proc parseviewargs {n arglist} {
global vdatemode vmergeonly vflags vdflags vrevs vfiltered vorigargs env
+ global worddiff git_version
set vdatemode($n) 0
set vmergeonly($n) 0
lappend diffargs $arg
"--raw" - "--patch-with-raw" - "--patch-with-stat" -
- "--name-only" - "--name-status" - "--color" - "--color-words" -
+ "--name-only" - "--name-status" - "--color" -
"--log-size" - "--pretty=*" - "--decorate" - "--abbrev-commit" -
"--cc" - "-z" - "--header" - "--parents" - "--boundary" -
"--no-color" - "-g" - "--walk-reflogs" - "--no-walk" -
# These cause our parsing of git log's output to fail, or else
# they're options we want to set ourselves, so ignore them.
+ "--color-words*" - "--word-diff=color" {
+ # These trigger a word diff in the console interface,
+ # so help the user by enabling our own support
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set worddiff [mc "Color words"]
+ }
+ }
+ "--word-diff*" {
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ set worddiff [mc "Markup words"]
+ }
+ }
"--stat=*" - "--numstat" - "--shortstat" - "--summary" -
"--check" - "--exit-code" - "--quiet" - "--topo-order" -
"--full-history" - "--dense" - "--sparse" -
global viewactive viewinstances vmergeonly
global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig
global vcanopt vflags vrevs vorigargs
+ global show_notes
set startmsecs [clock clicks -milliseconds]
set commitidx($view) 0
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
- --boundary $args "--" $files] r]
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \
+ --parents --boundary $args "--" $files] r]
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err"
return 0
global mainheadid viewmainheadid viewmainheadid_orig pending_select
global isworktree
global varcid vposids vnegids vflags vrevs
+ global show_notes
set isworktree [expr {[exec git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree] == "true"}]
set args $vorigargs($view)
if {[catch {
- set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw --parents \
- --boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r]
+ set fd [open [concat | git log --no-color -z --pretty=raw $show_notes \
+ --parents --boundary $args "--" $vfilelimit($view)] r]
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error executing git log:"] $err"
if {![info exists commitinfo($id)]} {
parsecommit $id $commitdata($id) 1
- set cdate [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4]
+ set cdate [lindex [lindex $commitinfo($id) 4] 0]
if {![string is integer -strict $cdate]} {
set cdate 0
proc parsecommit {id contents listed} {
- global commitinfo cdate
+ global commitinfo
set inhdr 1
set comment {}
set line [split $line " "]
set tag [lindex $line 0]
if {$tag == "author"} {
- set audate [lindex $line end-1]
+ set audate [lrange $line end-1 end]
set auname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
} elseif {$tag == "committer"} {
- set comdate [lindex $line end-1]
+ set comdate [lrange $line end-1 end]
set comname [join [lrange $line 1 end-2] " "]
set comment $newcomment
- if {$comdate != {}} {
- set cdate($id) $comdate
- }
set commitinfo($id) [list $headline $auname $audate \
$comname $comdate $comment]
global fprogitem fprogcoord lastprogupdate progupdatepending
global rprogitem rprogcoord rownumsel numcommits
global have_tk85 use_ttk NS
+ global git_version
+ global worddiff
# The "mc" arguments here are purely so that xgettext
# sees the following string as needing to be translated
${NS}::checkbutton .bleft.mid.ignspace -text [mc "Ignore space change"] \
-command changeignorespace -variable ignorespace
pack .bleft.mid.ignspace -side left -padx 5
+ set worddiff [mc "Line diff"]
+ if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.7.2"] >= 0} {
+ makedroplist .bleft.mid.worddiff worddiff [mc "Line diff"] \
+ [mc "Markup words"] [mc "Color words"]
+ trace add variable worddiff write changeworddiff
+ pack .bleft.mid.worddiff -side left -padx 5
+ }
set ctext .bleft.bottom.ctext
text $ctext -background $bgcolor -foreground $fgcolor \
-state disabled -font textfont \
global ctxbut
bind $cflist $ctxbut {pop_flist_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
bind $ctext $ctxbut {pop_diff_menu %W %X %Y %x %y}
+ bind $ctext <Button-1> {focus %W}
set maincursor [. cget -cursor]
set textcursor [$ctext cget -cursor]
global viewname viewfiles viewargs viewargscmd viewperm nextviewnum
global cmitmode wrapcomment datetimeformat limitdiffs
global colors uicolor bgcolor fgcolor diffcolors diffcontext selectbgcolor
- global autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor use_ttk
+ global autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs markbgcolor use_ttk
global hideremotes want_ttk
if {$stuffsaved} return
puts $f [list set cmitmode $cmitmode]
puts $f [list set wrapcomment $wrapcomment]
puts $f [list set autoselect $autoselect]
+ puts $f [list set autosellen $autosellen]
puts $f [list set showneartags $showneartags]
puts $f [list set hideremotes $hideremotes]
puts $f [list set showlocalchanges $showlocalchanges]
message $w.m -text [mc "
Gitk - a commit viewer for git
-Copyright © 2005-2009 Paul Mackerras
+Copyright \u00a9 2005-2010 Paul Mackerras
Use and redistribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License"] \
-justify center -aspect 400 -border 2 -bg white -relief groove
raise $top
+ decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs
set newviewname($nextviewnum) "[mc "View"] $nextviewnum"
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,perm) 0
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
- decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs
vieweditor $top $nextviewnum [mc "Gitk view definition"]
{cmd t50= + {} {mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"}}
+# Convert $newviewopts($n, ...) into args for git log.
proc encode_view_opts {n} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
return [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,args)]]
+# Fill $newviewopts($n, ...) based on args for git log.
proc decode_view_opts {n view_args} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
raise $top
+ decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview)
set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,perm) $viewperm($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
- decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview)
vieweditor $top $curview "[mc "Gitk: edit view"] $viewname($curview)"
-width $lthickness -fill black -tags tag.$id]
$canv lower $t
foreach tag $marks x $xvals wid $wvals {
+ set tag_quoted [string map {% %%} $tag]
set xl [expr {$x + $delta}]
set xr [expr {$x + $delta + $wid + $lthickness}]
set font mainfont
set t [$canv create polygon $x [expr {$yt + $delta}] $xl $yt \
$xr $yt $xr $yb $xl $yb $x [expr {$yb - $delta}] \
-width 1 -outline black -fill yellow -tags tag.$id]
- $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
+ $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1]
set rowtextx([rowofcommit $id]) [expr {$xr + $linespc}]
} else {
# draw a head or other ref
set t [$canv create text $xl $y1 -anchor w -text $tag -fill $fgcolor \
-font $font -tags [list tag.$id text]]
if {$ntags >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag 1]
+ $canv bind $t <1> [list showtag $tag_quoted 1]
} elseif {$nheads >= 0} {
- $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag]
+ $canv bind $t $ctxbut [list headmenu %X %Y $id $tag_quoted]
return $xt
global mergemax numcommits pending_select
global cmitmode showneartags allcommits
global targetrow targetid lastscrollrows
- global autoselect jump_to_here
+ global autoselect autosellen jump_to_here
catch {unset pending_select}
$canv delete hover
$sha1entry delete 0 end
$sha1entry insert 0 $id
if {$autoselect} {
- $sha1entry selection range 0 end
+ $sha1entry selection range 0 $autosellen
rhighlight_sel $id
[lindex [split $commentend .] 0]}]
mark_ctext_line $lnum
+ $ctext config -state disabled
return 0
$ctext config -state disabled
+proc changeworddiff {name ix op} {
+ reselectline
proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
global blobdifffd diffids env
global diffinhdr treediffs
global diffcontext
global ignorespace
+ global worddiff
global limitdiffs vfilelimit curview
global diffencoding targetline diffnparents
- global git_version
+ global git_version currdiffsubmod
set textconv {}
if {[package vcompare $git_version "1.6.1"] >= 0} {
if {$ignorespace} {
append cmd " -w"
+ if {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"]} {
+ append cmd " --word-diff=porcelain"
+ }
if {$limitdiffs && $vfilelimit($curview) ne {}} {
set cmd [concat $cmd -- $vfilelimit($curview)]
set diffencoding [get_path_encoding {}]
fconfigure $bdf -blocking 0 -encoding binary -eofchar {}
set blobdifffd($ids) $bdf
+ set currdiffsubmod ""
filerun $bdf [list getblobdiffline $bdf $diffids]
global diffnexthead diffnextnote difffilestart
global ctext_file_names ctext_file_lines
global diffinhdr treediffs mergemax diffnparents
- global diffencoding jump_to_here targetline diffline
+ global diffencoding jump_to_here targetline diffline currdiffsubmod
+ global worddiff
set nr 0
$ctext conf -state normal
} elseif {![string compare -length 10 "Submodule " $line]} {
# start of a new submodule
- if {[string compare [$ctext get "end - 4c" end] "\n \n\n"]} {
+ if {[regexp -indices "\[0-9a-f\]+\\.\\." $line nameend]} {
+ set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [lindex $nameend 0] - 2]]
+ } else {
+ set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [string first "contains " $line] - 2]]
+ }
+ if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} {
$ctext insert end "\n"; # Add newline after commit message
set curdiffstart [$ctext index "end - 1c"]
lappend ctext_file_names ""
- set fname [string range $line 10 [expr [string last " " $line] - 1]]
- lappend ctext_file_lines $fname
- makediffhdr $fname $ids
- $ctext insert end "\n$line\n" filesep
+ if {$currdiffsubmod != $fname} {
+ lappend ctext_file_lines $fname
+ makediffhdr $fname $ids
+ set currdiffsubmod $fname
+ $ctext insert end "\n$line\n" filesep
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line\n" filesep
+ }
} elseif {![string compare -length 3 " >" $line]} {
+ set $currdiffsubmod ""
set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" dresult
} elseif {![string compare -length 3 " <" $line]} {
+ set $currdiffsubmod ""
set line [encoding convertfrom $diffencoding $line]
$ctext insert end "$line\n" d0
} elseif {$diffinhdr} {
# parse the prefix - one ' ', '-' or '+' for each parent
set prefix [string range $line 0 [expr {$diffnparents - 1}]]
set tag [expr {$diffnparents > 1? "m": "d"}]
+ set dowords [expr {$worddiff ne [mc "Line diff"] && $diffnparents == 1}]
+ set words_pre_markup ""
+ set words_post_markup ""
if {[string trim $prefix " -+"] eq {}} {
# prefix only has " ", "-" and "+" in it: normal diff line
set num [string first "-" $prefix]
+ if {$dowords} {
+ set line [string range $line 1 end]
+ }
if {$num >= 0} {
# removed line, first parent with line is $num
if {$num >= $mergemax} {
set num "max"
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tag$num
+ if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} {
+ $ctext insert end "\[-$line-\]" $tag$num
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line" $tag$num
+ }
+ if {!$dowords} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" $tag$num
+ }
} else {
set tags {}
if {[string first "+" $prefix] >= 0} {
lappend tags m$num
+ set words_pre_markup "{+"
+ set words_post_markup "+}"
if {$targetline ne {}} {
if {$diffline == $targetline} {
incr diffline
- $ctext insert end "$line\n" $tags
+ if {$dowords && $worddiff eq [mc "Markup words"]} {
+ $ctext insert end "$words_pre_markup$line$words_post_markup" $tags
+ } else {
+ $ctext insert end "$line" $tags
+ }
+ if {!$dowords} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" $tags
+ }
+ } elseif {$dowords && $prefix eq "~"} {
+ $ctext insert end "\n" {}
} else {
# "\ No newline at end of file",
# or something else we don't recognize
proc diffcommits {a b} {
- global diffcontext diffids blobdifffd diffinhdr
+ global diffcontext diffids blobdifffd diffinhdr currdiffsubmod
set tmpdir [gitknewtmpdir]
set fna [file join $tmpdir "commit-[string range $a 0 7]"]
set diffids [list commits $a $b]
set blobdifffd($diffids) $fd
set diffinhdr 0
+ set currdiffsubmod ""
filerun $fd [list getblobdiffline $fd $diffids]
to file '%s'.\nPlease commit, reset or stash\
your changes and try again." $fname]
} elseif {[regexp -line \
- {^(CONFLICT \(.*\):|Automatic cherry-pick failed)} \
+ {^(CONFLICT \(.*\):|Automatic cherry-pick failed|error: could not apply)} \
$err]} {
if {[confirm_popup [mc "Cherry-pick failed because of merge\
conflict.\nDo you wish to run git citool to\
global maxwidth maxgraphpct use_ttk NS
global oldprefs prefstop showneartags showlocalchanges
global uicolor bgcolor fgcolor ctext diffcolors selectbgcolor markbgcolor
- global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect extdifftool perfile_attrs
+ global tabstop limitdiffs autoselect autosellen extdifftool perfile_attrs
global hideremotes want_ttk have_ttk
set top .gitkprefs
${NS}::checkbutton $top.showlocal -text [mc "Show local changes"] \
-variable showlocalchanges
grid x $top.showlocal -sticky w
- ${NS}::checkbutton $top.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1"] \
+ ${NS}::checkbutton $top.autoselect -text [mc "Auto-select SHA1 (length)"] \
-variable autoselect
- grid x $top.autoselect -sticky w
+ spinbox $top.autosellen -from 1 -to 40 -width 4 -textvariable autosellen
+ grid x $top.autoselect $top.autosellen -sticky w
${NS}::checkbutton $top.hideremotes -text [mc "Hide remote refs"] \
-variable hideremotes
grid x $top.hideremotes -sticky w
# radiobuttons look bad. This chooses white for selectColor if the
# background color is light, or black if it is dark.
proc setui {c} {
+ if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { return }
set bg [winfo rgb . $c]
set selc black
if {[lindex $bg 0] + 1.5 * [lindex $bg 1] + 0.5 * [lindex $bg 2] > 100000} {
proc formatdate {d} {
global datetimeformat
if {$d ne {}} {
- set d [clock format $d -format $datetimeformat]
+ set d [clock format [lindex $d 0] -format $datetimeformat]
return $d
set limitdiffs 1
set datetimeformat "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
set autoselect 1
+set autosellen 40
set perfile_attrs 0
set want_ttk 1
set diffcolors {red "#00a000" blue}
set diffcontext 3
set ignorespace 0
+set worddiff ""
set markbgcolor "#e0e0ff"
set circlecolors {white blue gray blue blue}
set use_ttk [expr {$have_ttk && $want_ttk}]
set NS [expr {$use_ttk ? "ttk" : ""}]
-set git_version [join [lrange [split [lindex [exec git version] end] .] 0 2] .]
+regexp {^git version ([\d.]*\d)} [exec git version] _ git_version
+set show_notes {}
+if {[package vcompare $git_version ""] >= 0} {
+ set show_notes "--show-notes"
set runq {}
set history {}
getcommits {}
+# Local variables:
+# mode: tcl
+# indent-tabs-mode: t
+# tab-width: 8
+# End: