# --pretty %s", displaying the commit id, author, date and log
# message. To list full patches separated by a blank line, you
# could set this to "git show -C %s; echo".
+# To list a gitweb/cgit URL *and* a full patch for each change set, use this:
+# "t=%s; printf 'http://.../?id=%%s' \$t; echo;echo; git show -C \$t; echo"
+# Be careful if "..." contains things that will be expanded by shell "eval"
+# or printf.
# Notes
# -----
- git rev-parse --not --branches | grep -v $(git rev-parse $refname) |
+ other_branches=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/heads/ |
+ grep -F -v $refname)
+ git rev-parse --not $other_branches |
if [ -z "$custom_showrev" ]
git rev-list --pretty --stdin $revspec