our $stylesheet = "++GITWEB_CSS++";
# URI of GIT logo
our $logo = "++GITWEB_LOGO++";
+# URI of GIT favicon, assumed to be image/png type
+our $favicon = "++GITWEB_FAVICON++";
# source of projects list
our $projects_list = "++GITWEB_LIST++";
'override' => 0,
# => [content-encoding, suffix, program]
'default' => ['x-gzip', 'gz', 'gzip']},
+ 'pickaxe' => {
+ 'sub' => \&feature_pickaxe,
+ 'override' => 0,
+ 'default' => [1]},
sub gitweb_check_feature {
return ($ctype, $suffix, $command);
+# To enable system wide have in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+# $feature{'pickaxe'}{'default'} = [1];
+# To have project specific config enable override in $GITWEB_CONFIG
+# $feature{'pickaxe'}{'override'} = 1;
+# and in project config gitweb.pickaxe = 0|1;
+sub feature_pickaxe {
+ my ($val) = git_get_project_config('pickaxe', '--bool');
+ if ($val eq 'true') {
+ return (1);
+ } elsif ($val eq 'false') {
+ return (0);
+ }
+ return ($_[0]);
# rename detection options for git-diff and git-diff-tree
# - default is '-M', with the cost proportional to
# (number of removed files) * (number of new files).
our @diff_opts = ('-M'); # taken from git_commit
# version of the core git binary
our $git_version = qx($GIT --version) =~ m/git version (.*)$/ ? $1 : "unknown";
# 'c512b523472485aef4fff9e57b229d9d243c967f'
- #elsif ($line =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
- # $res{'commit'} = $1;
- #}
+ elsif ($line =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})$/) {
+ $res{'commit'} = $1;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? %res : \%res;
+# parse line of git-ls-tree output
+sub parse_ls_tree_line ($;%) {
+ my $line = shift;
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my %res;
+ #'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa panic.c'
+ $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/;
+ $res{'mode'} = $1;
+ $res{'type'} = $2;
+ $res{'hash'} = $3;
+ if ($opts{'-z'}) {
+ $res{'name'} = $4;
+ } else {
+ $res{'name'} = unquote($4);
+ }
return wantarray ? %res : \%res;
'href="%s" type="application/rss+xml"/>'."\n",
esc_param($project), href(action=>"rss"));
+ if (defined $favicon) {
+ print qq(<link rel="shortcut icon" href="$favicon" type="image/png"/>\n);
+ }
print "</head>\n" .
"<body>\n" .
sub git_print_authorship {
my $co = shift;
- my %ad = parse_date($co->{'author_epoch'});
+ my %ad = parse_date($co->{'author_epoch'}, $co->{'author_tz'});
print "<div class=\"author_date\">" .
esc_html($co->{'author_name'}) .
- " [$ad{'rfc2822'}]</div>\n";
+ " [$ad{'rfc2822'}";
+ if ($ad{'hour_local'} < 6) {
+ printf(" (<span class=\"atnight\">%02d:%02d</span> %s)",
+ $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
+ } else {
+ printf(" (%02d:%02d %s)",
+ $ad{'hour_local'}, $ad{'minute_local'}, $ad{'tz_local'});
+ }
+ print "]</div>\n";
sub git_print_page_path {
if (!defined $name) {
print "<div class=\"page_path\">/</div>\n";
- } elsif (defined $type && $type eq 'blob') {
+ } else {
+ my @dirname = split '/', $name;
+ my $basename = pop @dirname;
+ my $fullname = '';
print "<div class=\"page_path\">";
- if (defined $hb) {
+ foreach my $dir (@dirname) {
+ $fullname .= $dir . '/';
+ print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$fullname,
+ hash_base=>$hb),
+ -title => $fullname}, esc_html($dir));
+ print "/";
+ }
+ if (defined $type && $type eq 'blob') {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", file_name=>$file_name,
- hash_base=>$hb)},
- esc_html($name));
+ hash_base=>$hb),
+ -title => $name}, esc_html($basename));
+ } elsif (defined $type && $type eq 'tree') {
+ print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", file_name=>$file_name,
+ hash_base=>$hb),
+ -title => $name}, esc_html($basename));
+ print "/";
} else {
- print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain", file_name=>$file_name)},
- esc_html($name));
+ print esc_html($basename);
print "<br/></div>\n";
- } else {
- print "<div class=\"page_path\">" . esc_html($name) . "<br/></div>\n";
-remove_title => $remove_title);
+# print tree entry (row of git_tree), but without encompassing <tr> element
+sub git_print_tree_entry {
+ my ($t, $basedir, $hash_base, $have_blame) = @_;
+ my %base_key = ();
+ $base_key{hash_base} = $hash_base if defined $hash_base;
+ print "<td class=\"mode\">" . mode_str($t->{'mode'}) . "</td>\n";
+ if ($t->{'type'} eq "blob") {
+ print "<td class=\"list\">" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key),
+ -class => "list"}, esc_html($t->{'name'})) .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "<td class=\"link\">" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ "blob");
+ if ($have_blame) {
+ print " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ "blame");
+ }
+ if (defined $hash_base) {
+ print " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ hash=>$t->{'hash'}, file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}")},
+ "history");
+ }
+ print " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain",
+ hash=>$t->{'hash'}, file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}")},
+ "raw") .
+ "</td>\n";
+ } elsif ($t->{'type'} eq "tree") {
+ print "<td class=\"list\">" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ esc_html($t->{'name'})) .
+ "</td>\n" .
+ "<td class=\"link\">" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t->{'hash'},
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}", %base_key)},
+ "tree");
+ if (defined $hash_base) {
+ print " | " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ file_name=>"$basedir$t->{'name'}")},
+ "history");
+ }
+ print "</td>\n";
+ }
## ......................................................................
## functions printing large fragments of HTML
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$diff{'to_id'},
hash_base=>$hash, file_name=>$diff{'file'})},
- if ($action == "commitdiff") {
+ if ($action eq 'commitdiff') {
# link to patch
print " | " .
hash_base=>$parent, file_name=>$diff{'file'})},
"blob") .
" | ";
- if ($action == "commitdiff") {
+ if ($action eq 'commitdiff') {
# link to patch
print " | " .
hash_base=>$hash, file_name=>$diff{'file'})},
if ($diff{'to_id'} ne $diff{'from_id'}) { # modified
- if ($action == "commitdiff") {
+ if ($action eq 'commitdiff') {
# link to patch
print " | " .
hash=>$diff{'to_id'}, file_name=>$diff{'to_file'})},
if ($diff{'to_id'} ne $diff{'from_id'}) {
- if ($action == "commitdiff") {
+ if ($action eq 'commitdiff') {
# link to patch
print " | " .
sub git_history_body {
# Warning: assumes constant type (blob or tree) during history
- my ($fd, $refs, $hash_base, $ftype, $extra) = @_;
+ my ($revlist, $from, $to, $refs, $hash_base, $ftype, $extra) = @_;
+ $from = 0 unless defined $from;
+ $to = $#{$revlist} unless (defined $to && $to <= $#{$revlist});
print "<table class=\"history\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
my $alternate = 0;
- while (my $line = <$fd>) {
- if ($line !~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/) {
+ for (my $i = $from; $i <= $to; $i++) {
+ if ($revlist->[$i] !~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})/) {
my $fd;
my $ftype;
- if (!gitweb_check_feature('blame')) {
+ my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
+ if (!$have_blame) {
die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
die_error('404 Not Found', "File name not defined") if (!$file_name);
sub git_blame {
my $fd;
- if (!gitweb_check_feature('blame')) {
+ my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
+ if (!$have_blame) {
die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
die_error('404 Not Found', "File name not defined") if (!$file_name);
die_error(undef, "No file name defined");
- my $have_blame = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
+ my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash
or die_error(undef, "Couldn't cat $file_name, $hash");
my $mimetype = blob_mimetype($fd, $file_name);
my $refs = git_get_references();
my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $hash_base);
- my %base_key = ();
my $base = "";
- my $have_blame = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
+ my ($have_blame) = gitweb_check_feature('blame');
if (defined $hash_base && (my %co = parse_commit($hash_base))) {
- $base_key{hash_base} = $hash_base;
git_print_page_nav('tree','', $hash_base);
git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref, $hash_base);
} else {
+ undef $hash_base;
print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n";
print "<br/><br/></div>\n";
print "<div class=\"title\">$hash</div>\n";
print "<table cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
my $alternate = 0;
foreach my $line (@entries) {
- #'100644 blob 0fa3f3a66fb6a137f6ec2c19351ed4d807070ffa panic.c'
- $line =~ m/^([0-9]+) (.+) ([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t(.+)$/;
- my $t_mode = $1;
- my $t_type = $2;
- my $t_hash = $3;
- my $t_name = validate_input($4);
+ my %t = parse_ls_tree_line($line, -z => 1);
if ($alternate) {
print "<tr class=\"dark\">\n";
} else {
print "<tr class=\"light\">\n";
$alternate ^= 1;
- print "<td class=\"mode\">" . mode_str($t_mode) . "</td>\n";
- if ($t_type eq "blob") {
- print "<td class=\"list\">" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name", %base_key),
- -class => "list"}, esc_html($t_name)) .
- "</td>\n" .
- "<td class=\"link\">" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob", hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name", %base_key)},
- "blob");
- if ($have_blame) {
- print " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blame", hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name", %base_key)},
- "blame");
- }
- print " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash_base=>$hash_base,
- hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name")},
- "history") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"blob_plain",
- hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name")},
- "raw") .
- "</td>\n";
- } elsif ($t_type eq "tree") {
- print "<td class=\"list\">" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name", %base_key)},
- esc_html($t_name)) .
- "</td>\n" .
- "<td class=\"link\">" .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"tree", hash=>$t_hash, file_name=>"$base$t_name", %base_key)},
- "tree") .
- " | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash_base=>$hash_base, file_name=>"$base$t_name")},
- "history") .
- "</td>\n";
- }
+ git_print_tree_entry(\%t, $base, $hash_base, $have_blame);
print "</tr>\n";
print "</table>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commit", hash=>$par)}, "commit") .
" | " .
- $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$hash, hash_parent=>$par)}, "commitdiff") .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"commitdiff", hash=>$hash, hash_parent=>$par)}, "diff") .
"</td>" .
or die_error('404 Not Found', "Blob diff not found");
- } elsif (defined $hash) { # try to find filename from $hash
- if ($hash !~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/) {
- $hash = git_to_hash($hash);
- }
} elsif (defined $hash &&
$hash =~ /[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/) {
# try to find filename from $hash
if (!defined $hash_base) {
$hash_base = git_get_head_hash($project);
+ if (!defined $page) {
+ $page = 0;
+ }
my $ftype;
my %co = parse_commit($hash_base);
if (!%co) {
die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
my $refs = git_get_references();
- git_header_html();
- git_print_page_nav('','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base);
- git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
+ my $limit = sprintf("--max-count=%i", (100 * ($page+1)));
if (!defined $hash && defined $file_name) {
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name);
if (defined $hash) {
$ftype = git_get_type($hash);
- git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base);
open my $fd, "-|",
- git_cmd(), "rev-list", "--full-history", $hash_base, "--", $file_name;
+ git_cmd(), "rev-list", $limit, "--full-history", $hash_base, "--", $file_name
+ or die_error(undef, "Open git-rev-list-failed");
+ my @revlist = map { chomp; $_ } <$fd>;
+ close $fd
+ or die_error(undef, "Reading git-rev-list failed");
+ my $paging_nav = '';
+ if ($page > 0) {
+ $paging_nav .=
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ file_name=>$file_name)},
+ "first");
+ $paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ file_name=>$file_name, page=>$page-1),
+ -accesskey => "p", -title => "Alt-p"}, "prev");
+ } else {
+ $paging_nav .= "first";
+ $paging_nav .= " ⋅ prev";
+ }
+ if ($#revlist >= (100 * ($page+1)-1)) {
+ $paging_nav .= " ⋅ " .
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ file_name=>$file_name, page=>$page+1),
+ -accesskey => "n", -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
+ } else {
+ $paging_nav .= " ⋅ next";
+ }
+ my $next_link = '';
+ if ($#revlist >= (100 * ($page+1)-1)) {
+ $next_link =
+ $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"history", hash=>$hash, hash_base=>$hash_base,
+ file_name=>$file_name, page=>$page+1),
+ -title => "Alt-n"}, "next");
+ }
- git_history_body($fd, $refs, $hash_base, $ftype);
+ git_header_html();
+ git_print_page_nav('history','', $hash_base,$co{'tree'},$hash_base, $paging_nav);
+ git_print_header_div('commit', esc_html($co{'title'}), $hash_base);
+ git_print_page_path($file_name, $ftype, $hash_base);
+ git_history_body(\@revlist, ($page * 100), $#revlist,
+ $refs, $hash_base, $ftype, $next_link);
- close $fd;
if (!%co) {
die_error(undef, "Unknown commit object");
- # pickaxe may take all resources of your box and run for several minutes
- # with every query - so decide by yourself how public you make this feature :)
my $commit_search = 1;
my $author_search = 0;
my $committer_search = 0;
} elsif ($searchtext =~ s/^pickaxe\\://i) {
$commit_search = 0;
$pickaxe_search = 1;
+ # pickaxe may take all resources of your box and run for several minutes
+ # with every query - so decide by yourself how public you make this feature
+ my ($have_pickaxe) = gitweb_check_feature('pickaxe');
+ if (!$have_pickaxe) {
+ die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied");
+ }
git_print_page_nav('','', $hash,$co{'tree'},$hash);