# html text to include at home page
my $home_text = "indextext.html";
+# URI of default stylesheet
+my $stylesheet = "gitweb.css";
# source of projects list
#my $projects_list = $projectroot;
my $projects_list = "index/index.aux";
+# default blob_plain mimetype and default charset for text/plain blob
+my $default_blob_plain_mimetype = 'text/plain';
+my $default_text_plain_charset = undef;
+# file to use for guessing MIME types before trying /etc/mime.types
+# (relative to the current git repository)
+my $mimetypes_file = undef;
# input validation and dispatch
my $action = $cgi->param('a');
if (defined $action) {
} elsif ($action eq "tag") {
+} elsif ($action eq "blame") {
+ git_blame();
+ exit;
} else {
undef $action;
die_error(undef, "Unknown action.");
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow"/>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$stylesheet"/>
-<style type="text/css">
-body {
- font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 12px; border:solid #d9d8d1; border-width:1px;
- margin:10px; background-color:#ffffff; color:#000000;
-a { color:#0000cc; }
-a:hover, a:visited, a:active { color:#880000; }
-div.page_header { height:25px; padding:8px; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#d9d8d1; }
-div.page_header a:visited, a.header { color:#0000cc; }
-div.page_header a:hover { color:#880000; }
-div.page_nav { padding:8px; }
-div.page_nav a:visited { color:#0000cc; }
-div.page_path { padding:8px; border:solid #d9d8d1; border-width:0px 0px 1px}
-div.page_footer { height:17px; padding:4px 8px; background-color: #d9d8d1; }
-div.page_footer_text { float:left; color:#555555; font-style:italic; }
-div.page_body { padding:8px; }
-div.title, a.title {
- display:block; padding:6px 8px;
- font-weight:bold; background-color:#edece6; text-decoration:none; color:#000000;
-a.title:hover { background-color: #d9d8d1; }
-div.title_text { padding:6px 0px; border: solid #d9d8d1; border-width:0px 0px 1px; }
-div.log_body { padding:8px 8px 8px 150px; }
-span.age { position:relative; float:left; width:142px; font-style:italic; }
-div.log_link {
- padding:0px 8px;
- font-size:10px; font-family:sans-serif; font-style:normal;
- position:relative; float:left; width:136px;
-div.list_head { padding:6px 8px 4px; border:solid #d9d8d1; border-width:1px 0px 0px; font-style:italic; }
-a.list { text-decoration:none; color:#000000; }
-a.list:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#880000; }
-a.text { text-decoration:none; color:#0000cc; }
-a.text:visited { text-decoration:none; color:#880000; }
-a.text:hover { text-decoration:underline; color:#880000; }
-table { padding:8px 4px; }
-th { padding:2px 5px; font-size:12px; text-align:left; }
-tr.light:hover { background-color:#edece6; }
-tr.dark { background-color:#f6f6f0; }
-tr.dark:hover { background-color:#edece6; }
-td { padding:2px 5px; font-size:12px; vertical-align:top; }
-td.link { padding:2px 5px; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10px; }
-div.pre { font-family:monospace; font-size:12px; white-space:pre; }
-div.diff_info { font-family:monospace; color:#000099; background-color:#edece6; font-style:italic; }
-div.index_include { border:solid #d9d8d1; border-width:0px 0px 1px; padding:12px 8px; }
-div.search { margin:4px 8px; position:absolute; top:56px; right:12px }
-a.linenr { color:#999999; text-decoration:none }
-a.rss_logo {
- float:right; padding:3px 0px; width:35px; line-height:10px;
- border:1px solid; border-color:#fcc7a5 #7d3302 #3e1a01 #ff954e;
- color:#ffffff; background-color:#ff6600;
- font-weight:bold; font-family:sans-serif; font-size:10px;
- text-align:center; text-decoration:none;
-a.rss_logo:hover { background-color:#ee5500; }
-span.tag {
- padding:0px 4px; font-size:10px; font-weight:normal;
- background-color:#ffffaa; border:1px solid; border-color:#ffffcc #ffee00 #ffee00 #ffffcc;
return @list;
+sub git_get_project_config {
+ my $key = shift;
+ return unless ($key);
+ $key =~ s/^gitweb\.//;
+ return if ($key =~ m/\W/);
+ my $val = qx(git-repo-config --get gitweb.$key);
+ return ($val);
+sub git_get_project_config_bool {
+ my $val = git_get_project_config (@_);
+ if ($val and $val =~ m/true|yes|on/) {
+ return (1);
+ }
+ return; # implicit false
sub git_project_list {
my @list = git_read_projects();
my @projects;
+sub git_blame {
+ my $fd;
+ die_error('403 Permission denied', "Permission denied.") if (!git_get_project_config_bool ('blame'));
+ die_error('404 Not Found', "What file will it be, master?") if (!$file_name);
+ $hash_base ||= git_read_head($project);
+ die_error(undef, "Reading commit failed.") unless ($hash_base);
+ my %co = git_read_commit($hash_base)
+ or die_error(undef, "Reading commit failed.");
+ if (!defined $hash) {
+ $hash = git_get_hash_by_path($hash_base, $file_name, "blob")
+ or die_error(undef, "Error lookup file.");
+ }
+ open ($fd, "-|", "$gitbin/git-annotate", '-l', '-t', '-r', $file_name, $hash_base)
+ or die_error(undef, "Open failed.");
+ git_header_html();
+ print "<div class=\"page_nav\">\n" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=summary")}, "summary") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=shortlog")}, "shortlog") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=log")}, "log") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=commit;h=$hash_base")}, "commit") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=commitdiff;h=$hash_base")}, "commitdiff") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=tree;h=$co{'tree'};hb=$hash_base")}, "tree") . "<br/>\n";
+ print $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blob;h=$hash;hb=$hash_base;f=$file_name")}, "blob") .
+ " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blame;f=$file_name")}, "head") . "<br/>\n";
+ print "</div>\n".
+ "<div>" .
+ $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=commit;h=$hash_base"), -class => "title"}, esc_html($co{'title'})) .
+ "</div>\n";
+ print "<div class=\"page_path\"><b>" . esc_html($file_name) . "</b></div>\n";
+ print "<div class=\"page_body\">\n";
+ print <<HTML;
+<table style="border-collapse: collapse;">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Commit</th>
+ <th>Age</th>
+ <th>Author</th>
+ <th>Line</th>
+ <th>Data</th>
+ </tr>
+ my @line_class = (qw(light dark));
+ my $line_class_len = scalar (@line_class);
+ my $line_class_num = $#line_class;
+ while (my $line = <$fd>) {
+ my $long_rev;
+ my $short_rev;
+ my $author;
+ my $time;
+ my $lineno;
+ my $data;
+ my $age;
+ my $age_str;
+ my $age_style;
+ chomp $line;
+ $line_class_num = ($line_class_num + 1) % $line_class_len;
+ if ($line =~ m/^([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\t\(\s*([^\t]+)\t(\d+) \+\d\d\d\d\t(\d+)\)(.*)$/) {
+ $long_rev = $1;
+ $author = $2;
+ $time = $3;
+ $lineno = $4;
+ $data = $5;
+ } else {
+ print qq( <tr><td colspan="5" style="color: red; background-color: yellow;">Unable to parse: $line</td></tr>\n);
+ next;
+ }
+ $short_rev = substr ($long_rev, 0, 8);
+ $age = time () - $time;
+ $age_str = age_string ($age);
+ $age_str =~ s/ / /g;
+ $age_style = 'font-style: italic;';
+ $age_style .= ' color: #009900; background: transparent;' if ($age < 60*60*24*2);
+ $age_style .= ' font-weight: bold;' if ($age < 60*60*2);
+ $author = esc_html ($author);
+ $author =~ s/ / /g;
+ # escape tabs
+ while ((my $pos = index($data, "\t")) != -1) {
+ if (my $count = (8 - ($pos % 8))) {
+ my $spaces = ' ' x $count;
+ $data =~ s/\t/$spaces/;
+ }
+ }
+ $data = esc_html ($data);
+ $data =~ s/ / /g;
+ print <<HTML;
+ <tr class="$line_class[$line_class_num]">
+ <td style="font-family: monospace;"><a href="$my_uri?${\esc_param ("p=$project;a=commit;h=$long_rev")}" class="text">$short_rev..</a></td>
+ <td style="$age_style">$age_str</td>
+ <td>$author</td>
+ <td style="text-align: right;"><a id="$lineno" href="#$lineno" class="linenr">$lineno</a></td>
+ <td style="font-family: monospace;">$data</td>
+ </tr>
+ } # while (my $line = <$fd>)
+ print "</table>\n\n";
+ close $fd or print "Reading blob failed.\n";
+ print "</div>";
+ git_footer_html();
sub git_tags {
my $head = git_read_head($project);
my $base = $hash_base || git_read_head($project);
$hash = git_get_hash_by_path($base, $file_name, "blob") || die_error(undef, "Error lookup file.");
+ my $have_blame = git_get_project_config_bool ('blame');
open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/git-cat-file blob $hash" or die_error(undef, "Open failed.");
if (defined $hash_base && (my %co = git_read_commit($hash_base))) {
" | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=commitdiff;h=$hash_base")}, "commitdiff") .
" | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=tree;h=$co{'tree'};hb=$hash_base")}, "tree") . "<br/>\n";
if (defined $file_name) {
+ if ($have_blame) {
+ print $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blame;h=$hash;hb=$hash_base;f=$file_name")}, "blame") . " | ";
+ }
print $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blob_plain;h=$hash;f=$file_name")}, "plain") .
" | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=$file_name")}, "head") . "<br/>\n";
} else {
+sub mimetype_guess_file {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $mimemap = shift;
+ -r $mimemap or return undef;
+ my %mimemap;
+ open(MIME, $mimemap) or return undef;
+ while (<MIME>) {
+ my ($mime, $exts) = split(/\t+/);
+ my @exts = split(/\s+/, $exts);
+ foreach my $ext (@exts) {
+ $mimemap{$ext} = $mime;
+ }
+ }
+ close(MIME);
+ $filename =~ /\.(.*?)$/;
+ return $mimemap{$1};
+sub mimetype_guess {
+ my $filename = shift;
+ my $mime;
+ $filename =~ /\./ or return undef;
+ if ($mimetypes_file) {
+ my $file = $mimetypes_file;
+ #$file =~ m#^/# or $file = "$projectroot/$path/$file";
+ $mime = mimetype_guess_file($filename, $file);
+ }
+ $mime ||= mimetype_guess_file($filename, '/etc/mime.types');
+ return $mime;
+sub git_blob_plain_mimetype {
+ my $fd = shift;
+ my $filename = shift;
+ # just in case
+ return $default_blob_plain_mimetype unless $fd;
+ if ($filename) {
+ my $mime = mimetype_guess($filename);
+ $mime and return $mime;
+ }
+ if (-T $fd) {
+ return 'text/plain' .
+ ($default_text_plain_charset ? '; charset='.$default_text_plain_charset : '');
+ } elsif (! $filename) {
+ return 'application/octet-stream';
+ } elsif ($filename =~ m/\.png$/i) {
+ return 'image/png';
+ } elsif ($filename =~ m/\.gif$/i) {
+ return 'image/gif';
+ } elsif ($filename =~ m/\.jpe?g$/i) {
+ return 'image/jpeg';
+ } else {
+ return 'application/octet-stream';
+ }
sub git_blob_plain {
- my $save_as = "$hash.txt";
+ open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/git-cat-file blob $hash" or return;
+ my $type = git_blob_plain_mimetype($fd, $file_name);
+ # save as filename, even when no $file_name is given
+ my $save_as = "$hash";
if (defined $file_name) {
$save_as = $file_name;
+ } elsif ($type =~ m/^text\//) {
+ $save_as .= '.txt';
- print $cgi->header(-type => "text/plain", -charset => 'utf-8', '-content-disposition' => "inline; filename=\"$save_as\"");
- open my $fd, "-|", "$gitbin/git-cat-file blob $hash" or return;
+ print $cgi->header(-type => "$type", '-content-disposition' => "inline; filename=\"$save_as\"");
undef $/;
+ binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
print <$fd>;
+ binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # as set at the beginning of gitweb.cgi
$/ = "\n";
close $fd;
"</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"link\">" .
$cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blob;h=$t_hash$base_key;f=$base$t_name")}, "blob") .
+# " | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=blame;h=$t_hash$base_key;f=$base$t_name")}, "blame") .
" | " . $cgi->a({-href => "$my_uri?" . esc_param("p=$project;a=history;h=$hash_base;f=$base$t_name")}, "history") .
} elsif ($t_type eq "tree") {