test_expect_success 'get variable with no value' \
'git-config --get novalue.variable ^$'
+echo novalue.variable > expect
+test_expect_success 'get-regexp variable with no value' \
+ 'git-config --get-regexp novalue > output &&
+ cmp output expect'
git-config > output 2>&1
test_expect_success 'no arguments, but no crash' \
test z1048576 = "z$m"
+cat > expect << EOF
+test_expect_success bool '
+ git-config bool.true1 01 &&
+ git-config bool.true2 -1 &&
+ git-config bool.true3 YeS &&
+ git-config bool.true4 true &&
+ git-config bool.false1 000 &&
+ git-config bool.false2 "" &&
+ git-config bool.false3 nO &&
+ git-config bool.false4 FALSE &&
+ rm -f result &&
+ for i in 1 2 3 4
+ do
+ git-config --bool --get bool.true$i >>result
+ git-config --bool --get bool.false$i >>result
+ done &&
+ cmp expect result'
+test_expect_failure 'invalid bool' '
+ git-config bool.nobool foobar &&
+ git-config --bool --get bool.nobool'
rm .git/config
git-config quote.leading " test"
test_expect_success 'value continued on next line' 'cmp result expect'
+cat > .git/config <<\EOF
+[section "sub=section"]
+ val1 = foo=bar
+ val2 = foo\nbar
+ val3 = \n\n
+ val4 =
+ val5
+cat > expect <<\EOF
+git config --null --list | tr '[\000]' 'Q' > result
+echo >>result
+test_expect_success '--null --list' 'cmp result expect'
+git config --null --get-regexp 'val[0-9]' | tr '[\000]' 'Q' > result
+echo >>result
+test_expect_success '--null --get-regexp' 'cmp result expect'