proc fetch_from {remote} {
set w [console::new \
- "fetch $remote" \
+ [mc "fetch %s" $remote] \
[mc "Fetching new changes from %s" $remote]]
set cmds [list]
lappend cmds [list exec git fetch $remote]
proc prune_from {remote} {
set w [console::new \
- "remote prune $remote" \
+ [mc "remote prune %s" $remote] \
[mc "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s" $remote]]
console::exec $w [list git remote prune $remote]
proc push_to {remote} {
set w [console::new \
- "push $remote" \
+ [mc "push %s" $remote] \
[mc "Pushing changes to %s" $remote]]
set cmd [list git push]
lappend cmd -v
proc start_push_anywhere_action {w} {
global push_urltype push_remote push_url push_thin push_tags
+ global push_force
set r_url {}
switch -- $push_urltype {
if {$push_thin} {
lappend cmd --thin
+ if {$push_force} {
+ lappend cmd --force
+ }
if {$push_tags} {
lappend cmd --tags
set cons [console::new \
- "push $r_url" \
+ [mc "push %s" $r_url] \
[mc "Pushing %s %s to %s" $cnt $unit $r_url]]
console::exec $cons $cmd
destroy $w
proc do_push_anywhere {} {
global all_remotes current_branch
global push_urltype push_remote push_url push_thin push_tags
+ global push_force
set w .push_setup
toplevel $w
set push_urltype url
radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
- -text [mc "Arbitrary URL:"] \
+ -text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-value url \
-variable push_urltype
entry $w.dest.url_t \
pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
labelframe $w.options -text [mc "Transfer Options"]
+ checkbutton $w.options.force \
+ -text [mc "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)"] \
+ -variable push_force
+ grid $w.options.force -columnspan 2 -sticky w
checkbutton $w.options.thin \
-text [mc "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)"] \
-variable push_thin
pack $w.options -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
set push_url {}
+ set push_force 0
set push_thin 0
set push_tags 0