. ./test-lib.sh
commit_msg_is () {
- test "`git log --pretty=format:%s%b -1`" = "$1"
+ expect=commit_msg_is.expect
+ actual=commit_msg_is.actual
+ printf "%s" "$(git log --pretty=format:%s%b -1)" >$expect &&
+ printf "%s" "$1" >$actual &&
+ test_cmp $expect $actual
# A sanity check to see if commit is working at all.
test_expect_success 'nonexistent template file should return error' '
echo changes >> foo &&
git add foo &&
- test_must_fail git commit --template "$PWD"/notexist
+ (
+ GIT_EDITOR="echo hello >\"\$1\"" &&
+ export GIT_EDITOR &&
+ test_must_fail git commit --template "$PWD"/notexist
+ )
test_expect_success 'nonexistent template file in config should return error' '
git config commit.template "$PWD"/notexist &&
- test_must_fail git commit &&
- git config --unset commit.template
+ test_when_finished "git config --unset commit.template" &&
+ (
+ GIT_EDITOR="echo hello >\"\$1\"" &&
+ export GIT_EDITOR &&
+ test_must_fail git commit
+ )
# From now on we'll use a template file that exists.
commit_msg_is "fixup! target message subject line"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -F' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ echo "log message from file" >msgfile &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD~1 -F msgfile &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linelog message from file"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -m' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD~1 -m "foo bar\nbaz" &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linefoo bar\nbaz"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -C' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD~1 -C HEAD &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject lineintermediate commit"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -c' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/edit-content &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD~1 -c HEAD &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject lineedited commit"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -C for same commit' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD -C HEAD &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! intermediate commit"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with -c for same commit' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/edit-content &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD -c HEAD &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! edited commit"
+test_expect_success 'commit --squash works with editor' '
+ commit_for_rebase_autosquash_setup &&
+ test_set_editor "$TEST_DIRECTORY"/t7500/add-content &&
+ git commit --squash HEAD~1 &&
+ commit_msg_is "squash! target message subject linecommit message"
test_expect_success 'invalid message options when using --fixup' '
echo changes >>foo &&
echo "message" >log &&
git add foo &&
+ test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 --squash HEAD~2 &&
test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -C HEAD~2 &&
test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -c HEAD~2 &&
test_must_fail git commit --fixup HEAD~1 -m "cmdline message" &&