# and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence,
# either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
+proc gitdir {} {
+ global env
+ if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
+ return $env(GIT_DIR)
+ } else {
+ return ".git"
+ }
proc getcommits {rargs} {
global commits commfd phase canv mainfont env
global startmsecs nextupdate
global ctext maincursor textcursor leftover
# check that we can find a .git directory somewhere...
- if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
- set gitdir $env(GIT_DIR)
- } else {
- set gitdir ".git"
- }
+ set gitdir [gitdir]
if {![file isdirectory $gitdir]} {
error_popup "Cannot find the git directory \"$gitdir\"."
exit 1
set parsed_args $rargs
if [catch {
- set commfd [open "|git-rev-list --header --merge-order $parsed_args" r]
+ set commfd [open "|git-rev-list --header --topo-order $parsed_args" r]
} err] {
puts stderr "Error executing git-rev-list: $err"
exit 1
set stuff [read $commfd]
if {$stuff == {}} {
if {![eof $commfd]} return
- # this works around what is apparently a bug in Tcl...
+ # set it blocking so we wait for the process to terminate
fconfigure $commfd -blocking 1
if {![catch {close $commfd} err]} {
after idle finishcommits
proc readrefs {} {
global tagids idtags headids idheads
- set tags [glob -nocomplain -types f .git/refs/tags/*]
+ set tags [glob -nocomplain -types f [gitdir]/refs/tags/*]
foreach f $tags {
catch {
set fd [open $f r]
close $fd
- set heads [glob -nocomplain -types f .git/refs/heads/*]
+ set heads [glob -nocomplain -types f [gitdir]/refs/heads/*]
foreach f $heads {
catch {
set fd [open $f r]
global findtype findtypemenu findloc findstring fstring geometry
global entries sha1entry sha1string sha1but
global maincursor textcursor
- global rowctxmenu
+ global rowctxmenu gaudydiff mergemax
menu .bar
.bar add cascade -label "File" -menu .bar.file
pack $ctext -side left -fill both -expand 1
.ctop.cdet add .ctop.cdet.left
- $ctext tag conf filesep -font [concat $textfont bold]
- $ctext tag conf hunksep -back blue -fore white
- $ctext tag conf d0 -back "#ff8080"
- $ctext tag conf d1 -back green
- $ctext tag conf found -back yellow
+ $ctext tag conf filesep -font [concat $textfont bold] -back "#aaaaaa"
+ if {$gaudydiff} {
+ $ctext tag conf hunksep -back blue -fore white
+ $ctext tag conf d0 -back "#ff8080"
+ $ctext tag conf d1 -back green
+ } else {
+ $ctext tag conf hunksep -fore blue
+ $ctext tag conf d0 -fore red
+ $ctext tag conf d1 -fore "#00a000"
+ $ctext tag conf m0 -fore red
+ $ctext tag conf m1 -fore blue
+ $ctext tag conf m2 -fore green
+ $ctext tag conf m3 -fore purple
+ $ctext tag conf m4 -fore brown
+ $ctext tag conf mmax -fore darkgrey
+ set mergemax 5
+ $ctext tag conf mresult -font [concat $textfont bold]
+ $ctext tag conf msep -font [concat $textfont bold]
+ $ctext tag conf found -back yellow
+ }
frame .ctop.cdet.right
set cflist .ctop.cdet.right.cfiles
proc savestuff {w} {
global canv canv2 canv3 ctext cflist mainfont textfont
- global stuffsaved
+ global stuffsaved findmergefiles gaudydiff
if {$stuffsaved} return
if {![winfo viewable .]} return
catch {
set f [open "~/.gitk-new" w]
- puts $f "set mainfont {$mainfont}"
- puts $f "set textfont {$textfont}"
+ puts $f [list set mainfont $mainfont]
+ puts $f [list set textfont $textfont]
+ puts $f [list set findmergefiles $findmergefiles]
+ puts $f [list set gaudydiff $gaudydiff]
puts $f "set geometry(width) [winfo width .ctop]"
puts $f "set geometry(height) [winfo height .ctop]"
puts $f "set geometry(canv1) [expr [winfo width $canv]-2]"
global findstring selectedline numcommits
global findprocpid findprocfile
global finddidsel ctext lineid findinprogress
+ global findinsertpos
if {$numcommits == 0} return
+ set findinsertpos end
set findprocfile $f
set findprocpid [pid $f]
fconfigure $f -blocking 0
proc readfindproc {} {
global findprocfile finddidsel
- global idline matchinglines
+ global idline matchinglines findinsertpos
set n [gets $findprocfile line]
if {$n < 0} {
set l $idline($id)
- lappend matchinglines $l
+ insertmatch $l $id
+proc insertmatch {l id} {
+ global matchinglines findinsertpos finddidsel
+ if {$findinsertpos == "end"} {
+ if {$matchinglines != {} && $l < [lindex $matchinglines 0]} {
+ set matchinglines [linsert $matchinglines 0 $l]
+ set findinsertpos 1
+ } else {
+ lappend matchinglines $l
+ }
+ } else {
+ set matchinglines [linsert $matchinglines $findinsertpos $l]
+ incr findinsertpos
+ }
+ markheadline $l $id
if {!$finddidsel} {
findselectline $l
set finddidsel 1
proc findfiles {} {
- global selectedline numcommits lineid
- global ffileline finddidsel parents findstartline
- global findinprogress ctext
+ global selectedline numcommits lineid ctext
+ global ffileline finddidsel parents nparents
+ global findinprogress findstartline findinsertpos
+ global treediffs fdiffids fdiffsneeded fdiffpos
+ global findmergefiles
if {$numcommits == 0} return
set l 0
set ffileline $l
- set finddidsel 0
set findstartline $l
+ set diffsneeded {}
+ set fdiffsneeded {}
+ while 1 {
+ set id $lineid($l)
+ if {$findmergefiles || $nparents($id) == 1} {
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ if {![info exists treediffs([list $id $p])]} {
+ append diffsneeded "$id $p\n"
+ lappend fdiffsneeded [list $id $p]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {[incr l] >= $numcommits} {
+ set l 0
+ }
+ if {$l == $findstartline} break
+ }
+ # start off a git-diff-tree process if needed
+ if {$diffsneeded ne {}} {
+ if {[catch {
+ set df [open [list | git-diff-tree -r --stdin << $diffsneeded] r]
+ } err ]} {
+ error_popup "Error starting search process: $err"
+ return
+ }
+ catch {unset fdiffids}
+ set fdiffpos 0
+ fconfigure $df -blocking 0
+ fileevent $df readable [list readfilediffs $df]
+ }
+ set finddidsel 0
+ set findinsertpos end
set id $lineid($l)
set p [lindex $parents($id) 0]
. config -cursor watch
$ctext config -cursor watch
set findinprogress 1
- update
findcont [list $id $p]
+ update
+proc readfilediffs {df} {
+ global findids fdiffids fdiffs
+ set n [gets $df line]
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ if {[eof $df]} {
+ donefilediff
+ if {[catch {close $df} err]} {
+ stopfindproc
+ bell
+ error_popup "Error in git-diff-tree: $err"
+ } elseif {[info exists findids]} {
+ set ids $findids
+ stopfindproc
+ bell
+ error_popup "Couldn't find diffs for {$ids}"
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40}) \(from ([0-9a-f]{40})\)} $line match id p]} {
+ # start of a new string of diffs
+ donefilediff
+ set fdiffids [list $id $p]
+ set fdiffs {}
+ } elseif {[string match ":*" $line]} {
+ lappend fdiffs [lindex $line 5]
+ }
+proc donefilediff {} {
+ global fdiffids fdiffs treediffs findids
+ global fdiffsneeded fdiffpos
+ if {[info exists fdiffids]} {
+ while {[lindex $fdiffsneeded $fdiffpos] ne $fdiffids
+ && $fdiffpos < [llength $fdiffsneeded]} {
+ # git-diff-tree doesn't output anything for a commit
+ # which doesn't change anything
+ set nullids [lindex $fdiffsneeded $fdiffpos]
+ set treediffs($nullids) {}
+ if {[info exists findids] && $nullids eq $findids} {
+ unset findids
+ findcont $nullids
+ }
+ incr fdiffpos
+ }
+ incr fdiffpos
+ if {![info exists treediffs($fdiffids)]} {
+ set treediffs($fdiffids) $fdiffs
+ }
+ if {[info exists findids] && $fdiffids eq $findids} {
+ unset findids
+ findcont $fdiffids
+ }
+ }
proc findcont {ids} {
- global findids treediffs parents nparents treepending
+ global findids treediffs parents nparents
global ffileline findstartline finddidsel
global lineid numcommits matchinglines findinprogress
global findmergefiles
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
set findids $ids
set ffileline $l
- if {![info exists treepending]} {
- gettreediffs $ids
- }
set doesmatch 0
if {$doesmatch} {
- lappend matchinglines $l
- markheadline $l $id
- if {!$finddidsel} {
- findselectline $l
- set finddidsel 1
- }
+ insertmatch $l $id
set pi $nparents($id)
} else {
global canv canv2 canv3 ctext commitinfo selectedline
global lineid linehtag linentag linedtag
global canvy0 linespc parents nparents
- global cflist currentid sha1entry diffids
- global commentend seenfile idtags
+ global cflist currentid sha1entry
+ global commentend idtags
$canv delete hover
if {![info exists lineid($l)] || ![info exists linehtag($l)]} return
$canv delete secsel
set id $lineid($l)
set currentid $id
- set diffids [concat $id $parents($id)]
$sha1entry delete 0 end
$sha1entry insert 0 $id
$sha1entry selection from 0
$cflist delete 0 end
$cflist insert end "Comments"
if {$nparents($id) == 1} {
- startdiff
- }
- catch {unset seenfile}
-proc startdiff {} {
- global treediffs diffids treepending
- if {![info exists treediffs($diffids)]} {
- if {![info exists treepending]} {
- gettreediffs $diffids
- }
- } else {
- addtocflist $diffids
+ startdiff [concat $id $parents($id)]
+ } elseif {$nparents($id) > 1} {
+ mergediff $id
selectline $l
+proc mergediff {id} {
+ global parents diffmergeid diffmergegca mergefilelist diffpindex
+ set diffmergeid $id
+ set diffpindex -1
+ set diffmergegca [findgca $parents($id)]
+ if {[info exists mergefilelist($id)]} {
+ showmergediff
+ } else {
+ contmergediff {}
+ }
+proc findgca {ids} {
+ set gca {}
+ foreach id $ids {
+ if {$gca eq {}} {
+ set gca $id
+ } else {
+ if {[catch {
+ set gca [exec git-merge-base $gca $id]
+ } err]} {
+ return {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $gca
+proc contmergediff {ids} {
+ global diffmergeid diffpindex parents nparents diffmergegca
+ global treediffs mergefilelist diffids
+ # diff the child against each of the parents, and diff
+ # each of the parents against the GCA.
+ while 1 {
+ if {[lindex $ids 0] == $diffmergeid && $diffmergegca ne {}} {
+ set ids [list [lindex $ids 1] $diffmergegca]
+ } else {
+ if {[incr diffpindex] >= $nparents($diffmergeid)} break
+ set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) $diffpindex]
+ set ids [list $diffmergeid $p]
+ }
+ if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
+ set diffids $ids
+ if {![info exists treepending]} {
+ gettreediffs $ids
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ # If a file in some parent is different from the child and also
+ # different from the GCA, then it's interesting.
+ # If we don't have a GCA, then a file is interesting if it is
+ # different from the child in all the parents.
+ if {$diffmergegca ne {}} {
+ set files {}
+ foreach p $parents($diffmergeid) {
+ set gcadiffs $treediffs([list $p $diffmergegca])
+ foreach f $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p]) {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $files $f] < 0
+ && [lsearch -exact $gcadiffs $f] >= 0} {
+ lappend files $f
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set files [lsort $files]
+ } else {
+ set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) 0]
+ set files $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p])
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $nparents($diffmergeid) && $files ne {}} {incr i} {
+ set p [lindex $parents($diffmergeid) $i]
+ set df $treediffs([list $diffmergeid $p])
+ set nf {}
+ foreach f $files {
+ if {[lsearch -exact $df $f] >= 0} {
+ lappend nf $f
+ }
+ }
+ set files $nf
+ }
+ }
+ set mergefilelist($diffmergeid) $files
+ if {$files ne {}} {
+ showmergediff
+ }
+proc showmergediff {} {
+ global cflist diffmergeid mergefilelist parents
+ global diffopts diffinhunk currentfile diffblocked
+ global groupfilelast mergefds
+ set files $mergefilelist($diffmergeid)
+ foreach f $files {
+ $cflist insert end $f
+ }
+ set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
+ set flist {}
+ catch {unset currentfile}
+ catch {unset currenthunk}
+ catch {unset filelines}
+ set groupfilelast -1
+ foreach p $parents($diffmergeid) {
+ set cmd [list | git-diff-tree -p $p $diffmergeid]
+ set cmd [concat $cmd $mergefilelist($diffmergeid)]
+ if {[catch {set f [open $cmd r]} err]} {
+ error_popup "Error getting diffs: $err"
+ foreach f $flist {
+ catch {close $f}
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ lappend flist $f
+ set ids [list $diffmergeid $p]
+ set mergefds($ids) $f
+ set diffinhunk($ids) 0
+ set diffblocked($ids) 0
+ fconfigure $f -blocking 0
+ fileevent $f readable [list getmergediffline $f $ids $diffmergeid]
+ }
+proc getmergediffline {f ids id} {
+ global diffmergeid diffinhunk diffoldlines diffnewlines
+ global currentfile currenthunk
+ global diffoldstart diffnewstart diffoldlno diffnewlno
+ global diffblocked mergefilelist
+ global noldlines nnewlines difflcounts filelines
+ set n [gets $f line]
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ if {![eof $f]} return
+ }
+ if {!([info exists diffmergeid] && $diffmergeid == $id)} {
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ close $f
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ if {$diffinhunk($ids) != 0} {
+ set fi $currentfile($ids)
+ if {$n > 0 && [regexp {^[-+ \\]} $line match]} {
+ # continuing an existing hunk
+ set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ set p [lindex $ids 1]
+ if {$match eq "-" || $match eq " "} {
+ set filelines($p,$fi,$diffoldlno($ids)) $line
+ incr diffoldlno($ids)
+ }
+ if {$match eq "+" || $match eq " "} {
+ set filelines($id,$fi,$diffnewlno($ids)) $line
+ incr diffnewlno($ids)
+ }
+ if {$match eq " "} {
+ if {$diffinhunk($ids) == 2} {
+ lappend difflcounts($ids) \
+ [list $noldlines($ids) $nnewlines($ids)]
+ set noldlines($ids) 0
+ set diffinhunk($ids) 1
+ }
+ incr noldlines($ids)
+ } elseif {$match eq "-" || $match eq "+"} {
+ if {$diffinhunk($ids) == 1} {
+ lappend difflcounts($ids) [list $noldlines($ids)]
+ set noldlines($ids) 0
+ set nnewlines($ids) 0
+ set diffinhunk($ids) 2
+ }
+ if {$match eq "-"} {
+ incr noldlines($ids)
+ } else {
+ incr nnewlines($ids)
+ }
+ }
+ # and if it's \ No newline at end of line, then what?
+ return
+ }
+ # end of a hunk
+ if {$diffinhunk($ids) == 1 && $noldlines($ids) != 0} {
+ lappend difflcounts($ids) [list $noldlines($ids)]
+ } elseif {$diffinhunk($ids) == 2
+ && ($noldlines($ids) != 0 || $nnewlines($ids) != 0)} {
+ lappend difflcounts($ids) [list $noldlines($ids) $nnewlines($ids)]
+ }
+ set currenthunk($ids) [list $currentfile($ids) \
+ $diffoldstart($ids) $diffnewstart($ids) \
+ $diffoldlno($ids) $diffnewlno($ids) \
+ $difflcounts($ids)]
+ set diffinhunk($ids) 0
+ # -1 = need to block, 0 = unblocked, 1 = is blocked
+ set diffblocked($ids) -1
+ processhunks
+ if {$diffblocked($ids) == -1} {
+ fileevent $f readable {}
+ set diffblocked($ids) 1
+ }
+ }
+ if {$n < 0} {
+ # eof
+ if {!$diffblocked($ids)} {
+ close $f
+ set currentfile($ids) [llength $mergefilelist($diffmergeid)]
+ set currenthunk($ids) [list $currentfile($ids) 0 0 0 0 {}]
+ processhunks
+ }
+ } elseif {[regexp {^diff --git a/(.*) b/} $line match fname]} {
+ # start of a new file
+ set currentfile($ids) \
+ [lsearch -exact $mergefilelist($diffmergeid) $fname]
+ } elseif {[regexp {^@@ -([0-9]+),([0-9]+) \+([0-9]+),([0-9]+) @@(.*)} \
+ $line match f1l f1c f2l f2c rest]} {
+ if {[info exists currentfile($ids)] && $currentfile($ids) >= 0} {
+ # start of a new hunk
+ if {$f1l == 0 && $f1c == 0} {
+ set f1l 1
+ }
+ if {$f2l == 0 && $f2c == 0} {
+ set f2l 1
+ }
+ set diffinhunk($ids) 1
+ set diffoldstart($ids) $f1l
+ set diffnewstart($ids) $f2l
+ set diffoldlno($ids) $f1l
+ set diffnewlno($ids) $f2l
+ set difflcounts($ids) {}
+ set noldlines($ids) 0
+ set nnewlines($ids) 0
+ }
+ }
+proc processhunks {} {
+ global diffmergeid parents nparents currenthunk
+ global mergefilelist diffblocked mergefds
+ global grouphunks grouplinestart grouplineend groupfilenum
+ set nfiles [llength $mergefilelist($diffmergeid)]
+ while 1 {
+ set fi $nfiles
+ set lno 0
+ # look for the earliest hunk
+ foreach p $parents($diffmergeid) {
+ set ids [list $diffmergeid $p]
+ if {![info exists currenthunk($ids)]} return
+ set i [lindex $currenthunk($ids) 0]
+ set l [lindex $currenthunk($ids) 2]
+ if {$i < $fi || ($i == $fi && $l < $lno)} {
+ set fi $i
+ set lno $l
+ set pi $p
+ }
+ }
+ if {$fi < $nfiles} {
+ set ids [list $diffmergeid $pi]
+ set hunk $currenthunk($ids)
+ unset currenthunk($ids)
+ if {$diffblocked($ids) > 0} {
+ fileevent $mergefds($ids) readable \
+ [list getmergediffline $mergefds($ids) $ids $diffmergeid]
+ }
+ set diffblocked($ids) 0
+ if {[info exists groupfilenum] && $groupfilenum == $fi
+ && $lno <= $grouplineend} {
+ # add this hunk to the pending group
+ lappend grouphunks($pi) $hunk
+ set endln [lindex $hunk 4]
+ if {$endln > $grouplineend} {
+ set grouplineend $endln
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ # succeeding stuff doesn't belong in this group, so
+ # process the group now
+ if {[info exists groupfilenum]} {
+ processgroup
+ unset groupfilenum
+ unset grouphunks
+ }
+ if {$fi >= $nfiles} break
+ # start a new group
+ set groupfilenum $fi
+ set grouphunks($pi) [list $hunk]
+ set grouplinestart $lno
+ set grouplineend [lindex $hunk 4]
+ }
+proc processgroup {} {
+ global groupfilelast groupfilenum difffilestart
+ global mergefilelist diffmergeid ctext filelines
+ global parents diffmergeid diffoffset
+ global grouphunks grouplinestart grouplineend nparents
+ global mergemax
+ $ctext conf -state normal
+ set id $diffmergeid
+ set f $groupfilenum
+ if {$groupfilelast != $f} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n"
+ set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
+ set difffilestart($f) $here
+ set mark fmark.[expr {$f + 1}]
+ $ctext mark set $mark $here
+ $ctext mark gravity $mark left
+ set header [lindex $mergefilelist($id) $f]
+ set l [expr {(78 - [string length $header]) / 2}]
+ set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
+ $ctext insert end "$pad $header $pad\n" filesep
+ set groupfilelast $f
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ set diffoffset($p) 0
+ }
+ }
+ $ctext insert end "@@" msep
+ set nlines [expr {$grouplineend - $grouplinestart}]
+ set events {}
+ set pnum 0
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ set startline [expr {$grouplinestart + $diffoffset($p)}]
+ set ol $startline
+ set nl $grouplinestart
+ if {[info exists grouphunks($p)]} {
+ foreach h $grouphunks($p) {
+ set l [lindex $h 2]
+ if {$nl < $l} {
+ for {} {$nl < $l} {incr nl} {
+ set filelines($p,$f,$ol) $filelines($id,$f,$nl)
+ incr ol
+ }
+ }
+ foreach chunk [lindex $h 5] {
+ if {[llength $chunk] == 2} {
+ set olc [lindex $chunk 0]
+ set nlc [lindex $chunk 1]
+ set nnl [expr {$nl + $nlc}]
+ lappend events [list $nl $nnl $pnum $olc $nlc]
+ incr ol $olc
+ set nl $nnl
+ } else {
+ incr ol [lindex $chunk 0]
+ incr nl [lindex $chunk 0]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if {$nl < $grouplineend} {
+ for {} {$nl < $grouplineend} {incr nl} {
+ set filelines($p,$f,$ol) $filelines($id,$f,$nl)
+ incr ol
+ }
+ }
+ set nlines [expr {$ol - $startline}]
+ $ctext insert end " -$startline,$nlines" msep
+ incr pnum
+ }
+ set nlines [expr {$grouplineend - $grouplinestart}]
+ $ctext insert end " +$grouplinestart,$nlines @@\n" msep
+ set events [lsort -integer -index 0 $events]
+ set nevents [llength $events]
+ set nmerge $nparents($diffmergeid)
+ set l $grouplinestart
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $nevents} {set i $j} {
+ set nl [lindex $events $i 0]
+ while {$l < $nl} {
+ $ctext insert end " $filelines($id,$f,$l)\n"
+ incr l
+ }
+ set e [lindex $events $i]
+ set enl [lindex $e 1]
+ set j $i
+ set active {}
+ while 1 {
+ set pnum [lindex $e 2]
+ set olc [lindex $e 3]
+ set nlc [lindex $e 4]
+ if {![info exists delta($pnum)]} {
+ set delta($pnum) [expr {$olc - $nlc}]
+ lappend active $pnum
+ } else {
+ incr delta($pnum) [expr {$olc - $nlc}]
+ }
+ if {[incr j] >= $nevents} break
+ set e [lindex $events $j]
+ if {[lindex $e 0] >= $enl} break
+ if {[lindex $e 1] > $enl} {
+ set enl [lindex $e 1]
+ }
+ }
+ set nlc [expr {$enl - $l}]
+ set ncol mresult
+ set bestpn -1
+ if {[llength $active] == $nmerge - 1} {
+ # no diff for one of the parents, i.e. it's identical
+ for {set pnum 0} {$pnum < $nmerge} {incr pnum} {
+ if {![info exists delta($pnum)]} {
+ if {$pnum < $mergemax} {
+ lappend ncol m$pnum
+ } else {
+ lappend ncol mmax
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {[llength $active] == $nmerge} {
+ # all parents are different, see if one is very similar
+ set bestsim 30
+ for {set pnum 0} {$pnum < $nmerge} {incr pnum} {
+ set sim [similarity $pnum $l $nlc $f \
+ [lrange $events $i [expr {$j-1}]]]
+ if {$sim > $bestsim} {
+ set bestsim $sim
+ set bestpn $pnum
+ }
+ }
+ if {$bestpn >= 0} {
+ lappend ncol m$bestpn
+ }
+ }
+ set pnum -1
+ foreach p $parents($id) {
+ incr pnum
+ if {![info exists delta($pnum)] || $pnum == $bestpn} continue
+ set olc [expr {$nlc + $delta($pnum)}]
+ set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
+ incr diffoffset($p) $delta($pnum)
+ unset delta($pnum)
+ for {} {$olc > 0} {incr olc -1} {
+ $ctext insert end "-$filelines($p,$f,$ol)\n" m$pnum
+ incr ol
+ }
+ }
+ set endl [expr {$l + $nlc}]
+ if {$bestpn >= 0} {
+ # show this pretty much as a normal diff
+ set p [lindex $parents($id) $bestpn]
+ set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
+ incr diffoffset($p) $delta($bestpn)
+ unset delta($bestpn)
+ for {set k $i} {$k < $j} {incr k} {
+ set e [lindex $events $k]
+ if {[lindex $e 2] != $bestpn} continue
+ set nl [lindex $e 0]
+ set ol [expr {$ol + $nl - $l}]
+ for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
+ $ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" $ncol
+ }
+ set c [lindex $e 3]
+ for {} {$c > 0} {incr c -1} {
+ $ctext insert end "-$filelines($p,$f,$ol)\n" m$bestpn
+ incr ol
+ }
+ set nl [lindex $e 1]
+ for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
+ $ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" mresult
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for {} {$l < $endl} {incr l} {
+ $ctext insert end "+$filelines($id,$f,$l)\n" $ncol
+ }
+ }
+ while {$l < $grouplineend} {
+ $ctext insert end " $filelines($id,$f,$l)\n"
+ incr l
+ }
+ $ctext conf -state disabled
+proc similarity {pnum l nlc f events} {
+ global diffmergeid parents diffoffset filelines
+ set id $diffmergeid
+ set p [lindex $parents($id) $pnum]
+ set ol [expr {$l + $diffoffset($p)}]
+ set endl [expr {$l + $nlc}]
+ set same 0
+ set diff 0
+ foreach e $events {
+ if {[lindex $e 2] != $pnum} continue
+ set nl [lindex $e 0]
+ set ol [expr {$ol + $nl - $l}]
+ for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
+ incr same [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
+ incr same
+ }
+ set oc [lindex $e 3]
+ for {} {$oc > 0} {incr oc -1} {
+ incr diff [string length $filelines($p,$f,$ol)]
+ incr diff
+ incr ol
+ }
+ set nl [lindex $e 1]
+ for {} {$l < $nl} {incr l} {
+ incr diff [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
+ incr diff
+ }
+ }
+ for {} {$l < $endl} {incr l} {
+ incr same [string length $filelines($id,$f,$l)]
+ incr same
+ }
+ if {$same == 0} {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return [expr {200 * $same / (2 * $same + $diff)}]
+proc startdiff {ids} {
+ global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid
+ set diffids $ids
+ catch {unset diffmergeid}
+ if {![info exists treediffs($ids)]} {
+ if {![info exists treepending]} {
+ gettreediffs $ids
+ }
+ } else {
+ addtocflist $ids
+ }
proc addtocflist {ids} {
global treediffs cflist
foreach f $treediffs($ids) {
proc gettreediffs {ids} {
- global treediffs parents treepending
+ global treediff parents treepending
set treepending $ids
- set treediffs($ids) {}
+ set treediff {}
set id [lindex $ids 0]
set p [lindex $ids 1]
if [catch {set gdtf [open "|git-diff-tree -r $p $id" r]}] return
fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0
- fileevent $gdtf readable "gettreediffline $gdtf {$ids}"
+ fileevent $gdtf readable [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
proc gettreediffline {gdtf ids} {
- global treediffs treepending diffids findids
+ global treediff treediffs treepending diffids diffmergeid
set n [gets $gdtf line]
if {$n < 0} {
if {![eof $gdtf]} return
close $gdtf
+ set treediffs($ids) $treediff
unset treepending
- if {[info exists diffids]} {
- if {$ids != $diffids} {
- gettreediffs $diffids
+ if {$ids != $diffids} {
+ gettreediffs $diffids
+ } else {
+ if {[info exists diffmergeid]} {
+ contmergediff $ids
} else {
addtocflist $ids
- if {[info exists findids]} {
- if {$ids != $findids} {
- if {![info exists treepending]} {
- gettreediffs $findids
- }
- } else {
- findcont $ids
- }
- }
set file [lindex $line 5]
- lappend treediffs($ids) $file
+ lappend treediff $file
proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
- global diffopts blobdifffd env curdifftag curtagstart
- global diffindex difffilestart nextupdate
+ global diffopts blobdifffd diffids env curdifftag curtagstart
+ global difffilestart nextupdate diffinhdr treediffs
set id [lindex $ids 0]
set p [lindex $ids 1]
set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
- if [catch {set bdf [open "|git-diff-tree -r -p $p $id" r]} err] {
+ set cmd [list | git-diff-tree -r -p -C $p $id]
+ if {[catch {set bdf [open $cmd r]} err]} {
puts "error getting diffs: $err"
+ set diffinhdr 0
fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
set curdifftag Comments
set curtagstart 0.0
- set diffindex 0
catch {unset difffilestart}
- fileevent $bdf readable "getblobdiffline $bdf {$ids}"
+ fileevent $bdf readable [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
set nextupdate [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 100}]
proc getblobdiffline {bdf ids} {
- global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdifftag curtagstart seenfile
- global diffnexthead diffnextnote diffindex difffilestart
- global nextupdate
+ global diffids blobdifffd ctext curdifftag curtagstart
+ global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
+ global nextupdate diffinhdr treediffs
+ global gaudydiff
set n [gets $bdf line]
if {$n < 0} {
if {[eof $bdf]} {
close $bdf
- if {[info exists diffids] && $ids == $diffids
- && $bdf == $blobdifffd($ids)} {
+ if {$ids == $diffids && $bdf == $blobdifffd($ids)} {
$ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- set seenfile($curdifftag) 1
- unset diffids
- if {![info exists diffids] || $ids != $diffids
- || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} {
+ if {$ids != $diffids || $bdf != $blobdifffd($ids)} {
$ctext conf -state normal
- if {[regexp {^---[ \t]+([^/])*/(.*)} $line match s1 fname]} {
+ if {[regexp {^diff --git a/(.*) b/(.*)} $line match fname newname]} {
# start of a new file
$ctext insert end "\n"
$ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- set seenfile($curdifftag) 1
set curtagstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set header $fname
- if {[info exists diffnexthead]} {
- set fname $diffnexthead
- set header "$diffnexthead ($diffnextnote)"
- unset diffnexthead
- }
+ set header $newname
set here [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
- set difffilestart($diffindex) $here
- incr diffindex
- # start mark names at fmark.1 for first file
- $ctext mark set fmark.$diffindex $here
- $ctext mark gravity fmark.$diffindex left
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($diffids) $fname]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set difffilestart($i) $here
+ incr i
+ $ctext mark set fmark.$i $here
+ $ctext mark gravity fmark.$i left
+ }
+ if {$newname != $fname} {
+ set i [lsearch -exact $treediffs($diffids) $newname]
+ if {$i >= 0} {
+ set difffilestart($i) $here
+ incr i
+ $ctext mark set fmark.$i $here
+ $ctext mark gravity fmark.$i left
+ }
+ }
set curdifftag "f:$fname"
$ctext tag delete $curdifftag
set l [expr {(78 - [string length $header]) / 2}]
set pad [string range "----------------------------------------" 1 $l]
$ctext insert end "$pad $header $pad\n" filesep
- } elseif {[string range $line 0 2] == "+++"} {
- # no need to do anything with this
- } elseif {[regexp {^Created: (.*) \((mode: *[0-7]*)\)} $line match fn m]} {
- set diffnexthead $fn
- set diffnextnote "created, mode $m"
- } elseif {[string range $line 0 8] == "Deleted: "} {
- set diffnexthead [string range $line 9 end]
- set diffnextnote "deleted"
- } elseif {[regexp {^diff --git a/(.*) b/} $line match fn]} {
- # save the filename in case the next thing is "new file mode ..."
- set diffnexthead $fn
- set diffnextnote "modified"
- } elseif {[regexp {^new file mode ([0-7]+)} $line match m]} {
- set diffnextnote "new file, mode $m"
- } elseif {[string range $line 0 11] == "deleted file"} {
- set diffnextnote "deleted"
+ set diffinhdr 1
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(---|\+\+\+)} $line]} {
+ set diffinhdr 0
} elseif {[regexp {^@@ -([0-9]+),([0-9]+) \+([0-9]+),([0-9]+) @@(.*)} \
$line match f1l f1c f2l f2c rest]} {
- $ctext insert end "\t" hunksep
- $ctext insert end " $f1l " d0 " $f2l " d1
- $ctext insert end " $rest \n" hunksep
+ if {$gaudydiff} {
+ $ctext insert end "\t" hunksep
+ $ctext insert end " $f1l " d0 " $f2l " d1
+ $ctext insert end " $rest \n" hunksep
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" hunksep
+ }
+ set diffinhdr 0
} else {
set x [string range $line 0 0]
if {$x == "-" || $x == "+"} {
set tag [expr {$x == "+"}]
- set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ if {$gaudydiff} {
+ set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ }
$ctext insert end "$line\n" d$tag
} elseif {$x == " "} {
- set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ if {$gaudydiff} {
+ set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ }
$ctext insert end "$line\n"
- } elseif {$x == "\\"} {
+ } elseif {$diffinhdr || $x == "\\"} {
# e.g. "\ No newline at end of file"
$ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
} else {
if {$curdifftag != "Comments"} {
$ctext insert end "\n"
$ctext tag add $curdifftag $curtagstart end
- set seenfile($curdifftag) 1
set curtagstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
set curdifftag Comments
set here [$ctext index @0,0]
for {set i 0} {[info exists difffilestart($i)]} {incr i} {
if {[$ctext compare $difffilestart($i) > $here]} {
- $ctext yview $difffilestart($i)
- break
+ if {![info exists pos]
+ || [$ctext compare $difffilestart($i) < $pos]} {
+ set pos $difffilestart($i)
+ }
+ if {[info exists pos]} {
+ $ctext yview $pos
+ }
proc listboxsel {} {
- global ctext cflist currentid treediffs seenfile
+ global ctext cflist currentid
if {![info exists currentid]} return
set sel [lsort [$cflist curselection]]
if {$sel eq {}} return
proc gotocommit {} {
global sha1string currentid idline tagids
+ global lineid numcommits
if {$sha1string == {}
|| ([info exists currentid] && $sha1string == $currentid)} return
if {[info exists tagids($sha1string)]} {
set id $tagids($sha1string)
} else {
set id [string tolower $sha1string]
+ if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{4,39}$} $id]} {
+ set matches {}
+ for {set l 0} {$l < $numcommits} {incr l} {
+ if {[string match $id* $lineid($l)]} {
+ lappend matches $lineid($l)
+ }
+ }
+ if {$matches ne {}} {
+ if {[llength $matches] > 1} {
+ error_popup "Short SHA1 id $id is ambiguous"
+ return
+ }
+ set id [lindex $matches 0]
+ }
+ }
if {[info exists idline($id)]} {
selectline $idline($id)
- if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$} $sha1string]} {
+ if {[regexp {^[0-9a-fA-F]{4,}$} $sha1string]} {
set type "SHA1 id"
} else {
set type "Tag"
proc diffvssel {dirn} {
global rowmenuid selectedline lineid
global ctext cflist
- global diffids commitinfo
+ global commitinfo
if {![info exists selectedline]} return
if {$dirn} {
$ctext conf -state disabled
$ctext tag delete Comments
$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
- set diffids [list $newid $oldid]
- startdiff
+ startdiff $newid [list $oldid]
proc mkpatch {} {
if {[catch {
- set dir ".git"
- if {[info exists env(GIT_DIR)]} {
- set dir $env(GIT_DIR)
- }
+ set dir [gitdir]
set fname [file join $dir "refs/tags" $tag]
set f [open $fname w]
puts $f $id
set mainfont {Helvetica 9}
set textfont {Courier 9}
set findmergefiles 0
+set gaudydiff 0
set colors {green red blue magenta darkgrey brown orange}