Supported commands: 'list', 'import'.
+ Can guarantee that when a clone is requested, the received
+ pack is self contained and is connected.
If a helper advertises 'connect', Git will use it if possible and
fall back to another capability if the helper requests so when
connecting (see the 'connect' command under COMMANDS).
carried out.
'refspec' <refspec>::
- This modifies the 'import' capability, allowing the produced
- fast-import stream to modify refs in a private namespace
- instead of writing to refs/heads or refs/remotes directly.
+ For remote helpers that implement 'import' or 'export', this capability
+ allows the refs to be constrained to a private namespace, instead of
+ writing to refs/heads or refs/remotes directly.
It is recommended that all importers providing the 'import'
- capability use this.
+ capability use this. It's mandatory for 'export'.
A helper advertising the capability
`refspec refs/heads/*:refs/svn/origin/branches/*`
This capability can be advertised multiple times. The first
applicable refspec takes precedence. The left-hand of refspecs
advertised with this capability must cover all refs reported by
-the list command. If a helper does not need a specific 'refspec'
-capability then it should advertise `refspec *:*`.
+the list command. If no 'refspec' capability is advertised,
+there is an implied `refspec *:*`.
This modifies the 'import' capability.
GIT_DIR/objects/pack which is keeping a pack until refs can be
suitably updated.
+If option 'check-connectivity' is requested, the helper must output
+'connectivity-ok' if the clone is self-contained and connected.
Supported if the helper has the "fetch" capability.
'push' +<src>:<dst>::
must not rely on this option being set before
connect request occurs.
+'option check-connectivity' \{'true'|'false'\}::
+ Request the helper to check connectivity of a clone.