# main extensions, defining name of syntax;
# see files in /usr/share/highlight/langDefs/ directory
map { $_ => $_ }
- qw(py c cpp rb java css php sh pl js tex bib xml awk bat ini spec tcl),
+ qw(py c cpp rb java css php sh pl js tex bib xml awk bat ini spec tcl sql make),
# alternate extensions, see /etc/highlight/filetypes.conf
'h' => 'c',
+ map { $_ => 'sh' } qw(bash zsh ksh),
map { $_ => 'cpp' } qw(cxx c++ cc),
- map { $_ => 'php' } qw(php3 php4),
+ map { $_ => 'php' } qw(php3 php4 php5 phps),
map { $_ => 'pl' } qw(perl pm), # perhaps also 'cgi'
- 'mak' => 'make',
+ map { $_ => 'make'} qw(mak mk),
map { $_ => 'xml' } qw(xhtml html htm),
$href =~ s,/$,,;
# Then add the project name, if present
- $href .= "/".esc_url($params{'project'});
+ $href .= "/".esc_path_info($params{'project'});
delete $params{'project'};
# since we destructively absorb parameters, we keep this
# Summary just uses the project path URL, any other action is
# added to the URL
if (defined $params{'action'}) {
- $href .= "/".esc_url($params{'action'}) unless $params{'action'} eq 'summary';
+ $href .= "/".esc_path_info($params{'action'})
+ unless $params{'action'} eq 'summary';
delete $params{'action'};
|| $params{'hash_parent'} || $params{'hash'});
if (defined $params{'hash_base'}) {
if (defined $params{'hash_parent_base'}) {
- $href .= esc_url($params{'hash_parent_base'});
+ $href .= esc_path_info($params{'hash_parent_base'});
# skip the file_parent if it's the same as the file_name
if (defined $params{'file_parent'}) {
if (defined $params{'file_name'} && $params{'file_parent'} eq $params{'file_name'}) {
delete $params{'file_parent'};
} elsif ($params{'file_parent'} !~ /\.\./) {
- $href .= ":/".esc_url($params{'file_parent'});
+ $href .= ":/".esc_path_info($params{'file_parent'});
delete $params{'file_parent'};
delete $params{'hash_parent'};
delete $params{'hash_parent_base'};
} elsif (defined $params{'hash_parent'}) {
- $href .= esc_url($params{'hash_parent'}). "..";
+ $href .= esc_path_info($params{'hash_parent'}). "..";
delete $params{'hash_parent'};
- $href .= esc_url($params{'hash_base'});
+ $href .= esc_path_info($params{'hash_base'});
if (defined $params{'file_name'} && $params{'file_name'} !~ /\.\./) {
- $href .= ":/".esc_url($params{'file_name'});
+ $href .= ":/".esc_path_info($params{'file_name'});
delete $params{'file_name'};
delete $params{'hash'};
delete $params{'hash_base'};
} elsif (defined $params{'hash'}) {
- $href .= esc_url($params{'hash'});
+ $href .= esc_path_info($params{'hash'});
delete $params{'hash'};
$href .= "?" . join(';', @result) if scalar @result;
+ # final transformation: trailing spaces must be escaped (URI-encoded)
+ $href =~ s/(\s+)$/CGI::escape($1)/e;
return $href;
return $str;
+# the quoting rules for path_info fragment are slightly different
+sub esc_path_info {
+ my $str = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $str;
+ # path_info doesn't treat '+' as space (specially), but '?' must be escaped
+ $str =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\-_.~();\/;:@&= +]+)/CGI::escape($1)/eg;
+ return $str;
# quote unsafe chars in whole URL, so some characters cannot be quoted
sub esc_url {
my $str = shift;
my ($fd, $highlight, $syntax) = @_;
return $fd unless ($highlight && defined $syntax);
- close $fd
- or die_error(404, "Reading blob failed");
+ close $fd;
open $fd, quote_command(git_cmd(), "cat-file", "blob", $hash)." | ".
- " --xhtml --fragment --syntax $syntax |"
+ " --replace-tabs=8 --fragment --syntax $syntax |"
or die_error(500, "Couldn't open file or run syntax highlighter");
return $fd;
return $title;
+sub print_feed_meta {
+ if (defined $project) {
+ my %href_params = get_feed_info();
+ if (!exists $href_params{'-title'}) {
+ $href_params{'-title'} = 'log';
+ }
+ foreach my $format (qw(RSS Atom)) {
+ my $type = lc($format);
+ my %link_attr = (
+ '-rel' => 'alternate',
+ '-title' => esc_attr("$project - $href_params{'-title'} - $format feed"),
+ '-type' => "application/$type+xml"
+ );
+ $href_params{'action'} = $type;
+ $link_attr{'-href'} = href(%href_params);
+ print "<link ".
+ "rel=\"$link_attr{'-rel'}\" ".
+ "title=\"$link_attr{'-title'}\" ".
+ "href=\"$link_attr{'-href'}\" ".
+ "type=\"$link_attr{'-type'}\" ".
+ "/>\n";
+ $href_params{'extra_options'} = '--no-merges';
+ $link_attr{'-href'} = href(%href_params);
+ $link_attr{'-title'} .= ' (no merges)';
+ print "<link ".
+ "rel=\"$link_attr{'-rel'}\" ".
+ "title=\"$link_attr{'-title'}\" ".
+ "href=\"$link_attr{'-href'}\" ".
+ "type=\"$link_attr{'-type'}\" ".
+ "/>\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects list" '.
+ 'href="%s" type="text/plain; charset=utf-8" />'."\n",
+ esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"project_index"));
+ printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects feeds" '.
+ 'href="%s" type="text/x-opml" />'."\n",
+ esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"opml"));
+ }
sub git_header_html {
my $status = shift || "200 OK";
my $expires = shift;
print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.esc_url($stylesheet).'"/>'."\n";
- if (defined $project) {
- my %href_params = get_feed_info();
- if (!exists $href_params{'-title'}) {
- $href_params{'-title'} = 'log';
- }
- foreach my $format qw(RSS Atom) {
- my $type = lc($format);
- my %link_attr = (
- '-rel' => 'alternate',
- '-title' => esc_attr("$project - $href_params{'-title'} - $format feed"),
- '-type' => "application/$type+xml"
- );
- $href_params{'action'} = $type;
- $link_attr{'-href'} = href(%href_params);
- print "<link ".
- "rel=\"$link_attr{'-rel'}\" ".
- "title=\"$link_attr{'-title'}\" ".
- "href=\"$link_attr{'-href'}\" ".
- "type=\"$link_attr{'-type'}\" ".
- "/>\n";
- $href_params{'extra_options'} = '--no-merges';
- $link_attr{'-href'} = href(%href_params);
- $link_attr{'-title'} .= ' (no merges)';
- print "<link ".
- "rel=\"$link_attr{'-rel'}\" ".
- "title=\"$link_attr{'-title'}\" ".
- "href=\"$link_attr{'-href'}\" ".
- "type=\"$link_attr{'-type'}\" ".
- "/>\n";
- }
- } else {
- printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects list" '.
- 'href="%s" type="text/plain; charset=utf-8" />'."\n",
- esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"project_index"));
- printf('<link rel="alternate" title="%s projects feeds" '.
- 'href="%s" type="text/x-opml" />'."\n",
- esc_attr($site_name), href(project=>undef, action=>"opml"));
- }
+ print_feed_meta()
+ if ($status eq '200 OK');
if (defined $favicon) {
print qq(<link rel="shortcut icon" href=").esc_url($favicon).qq(" type="image/png" />\n);
- print "<div class=\"page_header\">\n" .
- $cgi->a({-href => esc_url($logo_url),
- -title => $logo_label},
- qq(<img src=").esc_url($logo).qq(" width="72" height="27" alt="git" class="logo"/>));
+ print "<div class=\"page_header\">\n";
+ if (defined $logo) {
+ print $cgi->a({-href => esc_url($logo_url),
+ -title => $logo_label},
+ $cgi->img({-src => esc_url($logo),
+ -width => 72, -height => 27,
+ -alt => "git",
+ -class => "logo"}));
+ }
print $cgi->a({-href => esc_url($home_link)}, $home_link_str) . " / ";
if (defined $project) {
print $cgi->a({-href => href(action=>"summary")}, esc_html($project));
$href_params{'-title'} ||= 'log';
- foreach my $format qw(RSS Atom) {
+ foreach my $format (qw(RSS Atom)) {
$href_params{'action'} = lc($format);
print $cgi->a({-href => href(%href_params),
-title => "$href_params{'-title'} $format feed",
if ($diff->{'from_mode'} ne ('0' x 6)) {
$from_mode_oct = oct $diff->{'from_mode'};
- if (S_ISREG($to_mode_oct)) { # only for regular file
+ if (S_ISREG($from_mode_oct)) { # only for regular file
$from_mode_str = sprintf("%04o", $from_mode_oct & 0777); # permission bits
$from_file_type = file_type($diff->{'from_mode'});
next if !%co;
my $commit = $co{'id'};
my $ref = format_ref_marker($refs, $commit);
- my %ad = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'});
"<span class=\"age\">$co{'age_string'}</span>" .
esc_html($co{'title'}) . $ref,
if (defined($commitlist[0])) {
%latest_commit = %{$commitlist[0]};
my $latest_epoch = $latest_commit{'committer_epoch'};
- %latest_date = parse_date($latest_epoch);
+ %latest_date = parse_date($latest_epoch, $latest_commit{'comitter_tz'});
my $if_modified = $cgi->http('IF_MODIFIED_SINCE');
if (defined $if_modified) {
my $since;
if (defined $favicon) {
print "<icon>" . esc_url($favicon) . "</icon>\n";
- if (defined $logo_url) {
+ if (defined $logo) {
# not twice as wide as tall: 72 x 27 pixels
print "<logo>" . esc_url($logo) . "</logo>\n";
if (($i >= 20) && ((time - $co{'author_epoch'}) > 48*60*60)) {
- my %cd = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'});
+ my %cd = parse_date($co{'author_epoch'}, $co{'author_tz'});
# get list of changed files
open my $fd, "-|", git_cmd(), "diff-tree", '-r', @diff_opts,