$_template, $_shared,
$_version, $_fetch_all,
- $_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run,
+ $_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_local,
$_prefix, $_no_checkout, $_verbose);
$Git::SVN::_follow_parent = 1;
my %remote_opts = ( 'username=s' => \$Git::SVN::Prompt::_username,
'repack:i' => \$Git::SVN::_repack,
'noMetadata' => \$Git::SVN::_no_metadata,
'useSvmProps' => \$Git::SVN::_use_svm_props,
+ 'useSvnsyncProps' => \$Git::SVN::_use_svnsync_props,
'log-window-size=i' => \$Git::SVN::Ra::_log_window_size,
'no-checkout' => \$_no_checkout,
'quiet|q' => \$_q,
%remote_opts );
my ($_trunk, $_tags, $_branches);
+my %icv;
my %init_opts = ( 'template=s' => \$_template, 'shared:s' => \$_shared,
'trunk|T=s' => \$_trunk, 'tags|t=s' => \$_tags,
'branches|b=s' => \$_branches, 'prefix=s' => \$_prefix,
+ 'no-metadata' => sub { $icv{noMetadata} = 1 },
+ 'use-svm-props' => sub { $icv{useSvmProps} = 1 },
+ 'use-svnsync-props' => sub { $icv{useSvnsyncProps} = 1 },
+ 'rewrite-root=s' => sub { $icv{rewriteRoot} = $_[1] },
%remote_opts );
my %cmt_opts = ( 'edit|e' => \$_edit,
'rmdir' => \$SVN::Git::Editor::_rmdir,
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
'verbose|v' => \$_verbose,
'strategy|s=s' => \$_strategy,
+ 'local|l' => \$_local,
'fetch-all|all' => \$_fetch_all,
%fc_opts } ],
'commit-diff' => [ \&cmd_commit_diff,
my $rv = GetOptions(%opts, 'help|H|h' => \$_help, 'version|V' => \$_version,
'minimize-connections' => \$Git::SVN::Migration::_minimize,
'id|i=s' => \$Git::SVN::default_ref_id,
- 'svn-remote|remote|R=s' => \$Git::SVN::default_repo_id);
+ 'svn-remote|remote|R=s' => sub {
+ $Git::SVN::no_reuse_existing = 1;
+ $Git::SVN::default_repo_id = $_[1] });
exit 1 if (!$rv && $cmd ne 'log');
usage(0) if $_help;
version() if $_version;
usage(1) unless defined $cmd;
load_authors() if $_authors;
+# make sure we're always running
+unless ($cmd =~ /(?:clone|init|multi-init)$/) {
+ unless (-d $ENV{GIT_DIR}) {
+ if ($git_dir_user_set) {
+ die "GIT_DIR=$ENV{GIT_DIR} explicitly set, ",
+ "but it is not a directory\n";
+ }
+ my $git_dir = delete $ENV{GIT_DIR};
+ chomp(my $cdup = command_oneline(qw/rev-parse --show-cdup/));
+ unless (length $cdup) {
+ die "Already at toplevel, but $git_dir ",
+ "not found '$cdup'\n";
+ }
+ chdir $cdup or die "Unable to chdir up to '$cdup'\n";
+ unless (-d $git_dir) {
+ die "$git_dir still not found after going to ",
+ "'$cdup'\n";
+ }
+ $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $git_dir;
+ }
unless ($cmd =~ /^(?:clone|init|multi-init|commit-diff)$/) {
+ my $set;
+ my $pfx = "svn-remote.$Git::SVN::default_repo_id";
+ foreach my $i (keys %icv) {
+ die "'$set' and '$i' cannot both be set\n" if $set;
+ next unless defined $icv{$i};
+ command_noisy('config', "$pfx.$i", $icv{$i});
+ $set = $i;
+ }
sub init_subdir {
my $repo_path = shift or return;
mkpath([$repo_path]) unless -d $repo_path;
chdir $repo_path or die "Couldn't chdir to $repo_path: $!\n";
- $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $repo_path . "/.git";
+ $ENV{GIT_DIR} = '.git';
sub cmd_clone {
$url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
$path = $url;
- warn "--path: $path\n" if defined $path;
$path = basename($url) if !defined $path || !length $path;
- warn "++path: $path\n" if defined $path;
- mkpath([$path]);
- chdir $path or die "Couldn't chdir to $path\n";
- cmd_init(@_);
+ cmd_init($url, $path);
exit 1;
- $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch;
+ unless ($_local) {
+ $_fetch_all ? $gs->fetch_all : $gs->fetch;
+ }
command_noisy(rebase_cmd(), $gs->refname);
sub cmd_show_ignore {
- my $gs = Git::SVN->new;
+ my $url = (::working_head_info('HEAD'))[0];
+ my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url) || Git::SVN->new;
my $r = (defined $_revision ? $_revision : $gs->ra->get_latest_revnum);
- $gs->traverse_ignore(\*STDOUT, '', $r);
+ $gs->traverse_ignore(\*STDOUT, $gs->{path}, $r);
sub cmd_multi_init {
unless (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags) {
- do_git_init_db();
$_prefix = '' unless defined $_prefix;
if (defined $url) {
$url =~ s#/+$##;
+ do_git_init_db();
if (defined $_trunk) {
my $trunk_ref = $_prefix . 'trunk';
# try both old-style and new-style lookups:
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw/$default_repo_id $default_ref_id $_no_metadata $_follow_parent
- $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head/;
+ $_repack $_repack_flags $_use_svm_props $_head
+ $_use_svnsync_props $no_reuse_existing/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use File::Copy qw/copy/;
# per [svn-remote "..."] section. Command-line options will *NOT*
# override options set in an [svn-remote "..."] section
my $e;
- foreach (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props/) {
+ foreach (qw/follow_parent no_metadata use_svm_props
+ use_svnsync_props/) {
my $key = $_;
$key =~ tr/_//d;
$e .= "sub $_ {
sub find_existing_remote {
my ($url, $remotes) = @_;
+ return undef if $no_reuse_existing;
my $existing;
foreach my $repo_id (keys %$remotes) {
my $u = $remotes->{$repo_id}->{url} or next;
sub find_by_url { # repos_root and, path are optional
my ($class, $full_url, $repos_root, $path) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined $full_url;
my $remotes = read_all_remotes();
if (defined $full_url && defined $repos_root && !defined $path) {
$path = $full_url;
$svm = {
source => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-source"),
uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-uuid"),
+ replace => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svm-replace"),
- $self->{svm} = $svm if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid});
+ if ($svm && $svm->{source} && $svm->{uuid} && $svm->{replace}) {
+ $self->{svm} = $svm;
+ }
return $ra if $self->svm;
my @err = ( "useSvmProps set, but failed to read SVM properties\n",
- "(svm:source, svm:mirror, svm:mirror) ",
+ "(svm:source, svm:uuid) ",
"from the following URLs:\n" );
sub read_svm_props {
- my ($self, $props) = @_;
+ my ($self, $ra, $path, $r) = @_;
+ my $props = ($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2];
my $src = $props->{'svm:source'};
- my $mirror = $props->{'svm:mirror'};
my $uuid = $props->{'svm:uuid'};
- return undef if (!$src || !$mirror || !$uuid);
+ return undef if (!$src || !$uuid);
- chomp($src, $mirror, $uuid);
+ chomp($src, $uuid);
$uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$}
or die "doesn't look right - svm:uuid is '$uuid'\n";
- # don't know what a '!' is there for, also the
- # username is of no interest
- $src =~ s{/?!$}{$mirror};
+ # the '!' is used to mark the repos_root!/relative/path
+ $src =~ s{/?!/?}{/};
$src =~ s{/+$}{}; # no trailing slashes please
+ # username is of no interest
$src =~ s{(^[a-z\+]*://)[^/@]*@}{$1};
+ my $replace = $ra->{url};
+ $replace .= "/$path" if length $path;
my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
- tmp_config('--add', "$section.svm-source", $src);
- tmp_config('--add', "$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
- $self->{svm} = { source => $src , uuid => $uuid };
- return 1;
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-source", $src);
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-replace", $replace);
+ tmp_config("$section.svm-uuid", $uuid);
+ $self->{svm} = {
+ source => $src,
+ uuid => $uuid,
+ replace => $replace
+ };
my $r = $ra->get_latest_revnum;
my $path = $self->{path};
- my @tried_a = ($path);
+ my %tried;
while (length $path) {
- if ($self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2])) {
- return $ra;
+ unless ($tried{"$self->{url}/$path"}) {
+ return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
- $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$## && push @tried_a, $path;
- }
- if ($self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir('', $r))[2])) {
- return $ra;
+ $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
+ die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+ return $ra if $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{"$self->{url}/$path"} = 1;
if ($ra->{repos_root} eq $self->{url}) {
- die @err, map { " $self->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_a, "\n";
+ die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
# nope, make sure we're connected to the repository root:
my $ok;
my @tried_b;
$path = $ra->{svn_path};
- $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##; # we already tried this one above
$ra = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra->{repos_root});
while (length $path) {
- $ok = $self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir($path, $r))[2]);
- last if $ok;
- $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$## && push @tried_b, $path;
+ unless ($tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"}) {
+ $ok = $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ last if $ok;
+ $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
+ }
+ $path =~ s#/?[^/]+$##;
- $ok = $self->read_svm_props(($ra->get_dir('', $r))[2]) unless $ok;
+ die "Path: '$path' should be ''\n" if $path ne '';
+ $ok ||= $self->read_svm_props($ra, $path, $r);
+ $tried{"$ra->{url}/$path"} = 1;
if (!$ok) {
- die @err, map { " $self->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_a, "\n",
- map { " $ra->{url}/$_\n" } @tried_b, "\n"
+ die @err, (map { " $_\n" } keys %tried), "\n";
+sub svnsync {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->{svnsync} if $self->{svnsync};
+ if ($self->no_metadata) {
+ die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
+ "'useSvnsyncProps' options set!\n";
+ }
+ if ($self->rewrite_root) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and 'rewriteRoot' ",
+ "options set!\n";
+ }
+ my $svnsync;
+ # see if we have it in our config, first:
+ eval {
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ $svnsync = {
+ url => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-url"),
+ uuid => tmp_config('--get', "$section.svnsync-uuid"),
+ }
+ };
+ if ($svnsync && $svnsync->{url} && $svnsync->{uuid}) {
+ return $self->{svnsync} = $svnsync;
+ }
+ my $err = "useSvnsyncProps set, but failed to read " .
+ "svnsync property: svn:sync-from-";
+ my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist(0);
+ my $url = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-url'} or die $err . "url\n";
+ $url =~ m{^[a-z\+]+://} or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-url is '$url'\n";
+ my $uuid = $rp->{'svn:sync-from-uuid'} or die $err . "uuid\n";
+ $uuid =~ m{^[0-9a-f\-]{30,}$} or
+ die "doesn't look right - svn:sync-from-uuid is '$uuid'\n";
+ my $section = "svn-remote.$self->{repo_id}";
+ tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-uuid", $uuid);
+ tmp_config('--add', "$section.svnsync-url", $url);
+ return $self->{svnsync} = { url => $url, uuid => $uuid };
# this allows us to memoize our SVN::Ra UUID locally and avoid a
# remote lookup (useful for 'git svn log').
sub ra_uuid {
if ($self->no_metadata) {
die "Can't have both 'noMetadata' and ",
"'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
+ } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+ die "Can't have both 'useSvnsyncProps' and ",
+ "'useSvmProps' options set!\n";
$ra = $self->_set_svm_vars($ra);
$self->{-want_revprops} = 1;
my $ra = $self->ra;
my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $ra->get_dir($path, $r);
my $p = $path;
- $p =~ s#^\Q$ra->{svn_path}\E/##;
+ $p =~ s#^\Q$self->{path}\E(/|$)##;
print $fh length $p ? "\n# $p\n" : "\n# /\n";
if (my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'}) {
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
if (defined $r0 && defined $parent) {
print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($self->{ref_id}) $parent\n";
- $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
my $ed;
if ($self->ra->can_do_switch) {
+ $self->assert_index_clean($parent);
print STDERR "Following parent with do_switch\n";
# do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that
# is not included with SVN 1.4.3 (the latest version
"options set!\n";
my ($uuid, $r) = $headrev =~ m{^([a-f\d\-]{30,}):(\d+)$};
- if ($uuid ne $self->{svm}->{uuid}) {
+ # we don't want "SVM: initializing mirror for junk" ...
+ return undef if $r == 0;
+ my $svm = $self->svm;
+ if ($uuid ne $svm->{uuid}) {
die "UUID mismatch on SVM path:\n",
- "expected: $self->{svm}->{uuid}\n",
+ "expected: $svm->{uuid}\n",
" got: $uuid\n";
- my $full_url = $self->{svm}->{source};
- $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path};
+ my $full_url = $self->full_url;
+ $full_url =~ s#^\Q$svm->{replace}\E(/|$)#$svm->{source}$1# or
+ die "Failed to replace '$svm->{replace}' with ",
+ "'$svm->{source}' in $full_url\n";
+ # throw away username for storing in records
+ remove_username($full_url);
$log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$r $uuid";
$log_entry{svm_revision} = $r;
$email ||= "$author\@$uuid"
+ } elsif ($self->use_svnsync_props) {
+ my $full_url = $self->svnsync->{url};
+ $full_url .= "/$self->{path}" if length $self->{path};
+ my $uuid = $self->svnsync->{uuid};
+ $log_entry{metadata} = "$full_url\@$rev $uuid";
+ $email ||= "$author\@$uuid"
} else {
$log_entry{metadata} = $self->metadata_url. "\@$rev " .
my ($rev_list, $ctx) = command_output_pipe("rev-list", $self->refname);
my $latest;
my $full_url = $self->full_url;
+ remove_username($full_url);
my $svn_uuid;
while (<$rev_list>) {
my $c = $_;
die "Non-SHA1: $c\n" unless $c =~ /^$::sha1$/o;
my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ::cmt_metadata($c);
+ remove_username($url);
# ignore merges (from set-tree)
next if (!defined $rev || !$uuid);
+sub remove_username {
+ $_[0] =~ s{^([^:]*://)[^@]+@}{$1};
package Git::SVN::Prompt;
use strict;
use warnings;
my ($class, $url) = @_;
$url =~ s!/+$!!;
return $RA if ($RA && $RA->{url} eq $url);
+ $RA->{pool}->clear if $RA;
SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef);
my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper([
my $new = ($rev_a == $rev_b);
my $path = $gs->{path};
+ if ($new && -e $gs->{index}) {
+ unlink $gs->{index} or die
+ "Couldn't unlink index: $gs->{index}: $!\n";
+ }
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my (@pc) = split m#/#, $path;