git ls-files -u >out &&
test_line_count = 2 out &&
git ls-files -o >out &&
- test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ test_line_count = 1 out &&
git rev-parse >expect \
- L2:three R2:three \
L2:three R2:three &&
git rev-parse >actual \
:2:three :3:three &&
- git hash-object >>actual \
- three~HEAD three~R2^0 &&
test_cmp expect actual
git ls-files -u >out &&
test_line_count = 2 out &&
git ls-files -o >out &&
- test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ test_line_count = 1 out &&
git rev-parse >expect \
- L2:three R2:three \
L2:three R2:three &&
git rev-parse >actual \
:2:three :3:three &&
- git hash-object >>actual \
- three~HEAD three~R2^0 &&
test_cmp expect actual
git branch B &&
git checkout -b C &&
echo 10 >>a &&
- echo "other content" >>new_a &&
+ test_write_lines 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 foobar >new_a &&
git add a new_a &&
test_tick && git commit -m C &&
git checkout B^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge C &&
- git clean -f &&
+ git show :2:new_a >new_a &&
+ git add new_a &&
test_tick && git commit -m D &&
git tag D &&
git checkout C^0 &&
test_must_fail git merge B &&
- rm new_a~HEAD new_a &&
- printf "Incorrectly merged content" >>new_a &&
+ test_write_lines 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 bad_merge >new_a &&
git add -u &&
test_tick && git commit -m E &&
git tag E
test_line_count = 1 out &&
git rev-parse >expect \
- D:new_a E:new_a &&
+ C:new_a D:new_a E:new_a &&
git rev-parse >actual \
- :2:new_a :3:new_a &&
+ :1:new_a :2:new_a :3:new_a &&
test_cmp expect actual &&
- git cat-file -p C:new_a >ours &&
- git cat-file -p B:new_a >theirs &&
+ # Test that the two-way merge in new_a is as expected
+ git cat-file -p D:new_a >ours &&
+ git cat-file -p E:new_a >theirs &&
>empty &&
test_must_fail git merge-file \
- -L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
+ -L "HEAD" \
-L "" \
- -L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
+ -L "E^0" \
+ ours empty theirs &&
+ sed -e "s/^\([<=>]\)/\1\1\1/" ours >expect &&
+ git hash-object new_a >actual &&
+ git hash-object ours >expect &&
+ test_cmp expect actual
+ )
+# Repeat the above testcase with precisely the same setup, other than with
+# the two merge bases having different orderings of commit timestamps so
+# that they are reversed in the order they are provided to merge-recursive,
+# so that we can improve code coverage.
+test_expect_success 'git detects differently handled merges conflict, swapped' '
+ (
+ cd rename-add &&
+ # Difference #1: Do cleanup from previous testrun
+ git reset --hard &&
+ git clean -fdqx &&
+ # Difference #2: Change commit timestamps
+ btime=$(git log --no-walk --date=raw --format=%cd B | awk "{print \$1}") &&
+ ctime=$(git log --no-walk --date=raw --format=%cd C | awk "{print \$1}") &&
+ newctime=$(($btime+1)) &&
+ git fast-export --no-data --all | sed -e s/$ctime/$newctime/ | git fast-import --force --quiet &&
+ # End of differences; rest is copy-paste of last test
+ git checkout D^0 &&
+ test_must_fail git merge -s recursive E^0 &&
+ git ls-files -s >out &&
+ test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ git ls-files -u >out &&
+ test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ git ls-files -o >out &&
+ test_line_count = 1 out &&
+ git rev-parse >expect \
+ C:new_a D:new_a E:new_a &&
+ git rev-parse >actual \
+ :1:new_a :2:new_a :3:new_a &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ # Test that the two-way merge in new_a is as expected
+ git cat-file -p D:new_a >ours &&
+ git cat-file -p E:new_a >theirs &&
+ >empty &&
+ test_must_fail git merge-file \
+ -L "HEAD" \
+ -L "" \
+ -L "E^0" \
ours empty theirs &&
sed -e "s/^\([<=>]\)/\1\1\1/" ours >expect &&
- git cat-file -p :1:new_a >actual &&
+ git hash-object new_a >actual &&
+ git hash-object ours >expect &&
test_cmp expect actual
-test_expect_failure 'check nested conflicts' '
+test_expect_success 'check nested conflicts' '
cd nested_conflicts &&
# Compare m to expected contents
>empty &&
- cp -a m_stage_2 expected_final_m &&
+ cp m_stage_2 expected_final_m &&
test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
-L "HEAD" \
-L "merged common ancestors" \
+# Setup:
+# L1---L2---L3
+# / \ / \ / \
+# master X1 X2 ?
+# \ / \ / \ /
+# R1---R2---R3
+# Where:
+# master has one file named 'content'
+# branches L1 and R1 both modify each of the two files in conflicting ways
+# L<n> (n>1) is a merge of R<n-1> into L<n-1>
+# R<n> (n>1) is a merge of L<n-1> into R<n-1>
+# L<n> and R<n> resolve the conflicts differently.
+# X<n> is an auto-generated merge-base used when merging L<n+1> and R<n+1>.
+# By construction, X1 has conflict markers due to conflicting versions.
+# X2, due to using merge.conflictstyle=3, has nested conflict markers.
+# So, merging R3 into L3 using merge.conflictstyle=3 should show the
+# nested conflict markers from X2 in the base version -- that means we
+# have three levels of conflict markers. Can we distinguish all three?
+test_expect_success 'setup virtual merge base with nested conflicts' '
+ test_create_repo virtual_merge_base_has_nested_conflicts &&
+ (
+ cd virtual_merge_base_has_nested_conflicts &&
+ # Create some related files now
+ for i in $(test_seq 1 10)
+ do
+ echo Random base content line $i
+ done >content &&
+ # Setup original commit
+ git add content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m initial &&
+ git branch L &&
+ git branch R &&
+ # Create L1
+ git checkout L &&
+ echo left >>content &&
+ git add content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "version L1 of content" &&
+ git tag L1 &&
+ # Create R1
+ git checkout R &&
+ echo right >>content &&
+ git add content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "verson R1 of content" &&
+ git tag R1 &&
+ # Create L2
+ git checkout L &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge R1 &&
+ git checkout L1 content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "version L2 of content" &&
+ git tag L2 &&
+ # Create R2
+ git checkout R &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge L1 &&
+ git checkout R1 content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "version R2 of content" &&
+ git tag R2 &&
+ # Create L3
+ git checkout L &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge R2 &&
+ git checkout L1 content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "version L3 of content" &&
+ git tag L3 &&
+ # Create R3
+ git checkout R &&
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge L2 &&
+ git checkout R1 content &&
+ test_tick && git commit -m "version R3 of content" &&
+ git tag R3
+ )
+test_expect_success 'check virtual merge base with nested conflicts' '
+ (
+ cd virtual_merge_base_has_nested_conflicts &&
+ git checkout L3^0 &&
+ # Merge must fail; there is a conflict
+ test_must_fail git -c merge.conflictstyle=diff3 merge -s recursive R3^0 &&
+ # Make sure the index has the right number of entries
+ git ls-files -s >out &&
+ test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ git ls-files -u >out &&
+ test_line_count = 3 out &&
+ # Ensure we have the correct number of untracked files
+ git ls-files -o >out &&
+ test_line_count = 1 out &&
+ # Compare :[23]:content to expected values
+ git rev-parse L1:content R1:content >expect &&
+ git rev-parse :2:content :3:content >actual &&
+ test_cmp expect actual &&
+ # Imitate X1 merge base, except without long enough conflict
+ # markers because a subsequent sed will modify them. Put
+ # result into vmb.
+ git cat-file -p master:content >base &&
+ git cat-file -p L:content >left &&
+ git cat-file -p R:content >right &&
+ cp left merged-once &&
+ test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
+ -L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
+ -L "merged common ancestors" \
+ -L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
+ merged-once \
+ base \
+ right &&
+ sed -e "s/^\([<|=>]\)/\1\1\1/" merged-once >vmb &&
+ # Imitate X2 merge base, overwriting vmb. Note that we
+ # extend both sets of conflict markers to make them longer
+ # with the sed command.
+ cp left merged-twice &&
+ test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
+ -L "Temporary merge branch 1" \
+ -L "merged common ancestors" \
+ -L "Temporary merge branch 2" \
+ merged-twice \
+ vmb \
+ right &&
+ sed -e "s/^\([<|=>]\)/\1\1\1/" merged-twice >vmb &&
+ # Compare :1:content to expected value
+ git cat-file -p :1:content >actual &&
+ test_cmp vmb actual &&
+ # Determine expected content in final outer merge, compare to
+ # what the merge generated.
+ cp -f left expect &&
+ test_must_fail git merge-file --diff3 \
+ -L "HEAD" -L "merged common ancestors" -L "R3^0" \
+ expect vmb right &&
+ test_cmp expect content
+ )