If you run "git branch" at this point, you'll see that git has
temporarily moved you to a new branch named "bisect". This branch
points to a commit (with commit id 65934...) that is reachable from
-v2.6.19 but not from v2.6.18. Compile and test it, and see whether
+"master" but not from v2.6.18. Compile and test it, and see whether
it crashes. Assume it does crash. Then:
fundamentally different ways to fix the problem:
1. You can create a new commit that undoes whatever was done
- by the previous commit. This is the correct thing if your
+ by the old commit. This is the correct thing if your
mistake has already been made public.
2. You can go back and modify the old commit. You should
$ git log master@{1}
-This lists the commits reachable from the previous version of the head.
-This syntax can be used to with any git command that accepts a commit,
-not just with git log. Some other examples:
+This lists the commits reachable from the previous version of the
+"master" branch head. This syntax can be used with any git command
+that accepts a commit, not just with git log. Some other examples:
$ git show master@{2} # See where the branch pointed 2,
$ git pull /path/to/other/repository
-or an ssh url:
+or an ssh URL:
$ git clone ssh://yourhost/~you/repository
This is the preferred method.
If someone else administers the server, they should tell you what
-directory to put the repository in, and what git:// url it will appear
+directory to put the repository in, and what git:// URL it will appear
at. You can then skip to the section
"<<pushing-changes-to-a-public-repository,Pushing changes to a public
repository>>", below.
gitlink:git-update-server-info[1], and the documentation
link:hooks.html[Hooks used by git].)
-Advertise the url of proj.git. Anybody else should then be able to
-clone or pull from that url, for example with a command line like:
+Advertise the URL of proj.git. Anybody else should then be able to
+clone or pull from that URL, for example with a command line like:
$ git clone http://yourserver.com/~you/proj.git